Eh, I don't buy it.
I refuse to accept that the general public can grasp "3DS is not DS", "Xbox One comes after Xbox 360," "Xbox 360 is not a controller for Xbox", "Super Nintendo is not the same thing as Nintendo", "Gameboy Color/Advance/SP/Micro/Gameboy are not all the same thing", but for some reason suddenly decide "Wii U is the same thing as the Wii!"
That's absurd.
Nintendo's first mistake wasn't naming the system Wii U, it was naming the system Wii U and then only showing the controller at E3.
When the Wii was announced, they only showed the controller, but it was obvious that Wii was not GameCube. When Sony announced the PS4 and only showed the controller, nobody was confused because PS4 is clearly not PS3. But when Nintendo announces "Wii U" and then shows only a controller, it's easy to see why people think this is an add-on controller to the Wii.
That said, that was two years ago. If you still think the Wii U is a controller for the Wii, you're being willfully ignorant. You literally have to be trying to not understand that the Wii U is a new console.
And half of the sales? Not even close. What would've boosted sales were if Nintendo launched with a Zelda or Super Smash or Metroid or Star Fox or a main series Mario or pretty much any third party support at all. As it is, the console is almost two years old, and we have:
-No major FPS (save for inferior versions of Call of Duty that don't get updated and don't get DLC)
-No major RPG
-No Zelda except an HD port
-One main series Mario that is arguably the weakest of the 3D Mario generation
-One Mario Kart
-No Metroid or rumblings of any Metroid on the horizon
-No Super Smash for about 2 more months
-No Star Fox with rumblings of early production just now becoming clear
-No new IP announcements until a few weeks ago, the exception being Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 (which still isn't out)
-No major third party support outside of a few select Activision/Ubisoft/Warner Bros titles.
Being called the Wii U isn't making people not buy the Wii U; having no must-have games is.
That all said, everything changes when Super Smash drops. I try to be cautiously optimistic, but I recently learned my local GameStop is doing a midnight release for the Wii U version. That's insane; my store never does that. They aren't doing one for Sm4sh 3DS, they didn't do one for Pokemon X/Y or any Call of Duty. The only times I know of that they did midnight releases were Skyrim and GTA V. Smash 4 Wii U is going to move A LOT of units. Hopefully this will bring in some third-party support as well.
I think in the end we'll see the Wii U become GameCube part 2, a seriously underrated console with some of the best games of all time that unfortunately very few people will ever play. But it's not because of the name, it's because they took two years to release anything worthwhile, and in the meantime lost all third party support, leaving first-party titles to carry the system.
Edit: Not to mention like 1/3 of GameStop's shelf space consists of Wii accessories. If that many people really believed Wii U was a Wii accessory, I actually think it would be selling better than it is now, not worse.
( Edited 05.08.2014 16:57 by justonesp00lturn )
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