Capcom: Why Monster Hunter Belongs on 3DS

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I think a large part of it is the region. Monster Hunter is a huge phenomenon in Japan, but it was barely acknowledged by gamers there on the level it is now until it went handheld. Monster Hunter belongs on 3DS because something about handheld Monster Hunter sets its biggest demographic ablaze like magic. Console MH sales in Japan don't even begin to compare.

And from the looks of things.. porting MH to consoles for western release doesn't see the sales that'd make the porting effort worth it. I can hella see why people in western regions prefer it on consoles, it is a "big" experience and seeing those huge monsters on a huge TV is pretty impressive at times, but the sales speak for themselves.

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As long as they keep releasing Monster Hunter games in the west, I don't really give a crap what system they release it on. I'll still buy it. Smilie

Mush said:
As long as they keep releasing Monster Hunter games in the west, I don't really give a crap what system they release it on. I'll still buy it. Smilie

The best we would get would be more HD ports with some graphical updates but not much beyond that. Big screen, yes, but just like with Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate a lot of people would be complaining about the graphics. Handheld is the way to go in Japan, so spending a lot of resources on console version just for us doesn't make sense for Capcom. Even then, it would still split the user base because I don't think they could implement cross online play between 3DS and Wii U.

For me, it's more about the controls than the big screen, tbh. Playing Unite on the Vita hasn't made me wish that I was playing on a TV so far but it sure made me wish I was using a PS3 controller because the Vita sticks are weird and the shoulder buttons are pretty bad.

I would greatly prefer it on consoles. Button-mashing on the 3DS causes the nerves in my arms to flare up. I usually have to stop after one or two missions.

That said, I'd rather have to space it out than not be able to play at all, so as long as they keep localizing it, I'll keep playing it.

Here's hoping the new 3DS XL is easier on my arms.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I think both. But if I had to chose one or the other I would chose handheld everyday. MH is a game to experience with local multiplayer and the only efficient way to do that the way it is intended is with handhelds

Handhelds only > Consoles only when it comes to MH games.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Has anyone played the exclusive demo for MH4? It's awesome!

The new 3ds is made for this!

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

Sandy Wilson said:
Has anyone played the exclusive demo for MH4? It's awesome!

The new 3ds is made for this!

Do you have a New 3DS? If so, what's it like using the C-Stick?

Mush said:
Sandy Wilson said:
Has anyone played the exclusive demo for MH4? It's awesome!

The new 3ds is made for this!

Do you have a New 3DS? If so, what's it like using the C-Stick?

I do! It's odd, it never quite feels like you're pushing it yet it's amazing to use in game as they got the sensitivity just right. Smilie

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

Sandy Wilson said:
Mush said:
Sandy Wilson said:
Has anyone played the exclusive demo for MH4? It's awesome!

The new 3ds is made for this!

Do you have a New 3DS? If so, what's it like using the C-Stick?

I do! It's odd, it never quite feels like you're pushing it yet it's amazing to use in game as they got the sensitivity just right. Smilie

As long as everything works alright and feels okay, I'm totally fine with it. Smilie
Really can't wait to get my MM New 3DS XL, but this was my main concern. Thanks for somewhat clearing it up.

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