Feature | 20 Ideas for Nintendo Wii U Apps - Facebook, House Control, Media Player, Live Gaming

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The drawing app seems like a no brainer, and since Nintendo showed a drawing app of some sort in their WiiU reel at E3, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before it becomes a reality.

As for the others, what I would like to see most is the live gaming app (it boggles the mind with how fast some of the runs on the Rayman app are, and I would love to see how they are done), the miiverse polls, as they would give Nintendo and others more ideas as to what the customers want, and the Picture/video editor, media player, and music apps would add extra layers of functionality to the system that I know I would use frequently. 

Also, my Mii is on the Gamepad on the live gaming app section. I guess that means I've finally made it. Smilie

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Haha, in the Polls mockup, Mega Man was included twice. Just proves how much of an awesome character he is. Smilie

Great work as always, Jorge!

kentray (guest) 13.05.2013#3

I wish Nintendo would bring a lot of these apps to wiiu but rightnow they have us playing the waiting game and I don't understand why they are not executing none of these incredible ideas, it seems like the fans come up with more great ideas than nintendo!!!

Justin Sousa (guest) 13.05.2013#4

Nintendo needs a marketplace app that allows indie game developers to sell their games on. I myself am a game designer/artist that has worked on a few projects for the iOS and Android marketplace. i think it would be great to see Nintendo do the same especially since the indie game industry is growing at a faster pace. and it would also open more doors for people trying to get their ideas out their.

Justin Sousa (guest) said:
Nintendo needs a marketplace app that allows indie game developers to sell their games on. I myself am a game designer/artist that has worked on a few projects for the iOS and Android marketplace. i think it would be great to see Nintendo do the same especially since the indie game industry is growing at a faster pace. and it would also open more doors for people trying to get their ideas out their.

Hi Justin,

You can apply to become a Nintendo developer and sell your titles on the Wii U eShop. There are a growing number of indie games on there, different prices, and Nintendo also allow for sales and promotions. Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I hope we get a sequel to Mario Paint as the drawing app.

Fate (guest) 13.05.2013#7

Very interesting ideas indeed. Once the Wii U is fully optimized, I'm sure by then, we'll at least have 20-30% of the ideas you've mentioned and what naturally came to us gamers as common sense. But a media player (music, video and photos all in one), is a priority. Nintendo, you can do it!

Rolan (guest) 13.05.2013#8

These are great ideas and I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo implement half of these ideas. Obviously they will transfer over most Wii channels to the Wii U. I will like to see more social media channels and I think it wouldn't be difficult being that you can share your MiiVerse comments on Twitter and Facebook. Pandora and I Heart Radio being played while playing would be interesting. Maybe more video player channels, like Crackle, would be great. They could easily make a drawing contest channel for those contest they have on Twitter. I just don't like and doubt Nintendo will make channels that make gamers lazy.

They should definitely strike a deal with Just-Eat in the UK!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Jake (guest) 14.05.2013#10

Great ideas apart from the food, house control and appreciation apps! How about a Media Remote app fir DVDs, DVRs and more

The media player with the photo editor should have been in at launch, since the Wii had those. It's little things like these features being missing on the Wii U at launch, that really makes me wonder what Nintendo was doing for the entire time the Wii was out.

I just wonder what their R&D department was doing for those years, and how a BILLION dollar company can miss some very basic things?

My Wii friend code: 6546-4207-4091-0847
Battalion Wars II code: 528-413-269-906
Super Smash Bros. Brawl code: 5327-2573-3138
Call of Duty:Worlda@War code: 2063-3472-6724
Playan (guest) 15.05.2013#12

A intergraded Achievement System. Fix it Nintendo!

Playan (guest) said:
A intergraded Achievement System. Fix it Nintendo!
Achievements are over rated and really are just crappy little goals tacked on to games. Some games ultilise them well, but others really don't. I'm actually glad Nintendo didn't jump on the achievement bandwagon.

I think it was a big mistake for Wii U not to have social network apps (Facebook/twitter) and an app to play videos, music and pictures. It should have had these things at launch. They are basic things that are expected of most technology these days. It really needs to get it sorted. 

Also, why haven't they got a BBC iPlayer app yet? Wii has had it for a long time and I'd have expected it would be on Wii U too. Nintendo should be doing all they can to get broadcasters to develop apps for their machine. 

Wii U I'm Hungry App: To make extremely lazy gamers even more lazy.

( Edited 15.05.2013 16:28 by CrystalMushroom )

Normand (guest) 29.08.2013#16

The Wii U's been out for a year now and so far all we got is Wii Street U, Panorama View and Animal Crossing Plaza a Miiverse app. So they need too push for more apps! I love the idea of incorporating the Wii U as a futuristic home remote! Excellent idea! I can totally see that happening for the Wii U and not any other console.

Brandon (guest) 04.02.2014#17

Is all this being sent directly to nintendo so they could finally read what it is Wii U owners want? 

music channels

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