Iwata: Nintendo 2DS Needs Higher Awareness

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I honestly think the marketing for the 2DS here in the UK has been absolutely disastrous. It's played on the radio CONSTANTLY during the day, but jumps from 3DS XL, to DS, to 2DS playing 3DS with 3D, to 'all part of the 3DS family' and I just saw my work colleagues all looking completely bemused.

What a f*cking disaster. Everyone thought it would sell because of Pokémon. Nonsense. 3DS XL would sell well with Pokémon, no problem. 2DS looks cheap, feels cumbersome, loses the major point of 3DS games (yes, I believe the 3D adds to the experience!), and is far more prone to breaking/scratching because it doesn't close like before. 3DS XL was amazing...2DS is horrible, and any advertising so far has confused consumers considerably, from what I've witnessed.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Darkflame (guest) 01.11.2013#2

I still am highly skeptical the number of people that want a non-portable handheld "thing" are ever going to be very high.
Especially as other home consoles let you play on screens away from the TV now anyway.

And still 3DS + turning the 3D off + gluing the hinge = 2DS Smilie

I think the advertisment has been pretty great. The whole "3DS family" to me was the best way to group the 3 systems. My sister got my nephew a 2DS. My nephew sees it as his very own ipad. Smilie I've only seen TV adverts and Newspaper ads so can't comment on radio adverts.

3DS or 2DS, kids will break things regardless of design but as a cheaper alternative, the 2DS is great for those wanting to get their kids a 3DS but not spend too much.

I personally prefer the clamshell 3DS (original) but the 2DS, I have to admit, is more comfortable to hold. The White/Red combination is gorgeous and would love to see a 3DS in that combination.

I don't think the TV advertising has been too bad. They're getting the point across and linking it with pokemon nicely.  Smilie

Yeah, the advert they have on UK TV is fantastic, I thought.

It explains each system well and gets the point across really well. Definitely one of the best Nintendo adverts in the UK for a while.

Well, I appreciate the insight from you all, because all I've witnessed is the radio version and people getting amazingly confused.

Perhaps not the 'f*cking disaster' I so heatedly stated in the first post after all? Smilie

This made me laugh:


( Edited 02.11.2013 14:08 by Adam Riley )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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