Gameboy Player

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I've been reading up lots about the Gameboy Player recently and decided I would like one. But first I have 2 questions for all of you on the forums.

1. Is the Gameboy Player avalable in purple, I really don't want a black one. Also if it is available in puple is that the UK/PAL version or do I need to buy a freeloader and get a US or JAP purple one ?

2. I've read people commenting on the analog stick not being great fro GBA games can I get a use my GBA link cable to use my GBA as the controller when I'm playing on the Gmaeboy Player ?

Thanks in advance
hpoom ( )

1. No
2. Not sure

1: The purple, sadly, is just in Japan - I'm not sure if its freeloader compatable.
2: Yes, you can use the GBA, but even better get one of these Japanese digital GameCube controllers (click) for just

Uhh, I believe the color is Indigo. Smilie

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Thanks for the reply's. I'm now torn between getting an indigo player from lik-sang and hoping it works with my freeloader or buying a second hand black UK one from ebay. I will be getting one of those digital pads from lik-sang for sure.

How does the black player look when attached to an indigo GC ? Does it still look OK ?

Thanks again

1. No
2. yes and you can use a different controller.

if you don't like it then kiss my shiney metal ass.

Do you reckon the Gamecube will have a DS player? I think it won't happen, as it will be missing a touch screen...

"We destroyed the Taj Mahal?!" FMA: The Abridged series (Episode 4)

We have an Indigo over here, I purchased both colours...

Prodigis wrote:
Do you reckon the Gamecube will have a DS player? I think it won't happen, as it will be missing a touch screen...

Its totally beyond me what would posess anyone to ask such a question. But everyone seams to be asking it. And you've answered it yourself.

If you have two Memory Card 251's (Official) the black looks good under a purple cube. After a while you forget it's there anyway.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

*looks at cube*
Nah, I still think it looks ugly.

Prodigis wrote:
Do you reckon the Gamecube will have a DS player? I think it won't happen, as it will be missing a touch screen...

Its not very likely because the GC (as well as xbox and ps2) are almost done (almost time for revolution yay!).... but it could happen if you use your DS as a controller and bottom screen but it would feel weird so it most likely wont happen....but Revolution will have DS connectivity like GC and GBA.

ocuments and SettingsBrianMy DocumentsMy Picturesmegaman sig.gif" alt='Image for ' />

Why get a gameboy player anyways???? Kinda pointless to me but oh well. Thats just as dumb as people saying the SNES was the best console ever.

Everyone likes the band they just don't realize it

Omnikill wrote:
Why get a gameboy player anyways???? Kinda pointless to me but oh well. Thats just as dumb as people saying the SNES was the best console ever.

ppl get GB player because they can play gba game on a big screen some ppl have bad eyes and cant see the small screen....and snes was the best system ever because of game like mario rpg, megaman x3, mmx2, mmx, super mario world, yoshi's island, and like 1,000 other great games...if the snes was a bad system then there would be like 2 games for gba because just about all gba games were snes remakes....the nes was a good system too because it had alot of good games too (not to mention the best selling game of all time super mario bros. 3)...just because they are old systems does not make them any less good

ocuments and SettingsBrianMy DocumentsMy Picturesmegaman sig.gif" alt='Image for ' />

just because they are old systems does not make them any less good

Never said SNES or old systems weren't good by the way. But point taken with the whole can't see the screen thing. It would be better to buy a 3rd party gameboy player as they cost less and do the same thing.

Everyone likes the band they just don't realize it

Never said SNES or old systems weren't good by the way. But point taken with the whole can't see the screen thing. It would be better to buy a 3rd party gameboy player as they cost less and do the same thing.

Nintendo's Game Boy Player is the only one that supports GBC and GB games as well as GBA, and its the only one that guarantees 100% compatability (unless otherwise stated but very rare).

Thats called words to make me stay away from those 3rd party bad guys. 100% capability??? Nothing in this world can be 100% efficient in anything as stated thru laws of physics.

Everyone likes the band they just don't realize it

Omnikill wrote:
Never said SNES or old systems weren't good by the way.

I wasn't talking about you only its just I hear a lot of people now days who don't like old systems...and I thought you were one of those people I'm sry if I offended you or anything I didn't mean to I was just making a point...i just thought when you said...

Thats just as dumb as people saying the SNES was the best console ever. ment you didnt like snes or old systems

ocuments and SettingsBrianMy DocumentsMy Picturesmegaman sig.gif" alt='Image for ' />

Omnikill wrote:
Thats called words to make me stay away from those 3rd party bad guys. 100% capability??? Nothing in this world can be 100% efficient in anything as stated thru laws of physics.

Thats "through" not "thru", and yes, I am a physicist. But yes, Nintendo do test all new GBA games (including 3rd party games) on all 3 (now 4) consoles capable of playing them to ensure they're compatable. Datel's rival Game Boy Player has only 98% compatability - its good, but its not every game.

[ Edited by beamrider2600 on 2004/12/2 22:36 ]

beamrider2600 wrote:
Datel's rival Game Boy Player has only 98% compatability - its good, but its not every game.

so thats like 1 or 2 games that wont work big deal

ocuments and SettingsBrianMy DocumentsMy Picturesmegaman sig.gif" alt='Image for ' />

DOnt hink Datels one played Old GB games either

^Like I said.

>< didn't see

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