Critical Hit | 15 Ways Nintendo Can Bounce Back After Under-performing Wii U, 3DS

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Great list of suggestions! Here's my thoughts on each.

1) I think a mobile presence is good, but should not be games. Apps like for Miiverse and the eShop are the way to go. Apps that can supplement and enhance playing on Wii U and 3DS but in no way replace the experience. I love the fact that I can access Miiverse on the go. It keeps me connected to Nintendo much more than I otherwise would in my busy life. While I wouldn't be opposed to limited demos on mobile I don't see them ever being able to provide a realistic example of the dual screen nature of Wii U and 3DS. A Nintendo Power app that always brings Nintendo news and videos to people's phones would be my dream app.

2) Absolutely no to any Virtual Console games on mobile. 

3) Good idea and something I think Nintendo is taking steps towards accomplishing. We've just seen Nintendo Network accounts get integrated on the 3DS (notably shared eShop info) and Nintendo has promised more to come of this in the future.

4) I disagree with your assertion that Wii was necessarily better with apps than Wii U (though it's more a matter of opinion and could be argued either way). Wii had some more, but in many ways I think Wii U's are better. (Note: I am commenting from a US perspective). In regards to video, both systems have the same (Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, YouTube) except Wii U had them from the start and also has TVii as a bonus. In regards to other apps, the Wii Shop Channel and eShop are equivalent. The Nintendo Channel isn't necessary on Wii U as videos are integrated into the eShop and play times are recorded in a separate app. The web browser is significantly better on Wii U. Wii had News and Weather Channels, but I'm not sure how often people really used them and with the hugely improved web browser I think they are somewhat unnecessary. The Check Mii Out Channel and Everybody Votes Channels don't currently have equivalents on Wii U, but I think both could (and should) be integrated into Miiverse. The Photo Channel is the probably the app that I think still has the most useful functionality, but surprisingly has no Wii U equivalent. Miiverse, however, is simply fantastic and in my opinion easily trumps any apps Wii ever had. I would argue Wii U offers the best social experience of all three consoles because of Miiverse.

5) Personally I have no need for physical media playback (other than maybe occasionally photos). I wouldn't be opposed to it being added since I'm sure some people want it, but I think it should be low on any list of changes.

6) There are definitely interesting ideas to explore here. Utilizing the 3DS's success to promote Wii U should be a priority. I like that render of the 3DS player, though I think Nintendo would be concerned about releasing a USB device that reads 3DS cards. The potential for using 3DS's as controllers is big, especially since they have their own processors - you wouldn't need the Wii U to render those additional screens.

7) Promoting off-screen Wii play is a good idea. As for actually integrating Wii into Wii U I think it should be low on the list of changes.

8)  Sounds like a solid idea. I don't know if it would do anything about EA, but I'm sure others like Ubisoft would welcome the support.

9) "there really hasn't been a true display of what the GamePad can bring to the table"  - I think Pikmin 3 absolutely shows this, but there definitely need to be more.

10) Definitely yes. There needs to be more urgency in releasing titles and it's time to really consider GameCube games as well. This issue is only emphasized by the fact that Wii had such a truly fantastic Virtual Console library.

11) Yes. Capcom recently commented that developing for X1/PS4 is 8-10x more work than last gen. There is potential for a situation like Monster Hunter Tri where the developer thinks it is too costly to bring a project to those systems and Nintendo can convince them to bring it to Wii U instead.

12) Yes, though I think these are coming. Nintendo had some development trouble in the switch to HD, but as those problems get worked out we'll see more games and at a faster rate.

13) If it can be done quickly then yes, but development efforts should be focused on new projects. Yes we had Wind Waker HD, but that was also done as a test experiment for development on the new Wii U Zelda game.

14) More ads are always good. There was definitely a larger advertising push (in the US anyway) before the holidays. 

15) I think this would be a mistake and would just add to any confusion at this point.  A sticker on the box only helps if someone is looking at the box, not with word of mouth. Any name confusion can be worked out with more ads and with more time. Even if left alone it is something that will work itself out as Wii games, systems, and accessories disappear from stores leaving only Wii U games (and new versions of Mario Kart, Smash Bros., etc appear that kids want and families go to buy).  Nintendo should definitely work more to fix this, but time will help and suddenly changing the name will just make matters worse.

There's my thoughts and a lot more typing than I thought I was going to do.

Some thoughts:

1) Demos on mobile phones seems like a good idea. Show people what they can get if they buy a Nintendo console.

2) Not sure about VC on mobiles. I think Nintendo's strength is having all their games exclusively on their own systems. Maybe only allow it for cross-play, so people would have to buy a Nintendo FIRST, then they can get VC games on their mobile device.

3) I'd love to see cross-play on 3DS and Wii U. It would convince me to pick up more VC and eShope games than I do now.

5) It would be nice to be able to play movies/series on the U... but I'd rather see Nintendo start their own TVii service, using their Nintendo-licensed shows.

7) That the Wii channel is separate is probably to fight piracy. Wii U discs have a rounded edge, Wii ones don't.

9) Yeah, we need more Upad features. When they showed Panorama View, I thought it was a 3D world instead of a 360° video. But I still thought it was amazing. Port a game like Endless Ocean, give the Upad to a 2nd player and let him look around his environment. It would be great for parents, wifes, grandparents, guests...

10) Yes, more VC and fast! Where are the Cube games? For a while I feared they'd want to make HD remakes of Cube games like they did with TWWHD... But nothing has been announced yet, so where is our GC VC? Oh and while they're at it, up-rendering is a must. The same goes for N64 btw...

11-13) Sure, that would be great, but probably not realistic...

15) I don't think changing the name to Wii 2 is going to matter all that much. They'll still have to advertize the thing like they do with the Wii U.

I had this idea of my own. Why don't Nintendo get a program like PSN going, where you can download a VC for free each month. Maybe even unlimited VC access. And make it a free service. That should pull in lots of new gamers and it doesn't really cost Nintendo anything.
Imagine you can play a new free GC game each month, how awesome would that be. And Nintendo has enough first party titles to last for 2 years.

Slightly adjusting the console unit not to look like a Wii 1, placing it front and center in all advertising, and going for a quick-and-easy Wii 2U re-branding would help majorly at this point. 

Great comments guys!

While I wouldn't be opposed to limited demos on mobile I don't see them ever being able to provide a realistic example of the dual screen nature of Wii U and 3DS.

I think they maybe able to use that as leverage to push people towards the Wii U/3DS versions by placing a little screen at the end saying "Play with online features in HD with buttons" etc on dedicated Nintendo platforms.

A Nintendo Power app that always brings Nintendo news and videos to people's phones would be my dream app.

That'd be great, plus it also pushing notifications to your phone for new releases or trailers fo example would be great!

I disagree with your assertion that Wii was necessarily better with apps than Wii U

Don't think they're better per se, especially the browser and streaming apps are far superior on Wii U, but more as an example that the Wii had some apps that should be standard - like a music/video player, drawing app (sort of), photo viewer etc. Not everyone would use these apps given the influx of tablets and phones out there for such things, but would be another useful extra to have.

I wouldn't be opposed to it being added since I'm sure some people want it, but I think it should be low on any list of changes.

I think it should be fairly high given that it might be a quick fix - imagine telling consumers they could watch DVD, play Wii/Wii U games on a smaller screen if the TV is in use - adds that extra function for those who haven't comitted to fully digital just yet.

This issue is only emphasized by the fact that Wii had such a truly fantastic Virtual Console library.

Agreed, though the Wii too had its slow months.

If it can be done quickly then yes, but development efforts should be focused on new projects

Agreed - though even a small team of 20/30 could pop out an HD remake every 6 months or so. Definitely this year would be good to release Galaxy HD and TP HD.

Maybe only allow it for cross-play, so people would have to buy a Nintendo FIRST, then they can get VC games on their mobile device.

Like this idea actually, so you'd need a Nintendo Network ID to sign up to play VC games on mobiles, and to do so, would need a Wii U / 3DS. Would justify the service nicely actually

That the Wii channel is separate is probably to fight piracy. Wii U discs have a rounded edge, Wii ones don't.

Don't think so, tbh, I think it's because Nintendo hasn't bothered to really integrate Wii so deeply into Wii U yet.

Port a game like Endless Ocean, give the Upad to a 2nd player and let him look around his environment. It would be great for parents, wifes, grandparents, guests...

That'd be amazing, especially in real-time!

I don't think changing the name to Wii 2 is going to matter all that much. They'll still have to advertize the thing like they do with the Wii U.

I think it'd totally matter in the eyes of the casuals - Wii U to most sounds like an extra, but Wii 2 should make more sense to others - like the Apple style of incrementing the iPad/iPhone model numbers.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Great article, i agree with the most part but disagree with putting VC games on mobile. If anything that would drive the lack of need to buy a Nintendo console to get their Ninty fix.

I think having online play, track creator, HD graphics and gamepad utilisation to create a vehicle are more than enough reasons to create a new Fzero. I'd rather Nintendo come out and just say that Fzero and Starfox just don't sell well enough to release a new version. 

I don't really think any of the Kirby games released in the last 8 years are particularly revolutionary (other than Canvas Curse/PowerPaint Brush) but we have had 5/6 Kirby games since the last new Starfox. Heck at least they are getting VC releases as well. I'd love to see Starwing/Starfox SNES come to the VC! 

I agree that the Wii U branding has not worked very well, I do not think that Wii 2 would really do much better, I think the Wii name has be hurt. They just need to push the Wii U name better and explain why its better.

Nintendo do, what all others don't.

I hated the idea of "Wii U" and "Wii 2" i always thought Nintendo were more imaginative than this. Would have loved for it to be called something completely different altogether. Really hope they don't go down the "Wii" naming route in the future. 

A friend came up with "Yuu" years before Wii U was announced.

Flynnie said:
I hated the idea of "Wii U" and "Wii 2" i always thought Nintendo were more imaginative than this. Would have loved for it to be called something completely different altogether. Really hope they don't go down the "Wii" naming route in the future. 

Methinks this is the last we'll see of the Wii generation - Nintendo will need a serious, serious rethink about their next home console. It can't compete with Xbox and PlayStation, that's for sure - the only way in doing so is by consolidating the GamePad tech into perhaps more smaller, standard controllers and really, really updating the tech - speak to Western studios, learn from mistakes.

I do feel that there'll be some sort of backwards capability though - potentially - but Nintendo may want to just start afresh.

I think having online play, track creator, HD graphics and gamepad utilisation to create a vehicle are more than enough reasons to create a new Fzero. I'd rather Nintendo come out and just say that Fzero and Starfox just don't sell well enough to release a new version.

Definitely - it's one reason I dislike Nintendo - their need to justify a release by bolting on some sort of innovation - the fans want it, the audience is there, make it happen. Even new courses, online play and a graphical update would work. Sometimes I feel they try just a bit too hard to "innovate".

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I think they could really start over and say we would like to welcome you all to Nintendo, just call it Nintendo. Where games that matter get played.

Nintendo do, what all others don't.

c3bot said:
Nintendo Box. I've called it. It does everything. Even bakes potatoes.

Did c3bot become sentient?

Sonic_13 said:
c3bot said:
Nintendo Box. I've called it. It does everything. Even bakes potatoes.

Did c3bot become sentient?

I think so, he's been running rampant on C3 these last few weeks. We don't feed him much!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Sonic_13 said:
c3bot said:
Nintendo Box. I've called it. It does everything. Even bakes potatoes.

Did c3bot become sentient?


jb said:
Flynnie said:

I think having online play, track creator, HD graphics and gamepad utilisation to create a vehicle are more than enough reasons to create a new Fzero. I'd rather Nintendo come out and just say that Fzero and Starfox just don't sell well enough to release a new version.

Definitely - it's one reason I dislike Nintendo - their need to justify a release by bolting on some sort of innovation - the fans want it, the audience is there, make it happen. Even new courses, online play and a graphical update would work. Sometimes I feel they try just a bit too hard to "innovate".

Indeed, they could tack on motion controls maybe but i fail to see what real innovations Mario Kart 8 is really going to make from Wii/7. It is just their lame excuse for knowing when an IP is more of cult icon rather than the phenomenon of Mario, Zelda, Pokemon. 

Probably why we won't see a Metroid game for a while, great games that they are 1 million units just arent enough to justify a Nintendo team doing it when they could be milking Mario's udders!

SoPro (guest) 14.01.2017#14

Eventually they should make a Super Mario Galaxy U

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