Cubed3 Smash League
( Edited 14.11.2015 13:31 by Azuardo )
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All right, from this point on, everyone is free to arrange matches with each other in any order they like. I can update any of the matches in any order. You can get your matches out of the way quickly with other people, or you can spread them out a bit. There is no time limit on when to get them all done by, but let's try not to drag it out too long.
I am always down for matches whenever, and I have plenty of free time over this Easter weekend if anyone wants to get any of theirs with me done over the next few days.
Good luck to all! Looking forward to a different format.
Right! Time to get gaming I'll be free for a bit tomorrow morning and evening but not between them so I'll probably post here and see if anyone is up for a match.
Just message in here or PM me when anyone wants to fight me. I will have time over Sat to Mon.
Just to confirm, the rules are set now - nothing is changing, so the banned items above are final. If we keep having debates about ins and outs, we won't get anywhere, so let's just stick to the above now and begin.
If anyone still wants to drop out or join, you can, but everything is a go to proceed now.
Sandy, you online for some games with me, Lewis and Marzy for the league? Saw you online before but gone now.
Some results:
Az 2-1 Marzy
Lewis 2-0 Az
Lewis 2-0 Marzy
I can be on later had to leave for a birthday party.
Results from today:
Az 2-0 jb
jb 2-1 Marzy
Congrats to JB and Az for the wins!
Yeah, good games so far! Enjoying it a lot.
Was manic, very tense matches - items does make it significantly more challenging!
Match with Marzy was very, very close - literally down to the very last stock
One thing I've noticed - happened in both my matches and the tourney too, was how sometimes you can literally fall off (like a rock), or it doesn't grab the ledge?
Happened a lot when I first started the Wii U version, but less so now (have been told when playing locally, it's me holding down lol - I dunno)
( Edited 05.04.2015 23:34 by jb )
I think it's easy to accidentally knock down and drop. Did it myself in our match, and only just managed to recover. Heart stopper lol. But I dunno, I put it down to accidental presses of down.
Sounds like you guys are accidentally doing this: http://www.ssbwiki.com/Fast_falling
Sorry about not being avaiable over the weekend. The start of April is always horrendous at mine. Birthdays after birthdays after birthdays and having Easter too was just a lot to take in. Soo tired now!
It's ite Sandy. You free today or tonight?
I hope I'll have time tonight after work. I get home about six
Me and Sandy are gonna do our match now. If any others are available, jump into the chat room and we will try to get some done
Az 2-1 Sandy
I'm free all night for any more games.
( Edited 06.04.2015 19:39 by Azuardo )
Weekends are probably best for me, but I can have a match or two during the week. If anyone wants to play, just PM me on here and we can organise a match.
PM'd you : )
I've contacted everyone on the list, but no replies from some people, so I hope people will get back to organise and confirm/deny they're still taking part. Matches won't get done if people don't say what their plans are, and I don't want to have to be chasing people all the time, so please post like Mush has to say when is best for you.
I want to get mine done ASAP so let me know any time.
I'm available at most times, though the afternoon and evening for me are the best. EST of course.
Snowtwo said:Free today? Drop me a PM or email when is best for you.
I'm available at most times, though the afternoon and evening for me are the best. EST of course.
Az 2-0 Snowtwo
Very important point to make here.
Between rounds, the game stupidly switches whose rules are in effect sometimes. Without realising, it switched to Snowtwo's rules after round 1, noticeable because a Smash Ball appeared. Therefore, both players please make sure you are setting up the correct rules just in case the game switches who is in control between rounds.
Remember, items are Low frequency, and you should always have a total of 7 items turned off; those being: Smash Balls, Special Flag, Boss Galaga, Hammer, Golden Hammer, Beetle and Gust Bellows.
And again, always Omega stages, or the following: Battlefield, Final Destination, Smashville, Lylat Cruise, Town & City, Castle Siege, Delfino Plaza, Duck Hunt, Halberd.
Also, rough schedule for the types of tournies we'll do in the future in order of plan:
Selected items with tourney stages (on-going)
No items with tourney stages
All items with any stage
Double Elimination Tourneys
No items with tourney stages (once SSB patch drops)
All items with any stage
Selected items with tourney stages
A league and tourney will hopefully always be running in conjunction with each other, but the next tourney won't begin until the patch comes out. Hopefully not too long away.
( Edited 07.04.2015 21:08 by Azuardo )
Anyone who is going to battle me, just send me a PM with a suggested time (in UK time, please). I am most likely going to be able to play at that time if I get about 24 hours to adapt my daily schedule to include it as I am quite busy IRL at the moment in addition to my Cubed3 duties. Luckly most of the things I am doing can be moved around quite freely, so if I get a time I can most likely adapt to it. If not, I will say so in my reply.
Have a nice day, and feel free to contact me! I sit on c3 pretty much at all times, so I will most likely reply within an hour or two.
Mush 2-1 Az
Mush 2-0 Marzy
Will fight Andre some time between 6 and 7pm UK time, if anyone else is free then to fight.
Mush and Marzy are free then too. I am free any time tonight.
( Edited 08.04.2015 16:54 by Azuardo )
Bunch of us are in the chat room now getting matches done, if anyone is around.