So tilting the GamePad like a steering wheel isn't good enough? Huh?!
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So tilting the GamePad like a steering wheel isn't good enough? Huh?!
It's a racing game, what friggin type of controller could it possibly need that can achieve what the 100s of options already available can't?????????
:/ F-Zero HD would be amazing.
( Edited 06.01.2015 22:11 by Ifrit XXII )
Load of shit. Love Miyamoto, but he doesn't half talk shit and make dumb decisions. Games like these don't need massive gimmicks or special controllers. You've got the controller you need for this game already on the market. It's called the GamePad!
Best guess is they see no point in building an F-Zero from scratch for the ill-fated Wii U, and are waiting for the next console. Saying that, they had their chance for so long to bring the game to the Wii U, and it's just not happened. Other possibility is it's being made, but can't announce it, like MM3D. Makes no sense to say comments like this when the GamePad is the only controller you ever needed to bring the series back.
Side note: I think it's clear the recent YouTube interviews Miyamoto did the rounds on have had their questions heavily controlled by Nintendo, because the questions have been rather shit and samey. Why on earth is no one asking if there are traditional control options in Star Fox, for the love of god? Ask about 2D and 3D Metroid (would get a generic answer anyway, but still). Ask why Nintendo treats Dixie like shit. Tell him to add battle arenas to MK8. Yeah, definitely controlled questions.
( Edited 06.01.2015 22:13 by Azuardo )
Don't blame them for thinking this way, they'll need a hell of a controller gimmick to make an F-Zero game better than GX. Why they don't just spruce up that version for WiiU to keep the fans happy is beyond me.
There's no need at all for a new control system to have a new F-Zero. It's such a poor excuse.
I'm tired of these "innovative" controls they try to force on people. Just give me a gamepad and let me race how I've always raced in racing games. Some people have health conditions and it limits people from playing. I would know, because I'm a victim of this myself. I'm so concerned about Star Fox at the moment, because I might be unable to play it if there no option for regular controls.
I get they want to be different, but you alienate a chunk of audience by doing so. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
( Edited 06.01.2015 23:18 by Marzy )
Go on Marzy lad.
If there's one thing the Wii U needs, it's a different type of controller...
Come on Nintendo, you have so much choice already!
Weirdly, I think the speed of FZero makes its rather poor for traditional steering controls
Its a rare case of a racing game where a analog stick is better.
Now I am not sure why the WiiU pads stick isnt good enough though. Unless its to do more with the lack of decent shoulder buttons? (seriously Nintendo why oh why did you mess that up )
Marzy said:
I'm tired of these "innovative" controls they try to force on people. ....Some people have health conditions and it limits people from playing.....
I get they want to be different, but you alienate a chunk of audience by doing so. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I have to point out, as someone that broke my arm once the Wiimote + Nunchuck was FAR FAR FAR better then any traditional pad. Traditional pads were near impossible for me at that time.
By comparison, the "split" design let me use my hands however I liked.
The WiiU pad is, by comparison, a step backwards from a disability standpoint as its less flexible.
Darkflame said:patnet lawsuits that's why genius. they may have won that lawsuit but the thing is they are TOO SCARED tro put analog triggers back in their controllers (even with the classic controller pro on the original wii) with exception of the gamecube controller which (surprise!) only works for smash bros wii u FOR NO REASON so they wouldn't get sued for using analog triggers... again!
Weirdly, I think the speed of FZero makes its rather poor for traditional steering controls
Its a rare case of a racing game where a analog stick is better.Now I am not sure why the WiiU pads stick isnt good enough though. Unless its to do more with the lack of decent shoulder buttons? (seriously Nintendo why oh why did you mess that up
Brando67854321 said:Nintendo not using analogue triggers has nothing to do with patents.Darkflame said:patnet lawsuits that's why genius. they may have won that lawsuit but the thing is they are TOO SCARED tro put analog triggers back in their controllers (even with the classic controller pro on the original wii) with exception of the gamecube controller which (surprise!) only works for smash bros wii u FOR NO REASON so they wouldn't get sued for using analog triggers... again!
Weirdly, I think the speed of FZero makes its rather poor for traditional steering controls
Its a rare case of a racing game where a analog stick is better.Now I am not sure why the WiiU pads stick isnt good enough though. Unless its to do more with the lack of decent shoulder buttons? (seriously Nintendo why oh why did you mess that up
Azuardo said:nope. try again. it's still a "lawsuit" patents lawsuits suck for this reason!Brando67854321 said:Nintendo not using analogue triggers has nothing to do with patents.Darkflame said:patnet lawsuits that's why genius. they may have won that lawsuit but the thing is they are TOO SCARED tro put analog triggers back in their controllers (even with the classic controller pro on the original wii) with exception of the gamecube controller which (surprise!) only works for smash bros wii u FOR NO REASON so they wouldn't get sued for using analog triggers... again!
Weirdly, I think the speed of FZero makes its rather poor for traditional steering controls
Its a rare case of a racing game where a analog stick is better.Now I am not sure why the WiiU pads stick isnt good enough though. Unless its to do more with the lack of decent shoulder buttons? (seriously Nintendo why oh why did you mess that up
If you could give me a link to some proof of said lawsuit, would appreciate it.
But the fact Nintendo's remade the GC controller with analogue triggers, plus the fact different gaming pad manufacturers add analogue triggers to their pads means there's no patent involved there. Not opting for analogue is something Nintendo chose to do. But will gladly take it back if there's some proof out there excluding Nintendo from doing it.
( Edited 07.01.2015 19:54 by Azuardo )
Azuardo said:Nintendo Faces Ban on Some Wii, GameCube Controllers (Update2) - Bloomberg plus explain why the gcn controller adapter ONLY works for smash bros.? exactly.
If you could give me a link to some proof of said lawsuit, would appreciate it.But the fact Nintendo's remade the GC controller with analogue triggers, plus the fact different gaming pad manufacturers add analogue triggers to their pads means there's no patent involved there. Not opting for analogue is something Nintendo chose to do. But will gladly take it back if there's some proof out there excluding Nintendo from doing it.
And Nintendo appealed, winning the lawsuit in 2010.
Azuardo said:and they are too scared to get sued again despite that. Therefore gcn controllers only for smash wii u and post-original classic controller controllers has no analog triggers DID YOU EVER THINK OF THAT!? I'd rather get banned because I don't care!!!!!! >=(
And Nintendo appealed, winning the lawsuit in 2010.
All right mate, calm down.
And yeah, after reading the articles that Nintendo won the appeal, that's what I thought - Nintendo could possibly be not taking risks by avoiding analogue triggers. However, the lawsuit contained 12 different controller functions, not just analogue triggers. And with them making new SSB analogue controllers, it'd make no sense - the lawsuit would prevent that if Nintendo had lost.
Only thing I can imagine is cutting costs on the GamePad at the time. Analogue triggers would have cost more than digital, however small the difference. Otherwise, they simply felt it wasn't worth adding them again. Does seclude a minority, though, such as those that prefer using them in racing games.
Azuardo said:I'm done! THAT's IT! come on ban me! I deserve it! >=(
All right mate, calm down.And yeah, after reading the articles that Nintendo won the appeal, that's what I thought - Nintendo could possibly be not taking risks by avoiding analogue triggers. However, the lawsuit contained 12 different controller functions, not just analogue triggers. And with them making new SSB analogue controllers, it'd make no sense - the lawsuit would prevent that if Nintendo had lost.
Only thing I can imagine is cutting costs on the GamePad at the time. Analogue triggers would have cost more than digital, however small the difference. Otherwise, they simply felt it wasn't worth adding them again. Does seclude a minority, though, such as those that prefer using them in racing games.
Have a lie down mate. Play a game or something.
Azuardo said:HAHAHA very funny! HAHAHA >=P I'm out!
Have a lie down mate. Play a game or something.
Cost reasons make more sense to me.
The WiiUs screen probably made the things so expensive already they were trying to shave as a much as they could from other things.
Darkflame said:I GET IT I GET IT OK!? but even so A f-zero gx HD port to the eshop will not happen even if the gcn adapter supported other games (which I found one today here: Why blame sega for the lack of vc titles for no good reason! unless they change their minds and such about supporting wii u's virtual console. A F-zero GX remake is as likely as a new f-zero game (see article above us). I'm sorry but I stopped giving sega money cause of that and the 3 nintendo exclusive sonic games dud when the best sonic games that's not sonic colors is on ps3 and xbox 360 when sega said sonic games are for nintendo's audience. -___-
Cost reasons make more sense to me.
The WiiUs screen probably made the things so expensive already they were trying to shave as a much as they could from other things.
Can't help but think Miyamoto actually has an idea of what he wants to do next. As much as I want a new Fzero right now we don't want to hamper Nintendo's creativity. Or force it either.
With that said the multitude of controller options on the Wii U is phenomenal. If you can't do anything with the Gamepad, Wiimotes, Classic controllers, GameCube controllers or even the 3DS as a controller then something must be amiss!
That, or maybe Nintendo aim to create arcade racing car simulators for £40 to make up for only making two of the AX machines!
I'm in a open world mood these days.
FZero in a INSANELY big gta-esq cityscape (Big as in "the games a whole planet you can race freely about on").
At least thats how Id do a new entry as its twist/gimick.
Then again, I also want a Metrovania Sonic game
So I pretty much just have one idea applied to all games. Stick the player in a big world and let them explore
Flynnie said:no way I'm waiting next console generation for a f-zero game and I don't want a 3ds game either!
Can't help but think Miyamoto actually has an idea of what he wants to do next. As much as I want a new Fzero right now we don't want to hamper Nintendo's creativity. Or force it either.With that said the multitude of controller options on the Wii U is phenomenal. If you can't do anything with the Gamepad, Wiimotes, Classic controllers, GameCube controllers or even the 3DS as a controller then something must be amiss!
That, or maybe Nintendo aim to create arcade racing car simulators for £40 to make up for only making two of the AX machines!