Mario, You Are Back... I missed You.

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The last time we played together was in Super Mario 3D Land, what a surprisingly fun game that was! But it was missing the power of those Super Mario Galaxy games. You are back Mr Red Hat man, you are back and looking glorious, and I can't wait to play with you again, Mario.

Look at you run along in that kitty suit, hopping and climbing with your friends and family, Luigi, Peach and Toad. You look all HD-fied now and your world does too. Look at your world Mario, it's all lovely and colourful and shiney and round. Look at these creative levels they've made for you, look at the design, it looks so fun, Mario. I can't wait to play again, it's going to be like Galaxy all over again and it's going to feel amazing. Listen to that music, it's so good and chirpy, it has a new style, more jazzy, but I love it and it feels like the next progression for your soundtrack.

Mario, I missed you a lot and I can't wait to play with you and your friends again in what's no doubt going to be one of your best games.

Please get excited again, I miss the excitment.

( Edited 24.10.2013 16:54 by Marzy )

I'm massively, massively hyped for this! I cannae wait - multiplayer, loads of gorgeous looking levels and mechanics, HD. Was so-so after the E3 trailer, then when playing the E3 demo - instantly changed to mass excitement.

Handles really well and multiplayer is king! Will be frantic 4 player though as we only really did 2 player in the demo.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I ain' t got a Wii U yet cos I'm getting a PS4 first but when i do Mario Land will be my first purchase. Hopefully it'll he close to Galaxy's gameplay

27 days! Smilie

I managed to play this at the london mcm expo and it plays pretty well! Cat suit is incredibly fun to use and it looks great in person.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

I saw a wild Superlink appear. :3 We need some Superlink hype in this thread!

( Edited 05.11.2013 21:32 by Marzy )

Reviews are coming in! 10's and 9's everywhere!

Ya, it's looking good Smilie Nintendo should be sending out C3's copy any day now...!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Comment on Super Mario 3D World (Wii U)

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