Been playing through Undertale (second playthrough) and it's awesome! One of the best RPG's I have ever played. That's coming from someone who generally doesn't like the genre. There's a tonne of amazing and interesting characters/NPC's throughout the story both in design and personality wise. One in particular caught my attention. I was feeling similarities between him and myself.
So it got me thinking of an interesting topic. Which videogame character or NPC would you find yourself most comparable too?
For me, it's this guy... Ficus Licker
You never find out much about him, but the way he acts in a situation really related to me. Basically, he goes into a restaurant and forgets to make a reservation, but doesn't want to embarrass himself. So he stands in the restaurant licking a ficus in an attempt to blend in and not look like he's messed up.
This is totally the way I act sometimes. Because I get so nervous and I am so shy around groups of people. I'm also constantly worrying about messing things up. Even if it's something simple.
( Edited 06.12.2015 12:18 by Azuardo )