Pokemon x and y over rated?

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Yes I admit that I was all hyped up about the 3D Pokemon game released in October. I pre ordered pokemon y and was excited to get it with expectations of the best in the ever so long series of constant catching.and battling pokemon. I was thinking "Wow, this is going to be awsome!"

Then six days later after wlking all over the final 4 more than once and with great of ease, and catching 4 legendary pokemon, I was hit with a great disappointment. Was this what the hype was about? I truly had more of a challenge from black 1 and 2.

So, what do you think? Was the game really this disappointing for you as well?

I'm still a fan, just a fan.with less of a go and get it demeanor with this particular game =(

Even though the exp share did make the playthrough a bit easy the other new features added are a giant step forward I think. The new accessibility to EV training, mega evolutions, and easy online interaction are a definite plus. For those who didn't even know what EVs were before now, they definitely know now haha. And I'm actually glad the mega evolutions weren't as powerful as they made them out to be because it changes up the battles a bit but not completely. And I think what they were getting at with the exp share idea was to get a lot more people active in the online scene with that level 50 cap and all. I hope they take that exp share out next game though because it's way to easy, but it could've just been attempt to get more casual players out there.

I agree completely about the Exp. Share. It did.make the game way to easy. I personally wpuld have enjoyed it more if they would have made it like the classic Exp. Share. And the online option are way better than either of the previous titles. Still non the less they really should make the post game play through a bit.more intersting. I.E. let you choose another starter pokemon and be able to once more challange each gym leader again. Or atleast have the option to do so with stipulations on pokemon level caps for the gym battles or have online tag battles with your buddies tagged up to battle the elite of the elite pokemon masters. That would be a worth while option I would think. Either way they did make this series a bit to easy without much of a replay hook to keep us wanting to get out there catching them all and leveling and battleing like crazy.

I can't complain about the moneys worth or whatever since I got my version as an unexpected belated birthday gift, PRE-release. I enjoyed the game alot, and found the mix of new and old pokemon in the zones to be really nice since it meant spending a little more time looking through each area to see exactly what there was to find instead of just encountering 3 pokemon and then that's that.
Exp. Share did make the game easy though, I agree. I remember the older generations where I'd spend lots of time trying to beat the E4 just the first time, struggling yet enjoying the challenge. This time, I even had to hold back! I still got through it without using any items and even though they made the different rooms gorgeous to look at, I wish there had been more to it.

I miss the "hey, come and fight me again" from HG/SS and seeing the not-so-random trainers pokemon actually be higher leveled than the previous times.
I also miss the re-challenging of gym leaders.
I miss having a little pokemon following me around! Not necessarily one of the giant pokemon, I sometimes even had a cute little one with me just for the looks.

What I AM disappointed about was the idea of riding pokemon in different areas, and then realize it was very restricted and not even your own. I was ready to hardcore train a Gogoat and a Ryhorn just for that. Instead, I look at them with utter disappointment.
Mega Evolutions for only a very secluded number of pokemon. Why? And Charizard got two? WHY!? IF anything, I would've loved to see Mega Evolution ONLY for pokemon who doesn't have a single evolution, like Lapras and Farfetch'd. Maybe even Ditto, that would be awesome!
I hope it will include more in a DLC later on. Especially for those poor neglected pokemon instead of boosting the love for already popular ones.

You should have turned the exp share off. Still wouldn't have been overly tough but would have helped.

I personally used the exp share about 70% of my time and think it's perfect for me. I don't get mucch time to play games in general so the extra help training has helped me get through the game at a much better pace where as I only completed Black 2 a couple of weeks ago despite getting it a launch because the needed grinding every gym slowed me down too much which just wasn't much fun when I was only playing for about an hour a time.

Overall I think the games are an excellent leap forward for the series and can't wait to see how Game Freak expand on this new 3D beginning. I just want to see more mega evolutions, more postgame content and more focus on an epic story. Add proper consequence to the events that happen etc.

I, for one, didn't have Exp. Share on all the time since I wasn't sure if it would spread the EVs to all pokemon affected. I didn't want to mess up those I actually wanted to train or offered to trade. It happened a few times I forgot to turn it off when I got a new little pokemon, and watched in horror as it shot up in levels after defeating an opponent. xD
That was partly the problem, as I liked it to affect one pokemon so I didn't have to just keep them two, or put the one I'm focusing on in the first slot just to switch it out emedietly.
First encounter with Team Flare made me wonder if the game would lack in plots, but as it went on it developed a little deeper meaning to them which was good enough as a pokemon game goes, for me. more story and depth in it is always appreciated, be it in the future, events or at all.
And seeing the pokemon in 3D has been the best thing in the world! Not in a simple Coliseum version, nor in a spin-off, but the actual thing! Certainly been a dream come true!

I absolutely love pokemon y!

Honestly I think it's pretty flawless. The only niggle is that it was way too easy! It would have been better if experience share spread out the points you got instead of giving additional points. There's no downside to it. I didn't do ANY grinding, so it would have been nice to the E4 were a challenge at least.

Either way we look at, this game is like any other in the aspect of having its pros and cons. It is an all around decent game, if you dont expect anything much after you have beaten the E4. Off subject for a sec though...has anyone heard anything on the pokeMMO? Now that would be worth checking out.

They're good games, for sure, and just shows what future Pokemon games can do.

In my opinion I was only disappointed by the lack of new Pokemon but that is due to the fact that Game Freak had about two years, since Black/ White to make the games and as for post game play through that to is lacking but otherwise a superb game which boasted several new features and overhauls to make up for it.

( Edited 08.12.2013 18:30 by georg3 )

Here's what I think Gamefreak needs to fix in every Pokemon game:

1. The withdraw/deposit system boxes do not need to be separate. We don't need to back out of a deposit box to go withdraw and vice versa. You can make it much more convenient by using one box and easily switch a Pokemon from your inventory to the PC. 

2. Why can we only rest in certain beds? And if we could use beds for rest why  is there a pokemon center at all? I say this because i think beds take less time to heal your pokemon than the pokemon centers.  

3. Why does every NPC look the same? It has always been this way. A lass, a psychic, a hiker.. they are all identical. It screams lazy.

4. Stop making me Learn HMS to replace moves i want to keep. Here is a game that brags choice and customization, but even after going thru the process of adding or keeping moves, you are forced to Learn HMs anyway. No, I think any Pokemon could break that stupid bush with tackle or ember.  How is it that Charizard can't  burn that piece of tumbleweed down with flamethrower? Yes, I'm sure Lapras can carry me over that 5 foot stream without the HM SURF. Why are HMS discs? Is it like rosetta stone? Do we sit at the computer and watch instructional videos on how to teach pikachu how to use a pair of shears before we can cut through that scary  impenetrable rose bush?

I'm sure anyone could add some more. Let game freak teach me how to do coding and ect. and ill get my hands dirty and make this a  better pokemon world.

( Edited 06.02.2014 00:22 by Gamercandle )

I cant say I found it to easy but it was a little. I would like to see more hg/ss type stuff like multiple continents. Double the amount of badges. (8for each continent) the pokemonamie super training and pss are good additions. and if the exp share is togood then turn it off again

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