Review: Xenoblade Chronicles 3D

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Aww- the bit about the land mass matching the size of the Japanese archipelago is missing :/

classic game!!

Awesome review man! Exceptionally well written, informative and engrossing. Thanks loads! I will be getting my copy this weekend; now if we can just get chronicles X already! Smilie

Michael is a freelance writer and camera operator He longs for the day he can finally buy a hover board and is intent on one day finding all 120 stars in Super Mario 64 One day

Insanoflex said:
Aww- the bit about the land mass matching the size of the Japanese archipelago is missing :/

Not sure why that was...Back in now! I must have been half asleep when editing Smilie

heathenmagic said:
classic game!!

Definitely! Although I'm not sure if restricting to New 3DS only puts it at even more of a disadvantage than before!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Ninty is banking on the popularity of xeno to sell the new 3ds model.
kind of a reversal of the situation of what happened with xeno on wii.

Link2thefuture83 said:
Awesome review man! Exceptionally well written, informative and engrossing. Thanks loads! I will be getting my copy this weekend; now if we can just get chronicles X already! Smilie

thank you- I worked hard on this to get through it fast Smilie

the size of xeno should keep ya busy till X comes.

The original Xenoblade Chronicles on Wii was never as much of a graphical powerhouse as some other Wii games, like the Super Mario Galaxy duo or even Metroid: Other M.
I have just noticed something here that I don't agree with. Other M? It had some okay lighting effects but it was a really bad looking game. Xenoblade was head and heels above it in terms of detail in the models, design and just about every graphical quality.
There again I just hate Other M with a passion.

Great review of Xenoblade though! I'm loving the game so far but I switched back to the wii version where the colours are more vibrant. It's a shame they didn't abandon the 3d aspect entirely and just focus on packing in as much detail as possible.

( Edited 29.04.2015 15:22 by Sandy Wilson )

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

If people get over their hate of other m- they would notice it does have very strong and sleek visuals.

say what you want about other m- but you cannot deny team ninja's impeccable artistry.

Insanoflex said:
If people get over their hate of other m- they would notice it does have very strong and sleek visuals.

say what you want about other m- but you cannot deny team ninja's impeccable artistry.

hm... they are nice screenshots. The levels were just a bit bland. I don't hate it that much I just don't really like it. Story-wise it was a mess and it destroyed Samus as a character and gameplay-wise the controls were just messy.

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

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