5 is not a bad score for a game that is basically a huge anime advert and fan service machine.
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5 is not a bad score for a game that is basically a huge anime advert and fan service machine.
i buy the game and well its sucks. i mean
the characters are great and thats the only reason i just fell dessapoint and not sick
1 only 3 rounds. old gamers like me enjoy play offline figthing games at least for 35 min in 1 arcade mode 3 rounds is too short 5 rounds must to be the minimum
2 the play style is fine i dont use the square smash i use 1, 2, 3 and special move. the graphics are nice and i was in love of the game when i saw dokuro chan like suport
3 the level figth is the real reason why this game STINK is so fcking easy the rival dont even move sometimes, i must to let my oponent kill me 2 times to enjoy the game and it take 1 min to be defeat , in soul calivurV is only 3 rounds but the cpu is hard and i can enjoy the battle with no time limit, but here even with no time limit is sucks i can beat the game in level 5 with only low kicks BORING AS HELL. they do a good animation good music and good playstyle but the dificult and short rounds sucks. same then injustice only 2 round i kick ass so fast. AND ONLINE IS NOT EXCUSE. I DONT NEED TO HAVE INTERNET TO ENJOY A GAME OF $40.
too shame games in this days is sell the crap first and sell the good game latter im sure the next ver of this game will be $40 $80 for a single game. too bad because i go to buy it i just love these game but i wish the next ver got 5 rounds AND HELL level LIKE BLAZBLUE i dont need the new ver THE OLD VER IS 5 ROUNDS MANNY CHARACTERS GOOD DIFFICULT AND GOOD MUSIC KICK ASS THIS FIGTHING CLIMAX is just a joke like MVC3 injustice doa5