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WhitMG06's complete collection

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Super Nintendo

Super Mario All-Stars on Super Nintendo1) Super Mario All-StarsAdd Super Mario All-Stars to your collection Add Super Mario All-Stars to your wishlist
Super Mario Kart on Super NintendoSuper Mario Kart2) Super Mario KartAdd Super Mario Kart to your collection Add Super Mario Kart to your wishlist
Super Mario World on Super NintendoSuper Mario World3) Super Mario WorldAdd Super Mario World to your collection Add Super Mario World to your wishlist
WhitMG06 owns 3 Super Nintendo games

Nintendo DS

Nintendogs on Nintendo DS1) NintendogsAdd Nintendogs to your collection Add Nintendogs to your wishlist
PictoChat on Nintendo DS2) PictoChatAdd PictoChat to your collection Add PictoChat to your wishlist
Super Mario 64 DS on Nintendo DS3) Super Mario 64 DSAdd Super Mario 64 DS to your collection Add Super Mario 64 DS to your wishlist
The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer on Nintendo DS4) The Incredibles: Rise of the UnderminerAdd The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer to your collection Add The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer to your wishlist
WhitMG06 owns 4 Nintendo DS games

Nintendo 64

Diddy Kong Racing on Nintendo 641) Diddy Kong RacingAdd Diddy Kong Racing to your collection Add Diddy Kong Racing to your wishlist
Donkey Kong 64 on Nintendo 642) Donkey Kong 64Add Donkey Kong 64 to your collection Add Donkey Kong 64 to your wishlist
Super Mario 64 on Nintendo 64Super Mario 643) Super Mario 64Add Super Mario 64 to your collection Add Super Mario 64 to your wishlist
Super Smash Bros. on Nintendo 64Super Smash Bros.4) Super Smash Bros.Add Super Smash Bros. to your collection Add Super Smash Bros. to your wishlist
WhitMG06 owns 4 Nintendo 64 games


Super Mario Bros. on NESSuper Mario Bros.1) Super Mario Bros.Add Super Mario Bros. to your collection Add Super Mario Bros. to your wishlist
Super Mario Bros. 3 on NESSuper Mario Bros. 32) Super Mario Bros. 3Add Super Mario Bros. 3 to your collection Add Super Mario Bros. 3 to your wishlist
WhitMG06 owns 2 NES games


The Sims Bustin1) The Sims Bustin' OutAdd The Sims Bustin Add The Sims Bustin
Tony Hawk's Underground on GameCube2) Tony Hawk's UndergroundAdd Tony Hawk's Underground to your collection Add Tony Hawk's Underground to your wishlist
Tony Hawk's Underground 2 on GameCube3) Tony Hawk's Underground 2Add Tony Hawk's Underground 2 to your collection Add Tony Hawk's Underground 2 to your wishlist
WhitMG06 owns 3 GameCube games

Game Boy Color

Super Mario Bros. Deluxe on Game Boy ColorSuper Mario Bros. Deluxe1) Super Mario Bros. DeluxeAdd Super Mario Bros. Deluxe to your collection Add Super Mario Bros. Deluxe to your wishlist
WhitMG06 owns 1 Game Boy Color game

Game Boy Advance

Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island on Game Boy Advance1) Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's IslandAdd Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island to your collection Add Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island to your wishlist
The Sims 2 on Game Boy Advance2) The Sims 2Add The Sims 2 to your collection Add The Sims 2 to your wishlist
Wario Land 4 on Game Boy AdvanceWario Land 43) Wario Land 4Add Wario Land 4 to your collection Add Wario Land 4 to your wishlist
WhitMG06 owns 3 Game Boy Advance games

WhitMG06 owns 20 games in total.

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