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Super Nintendo

Addams Family Values on Super Nintendo1) Addams Family ValuesAdd Addams Family Values to your collection Add Addams Family Values to your wishlist
Aero Fighters on Super Nintendo2) Aero FightersAdd Aero Fighters to your collection Add Aero Fighters to your wishlist
Aladdin on Super Nintendo3) AladdinAdd Aladdin to your collection Add Aladdin to your wishlist
Alien 3 on Super Nintendo4) Alien 3Add Alien 3 to your collection Add Alien 3 to your wishlist
Alien Vs. Predator on Super Nintendo5) Alien Vs. PredatorAdd Alien Vs. Predator to your collection Add Alien Vs. Predator to your wishlist
Art of Fighting on Super Nintendo6) Art of FightingAdd Art of Fighting to your collection Add Art of Fighting to your wishlist
Revolution owns 6 Super Nintendo games

Nintendo DS

Advance Wars: Dual Strike on Nintendo DS1) Advance Wars: Dual StrikeAdd Advance Wars: Dual Strike to your collection Add Advance Wars: Dual Strike to your wishlist
Animal Crossing: Wild World on Nintendo DS2) Animal Crossing: Wild WorldAdd Animal Crossing: Wild World to your collection Add Animal Crossing: Wild World to your wishlist
Revolution owns 2 Nintendo DS games

Nintendo 64

AeroFighters Assault on Nintendo 641) AeroFighters AssaultAdd AeroFighters Assault to your collection Add AeroFighters Assault to your wishlist
Army Men: Air Combat on Nintendo 642) Army Men: Air CombatAdd Army Men: Air Combat to your collection Add Army Men: Air Combat to your wishlist
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes on Nintendo 643) Army Men: Sarge's HeroesAdd Army Men: Sarge's Heroes to your collection Add Army Men: Sarge's Heroes to your wishlist
Revolution owns 3 Nintendo 64 games


Aggressive Inline on GameCube1) Aggressive InlineAdd Aggressive Inline to your collection Add Aggressive Inline to your wishlist
All-Star Baseball 2002 on GameCube2) All-Star Baseball 2002Add All-Star Baseball 2002 to your collection Add All-Star Baseball 2002 to your wishlist
All-Star Baseball 2003 on GameCube3) All-Star Baseball 2003Add All-Star Baseball 2003 to your collection Add All-Star Baseball 2003 to your wishlist
All-Star Baseball 2004 on GameCube4) All-Star Baseball 2004Add All-Star Baseball 2004 to your collection Add All-Star Baseball 2004 to your wishlist
Amazing Island on GameCube5) Amazing IslandAdd Amazing Island to your collection Add Amazing Island to your wishlist
Animal Crossing on GameCube6) Animal CrossingAdd Animal Crossing to your collection Add Animal Crossing to your wishlist
Army Men: Air Combat - The Elite Missions on GameCube7) Army Men: Air Combat - The Elite MissionsAdd Army Men: Air Combat - The Elite Missions to your collection Add Army Men: Air Combat - The Elite Missions to your wishlist
Revolution owns 7 GameCube games

Game Boy Advance

Advance Wars on Game Boy Advance1) Advance WarsAdd Advance Wars to your collection Add Advance Wars to your wishlist
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising on Game Boy Advance2) Advance Wars 2: Black Hole RisingAdd Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising to your collection Add Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising to your wishlist
Revolution owns 2 Game Boy Advance games
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