I'd rather they be given a new IP to work on; And no more platformers.
Nintendo has enough platform games right now - they need other things.
That said, of course, DK works in 2D and 3D.
Just as long as we get the DK rap back.....
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I'd rather they be given a new IP to work on; And no more platformers.
Nintendo has enough platform games right now - they need other things.
That said, of course, DK works in 2D and 3D.
Just as long as we get the DK rap back.....
Nintendo is a platformer's console, the more the better. They absolutly should not stop chruning out these epic, challenging platforming games. I've played them for 30 years and still love them.
I don't want my Nintendo machine to offer the same experiences I find on my other gaming systems.
Can't wait for this one, these games are tough. Far more death in DK Country than in a Souls game..
Honestly, I'd like to see Donkey Kong take a three prong path; the Donkey Kong Country sidescrolling platformer, a 3D platformer, and the classic puzzle based platformer that's currently relegated to handhelds.