I like it when you have no idea how much is left
Xenoblade fooled me many times
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I like it when you have no idea how much is left
Xenoblade fooled me many times
Hmm - I do hope Nintendo do run with the more pick-up-and-play vibe with The Legend of Zelda - am not thinking to the scale and depth of Animal Crossing, but definitely having more NPC involvement, deeper storylines and definitely sidequests.
I would love to see Nintendo create a stream of missions or quests (bit like Monster Hunteri n some ways), and really utilise the world beyond the post-credits screen - or even do away with it because the game wouldn't really end, in a traditional way anyway. Would have loved mission modes for TP, SS and especially Wind Waker - it'll help extend it beyond dungeons, twist, dungeons, final boss.
Here's hoping it's an actual open world and not "something else" as Shig seems to be implying.