Rember the good old DC. I do still play it today with games like SOF, Quake 3, Shemuni, the sonic, crzy taxi, RPGs and many other great games(DOA2). Does anyone love sega greatist concel.(its is in my option)
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Rember the good old DC. I do still play it today with games like SOF, Quake 3, Shemuni, the sonic, crzy taxi, RPGs and many other great games(DOA2). Does anyone love sega greatist concel.(its is in my option)
I bought one once but didn't buy any games. Thinking about it that was slightly silly. I still have it somewhere. I wanted to get powerstone cos I've heard good things about it. I never found it though. Anyone got powerstone?
Anyone got powerstone?I have it. Its pretty cool. Its kind of like smash bros in a way.
Yay! The Dreamcast! It was a great console. Last time I counted I had like 70 games for it. It's a real nice little system and has out lived my PlayStation 2 (stupid disc read error!!!!) and has only recently gone to my second favourite console while I battle away on Tales of Symphonia.
Shenmue 2 is fantastic though. I was lucky enough to win it in GamesMaster magazine about 2 years ago, woo - it's quite hard to find in good cindition.
I think pretty much everyone loves the Dreamcast - its a great system, and now its really cheap with some great games. I like Shenmue best, and of course Sonic Adventure (although SADX is better to get, on GameCube).
I was blown away first time I saw Sonic Adventure running on a newly imported Japanese DC!
Soul Caliber was worth the asking price alone.
Shemue 1/2 were excellent.
Daytona and Sega Rally 2 were good conversions.
To name but a few *cough* *ikaruga*....
I love dream cast I still play mine (alot) I love DDR and sonic. I was so sad to see DC go. but I'm glad Sonic lives on
I never owned one, but I feel that the Gamecube has some of the spirit and owes some of it's success to the Dreamcast, in both it's downfall (leading to SEGA fans coming to the Gamecube) and it's really smart looking games.
I remember a guy at school brought it in and they played Powerstone, which is really like SSBM in terms of frantic, simple fighting gameplay.
My last thoughts....Skies of Arcadia....for which I am eternally grateful. The first SEGA game I ever played to finish and it really is special.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat
Great console!
I've got about thirty odd games... and a light gun!!!!
dreamcast? it was before my time... hey, whats the deal whih the "specail" DC memory cards? what did they do? why did they have LCD screens?
Dreamcast Rules. I've followed sonic games so yeah now I'm on the game cube.
I've followed sonic games so yeah now I'm on the game cube.
Do you have Sonic Shuffle per chance? One of the few sonic games I don't own...
My Dreamcast is currently the other console plugged in ready to played in my room, along with the Cube.
VMU's were genius also, only problem being the battery life/replacement issue.
Yep I have it. It is one of my many favorites. I'm currently in my business class longing to get home.
Yeah VMU's are fun I love raising my chao ^_^
Damn, *Is Jealous*
I went to so many shops looking for replacement batteries, but could never find them!
I may have to have a look on Ebay for Shuffle as well, read loads of reviews of it and stuff, but never got round to buying it.
Don't remind me about school, mine starts again tomorrow.
Lucky. Heh yeah I love playing sonic games. What's your favorite character?
Got to the blue speed-mesiter himself; Sonic. Although Knuckles is pretty damn cool, hell I love all the characters, but I'll stick with Sonic. How about you?
There doesn't seem to be any new Sonic games coming out for a while, so that give me a chance to complete my collection, just need the money...
Heh. Yeah I like sonic too but my fave is probably tails. He's just fun to use.
What the hell was Sonic jam isaw it on that mega collection "history of sonic" looked like some 3d sonic game on the saturn but i though there wernt any proper sonic platform games on the saturn.
probably like sonic 3D blast I loved that game too
Sonic JAM was just a compilation of some of the older MegaDrive games and some bonus material like moveis and such.
Need to pick up a cheap Saturn at some point too...
heh. cool. I'm not up on all the sonic stuff but my bro is a psycho. he knows it all kinda sad really...
nothing can beat the all classic power stone 2 it was such a cool game
heh I've heard that's good.
i only bought a dreamcast just to buy tht game (i know im pathetic) but it took 3 years of my life cos it was fun in multiplayer and just in single player
heh sounds like it's worth it. And if your pathetic I must be a ship wrek