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Hammid's Wi-Fi enabled games

 on Nintendo DS Animal Crossing: Wild World
 Friend Code: 2706-5109-5595
 I play: 16:00-23:00
 Comments: Name: Hammid City: Ahwaz
 on Nintendo DS Mario Kart DS
 Friend Code: 5455-2075-5396
 I play: 16:00-23:00
 Comments: Wee!
 on Nintendo DS Metroid Prime Hunters
 Friend Code: 0430-1988-5053
 I play: 16:00-23:00
 Comments: Name: Hammid
 on Nintendo DS Tetris DS
 Friend Code: 4219-8282-2602
 I play: 16:00-23:00

Hammid owns 4 Wi-Fi enabled games!

Hammid's complete collection

Game Name Rating My Review Add

Nintendo DS

Advance Wars: Dual Strike on Nintendo DS1) Advance Wars: Dual StrikeAdd Advance Wars: Dual Strike to your collection Add Advance Wars: Dual Strike to your wishlist
Mario Kart DS on Nintendo DS2) Mario Kart DSAdd Mario Kart DS to your collection Add Mario Kart DS to your wishlist
Metroid Prime Hunters on Nintendo DS3) Metroid Prime HuntersAdd Metroid Prime Hunters to your collection Add Metroid Prime Hunters to your wishlist
New Super Mario Bros. on Nintendo DS4) New Super Mario Bros.Add New Super Mario Bros. to your collection Add New Super Mario Bros. to your wishlist
Nintendogs on Nintendo DS5) NintendogsAdd Nintendogs to your collection Add Nintendogs to your wishlist
Super Mario 64 DS on Nintendo DS6) Super Mario 64 DSAdd Super Mario 64 DS to your collection Add Super Mario 64 DS to your wishlist
Tetris DS on Nintendo DS7) Tetris DSAdd Tetris DS to your collection Add Tetris DS to your wishlist
Hammid owns 7 Nintendo DS games

Nintendo 64

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask on Nintendo 641) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's MaskAdd The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask to your wishlist
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on Nintendo 642) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TimeAdd The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time to your wishlist
Hammid owns 2 Nintendo 64 games


The Legend of Zelda on NES1) The Legend of ZeldaAdd The Legend of Zelda to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda to your wishlist
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link on NES2) Zelda II: The Adventure of LinkAdd Zelda II: The Adventure of Link to your collection Add Zelda II: The Adventure of Link to your wishlist
Hammid owns 2 NES games


Donkey Konga on GameCube1) Donkey KongaAdd Donkey Konga to your collection Add Donkey Konga to your wishlist
F-Zero GX on GameCube2) F-Zero GXAdd F-Zero GX to your collection Add F-Zero GX to your wishlist
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles on GameCube3) Final Fantasy Crystal ChroniclesAdd Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles to your collection Add Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles to your wishlist
Geist on GameCube4) GeistAdd Geist to your collection Add Geist to your wishlist
Kirby Air Ride on GameCube5) Kirby Air RideAdd Kirby Air Ride to your collection Add Kirby Air Ride to your wishlist
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! on GameCube6) Mario Kart: Double Dash!!Add Mario Kart: Double Dash!! to your collection Add Mario Kart: Double Dash!! to your wishlist
Mario Party 5 on GameCube7) Mario Party 5Add Mario Party 5 to your collection Add Mario Party 5 to your wishlist
Medal of Honor: European Assault on GameCube8) Medal of Honor: European AssaultAdd Medal of Honor: European Assault to your collection Add Medal of Honor: European Assault to your wishlist
Metroid Prime on GameCube9) Metroid PrimeAdd Metroid Prime to your collection Add Metroid Prime to your wishlist
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes on GameCube10) Metroid Prime 2: EchoesAdd Metroid Prime 2: Echoes to your collection Add Metroid Prime 2: Echoes to your wishlist
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within on GameCube11) Prince of Persia: Warrior WithinAdd Prince of Persia: Warrior Within to your collection Add Prince of Persia: Warrior Within to your wishlist
Resident Evil on GameCube12) Resident EvilAdd Resident Evil to your collection Add Resident Evil to your wishlist
Resident Evil 0 on GameCube13) Resident Evil 0Add Resident Evil 0 to your collection Add Resident Evil 0 to your wishlist
Resident Evil 4 (2005) on GameCube14) Resident Evil 4 (2005)Add Resident Evil 4 (2005) to your collection Add Resident Evil 4 (2005) to your wishlist
Sonic Adventure 2 on GameCube15) Sonic Adventure 2Add Sonic Adventure 2 to your collection Add Sonic Adventure 2 to your wishlist
SoulCalibur II on GameCube16) SoulCalibur IIAdd SoulCalibur II to your collection Add SoulCalibur II to your wishlist
Star Fox Adventures on GameCube17) Star Fox AdventuresAdd Star Fox Adventures to your collection Add Star Fox Adventures to your wishlist
Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike on GameCube18) Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel StrikeAdd Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike to your collection Add Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike to your wishlist
Super Mario Sunshine on GameCube19) Super Mario SunshineAdd Super Mario Sunshine to your collection Add Super Mario Sunshine to your wishlist
Super Monkey Ball on GameCube20) Super Monkey BallAdd Super Monkey Ball to your collection Add Super Monkey Ball to your wishlist
Super Smash Bros. Melee on GameCube21) Super Smash Bros. MeleeAdd Super Smash Bros. Melee to your collection Add Super Smash Bros. Melee to your wishlist
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures on GameCube22) The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords AdventuresAdd The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures to your wishlist
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker on GameCube23) The Legend of Zelda: The Wind WakerAdd The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker to your wishlist
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect on GameCube24) TimeSplitters: Future PerfectAdd TimeSplitters: Future Perfect to your collection Add TimeSplitters: Future Perfect to your wishlist
WarioWare, Inc: Mega Party Games on GameCube25) WarioWare, Inc: Mega Party GamesAdd WarioWare, Inc: Mega Party Games to your collection Add WarioWare, Inc: Mega Party Games to your wishlist
Hammid owns 25 GameCube games

Game Boy Color

Mario Golf on Game Boy ColorMario Golf1) Mario GolfAdd Mario Golf to your collection Add Mario Golf to your wishlist
Mission: Impossible on Game Boy Color2) Mission: ImpossibleAdd Mission: Impossible to your collection Add Mission: Impossible to your wishlist
Hammid owns 2 Game Boy Color games

Game Boy Advance

Doom on Game Boy Advance1) DoomAdd Doom to your collection Add Doom to your wishlist
Golden Sun on Game Boy Advance2) Golden SunAdd Golden Sun to your collection Add Golden Sun to your wishlist
Metroid Fusion on Game Boy AdvanceMetroid Fusion3) Metroid FusionAdd Metroid Fusion to your collection Add Metroid Fusion to your wishlist
Super Mario Advance on Game Boy Advance4) Super Mario AdvanceAdd Super Mario Advance to your collection Add Super Mario Advance to your wishlist
Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World on Game Boy Advance5) Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario WorldAdd Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World to your collection Add Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World to your wishlist
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past on Game Boy Advance6) The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the PastAdd The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past to your wishlist
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap on Game Boy Advance7) The Legend of Zelda: The Minish CapAdd The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap to your wishlist
Hammid owns 7 Game Boy Advance games

Hammid owns 45 games in total.

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