How does anyone feel about a new Dragon Quest game for 3DS or Wii U
( Edited 15.01.2014 01:29 by jb )
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How does anyone feel about a new Dragon Quest game for 3DS or Wii U
( Edited 15.01.2014 01:29 by jb )
Would be a good addition certainly to Wii U - they really need to consider releasing X outside Japan, and from what we're hearing, the next main-line entry will probably be 3DS anyway
that would be cool
It would be cooler if they would localize the titles that have been out for roughly a year or more in Japan, rather than pumping out new titles that we'll never see in the West.
Marcus J. Hopkins said:
It would be cooler if they would localize the titles that have been out for roughly a year or more in Japan, rather than pumping out new titles that we'll never see in the West.
True that - I think that time is enough for S-E to decide based on JP sales alone, but who knows if enough of the audience is there outside Japan.