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J4K's Wi-Fi enabled games

 on Nintendo DS 42 All-Time Classics
 Friend Code: 2234-2166-5848
 I play: N/A
 Comments: I own "Club House Games", so I do not know if that will affect anything.
 on Nintendo 3DS Animal Crossing: New Leaf
 Friend Code: 3153-3815-4104
 I play: N/A
 Comments: I'm on the East Coast of the USA, so my availability might be a bit different. Town fruit: Apple
 Comments: Don't play often, but am open. Established members only please.
 Comments: Not nearly as good as I used to be, but still up for a race. No snakers, please.
 on Nintendo 3DS Pokémon X and Y
 Friend Code: NONE
 I play: N/A

J4K owns 5 Wi-Fi enabled games!

J4K's complete collection

Game Name Rating My Review Add


Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock on Wii1) Guitar Hero III: Legends of RockAdd Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock to your collection Add Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock to your wishlist
Guitar Hero: World Tour on Wii2) Guitar Hero: World TourAdd Guitar Hero: World Tour to your collection Add Guitar Hero: World Tour to your wishlist
Medal of Honor Heroes 2 on Wii3) Medal of Honor Heroes 2Add Medal of Honor Heroes 2 to your collection Add Medal of Honor Heroes 2 to your wishlist
Resident Evil 4 (2005) on Wii4) Resident Evil 4 (2005)Add Resident Evil 4 (2005) to your collection Add Resident Evil 4 (2005) to your wishlist
Super Mario Galaxy on Wii5) Super Mario GalaxyAdd Super Mario Galaxy to your collection Add Super Mario Galaxy to your wishlist
Super Smash Bros. Brawl on Wii6) Super Smash Bros. BrawlAdd Super Smash Bros. Brawl to your collection Add Super Smash Bros. Brawl to your wishlist
The Conduit on Wii7) The ConduitAdd The Conduit to your collection Add The Conduit to your wishlist
Wii Sports on Wii8) Wii SportsAdd Wii Sports to your collection Add Wii Sports to your wishlist
J4K owns 8 Wii games

Nintendo DS

Advance Wars: Dark Conflict on Nintendo DS1) Advance Wars: Dark ConflictAdd Advance Wars: Dark Conflict to your collection Add Advance Wars: Dark Conflict to your wishlist
Advance Wars: Dual Strike on Nintendo DS2) Advance Wars: Dual StrikeAdd Advance Wars: Dual Strike to your collection Add Advance Wars: Dual Strike to your wishlist
Age of Empires: The Age of Kings on Nintendo DS3) Age of Empires: The Age of KingsAdd Age of Empires: The Age of Kings to your collection Add Age of Empires: The Age of Kings to your wishlist
Animal Crossing: Wild World on Nintendo DS4) Animal Crossing: Wild WorldAdd Animal Crossing: Wild World to your collection Add Animal Crossing: Wild World to your wishlist
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized on Nintendo DS5) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: MobilizedAdd Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized to your collection Add Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized to your wishlist
Chrono Trigger on Nintendo DS6) Chrono TriggerAdd Chrono Trigger to your collection Add Chrono Trigger to your wishlist
Disgaea DS on Nintendo DS7) Disgaea DS8/10Read ReviewAdd Disgaea DS to your collection Add Disgaea DS to your wishlist
Final Fantasy IV on Nintendo DS8) Final Fantasy IVAdd Final Fantasy IV to your collection Add Final Fantasy IV to your wishlist
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings on Nintendo DS9) Final Fantasy XII: Revenant WingsAdd Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings to your collection Add Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings to your wishlist
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon on Nintendo DS10) Fire Emblem: Shadow DragonAdd Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon to your collection Add Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon to your wishlist
GoldenEye: Rogue Agent on Nintendo DS11) GoldenEye: Rogue AgentAdd GoldenEye: Rogue Agent to your collection Add GoldenEye: Rogue Agent to your wishlist
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time on Nintendo DS12) Mario & Luigi: Partners in TimeAdd Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time to your collection Add Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time to your wishlist
Mario Kart DS on Nintendo DS13) Mario Kart DSAdd Mario Kart DS to your collection Add Mario Kart DS to your wishlist
Meteos on Nintendo DS14) MeteosAdd Meteos to your collection Add Meteos to your wishlist
Metroid Prime Hunters on Nintendo DS15) Metroid Prime HuntersAdd Metroid Prime Hunters to your collection Add Metroid Prime Hunters to your wishlist
New Super Mario Bros. on Nintendo DS16) New Super Mario Bros.Add New Super Mario Bros. to your collection Add New Super Mario Bros. to your wishlist
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on Nintendo DS17) Phoenix Wright: Ace AttorneyAdd Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney to your collection Add Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney to your wishlist
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All on Nintendo DS18) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For AllAdd Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All to your collection Add Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All to your wishlist
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials & Tribulations on Nintendo DS19) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials & TribulationsAdd Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials & Tribulations to your collection Add Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials & Tribulations to your wishlist
Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon on Nintendo DS20) Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest MoonAdd Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon to your collection Add Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon to your wishlist
Scribblenauts on Nintendo DS21) ScribblenautsAdd Scribblenauts to your collection Add Scribblenauts to your wishlist
Star Fox Command on Nintendo DS22) Star Fox CommandAdd Star Fox Command to your collection Add Star Fox Command to your wishlist
Super Mario 64 DS on Nintendo DS23) Super Mario 64 DSAdd Super Mario 64 DS to your collection Add Super Mario 64 DS to your wishlist
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass on Nintendo DS24) The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass9/10Read ReviewAdd The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass to your wishlist
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks on Nintendo DS25) The Legend of Zelda: Spirit TracksAdd The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks to your wishlist
J4K owns 25 Nintendo DS games

Nintendo 3DS

Animal Crossing: New Leaf on Nintendo 3DS1) Animal Crossing: New Leaf1/10Add Animal Crossing: New Leaf to your collection Add Animal Crossing: New Leaf to your wishlist
J4K owns 1 Nintendo 3DS game


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on GameCube1) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight PrincessAdd The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess to your wishlist
J4K owns 1 GameCube game

J4K owns 35 games in total.

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