Name That Tune Contest: Episode VIII - The Legend of Zelda Edition

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Name That Tune Contest: Episode VIII - The Legend of Zelda Edition

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This should be a much more appealing quiz to the majority of you! Every track is from a Zelda title. Listen to the 25 tracks in the video below and send me a PM telling me which game each track is from.

Some games have more than one track in there. I need the clear subtitle of the game you think each one is from. There'll be no half-points this time around; it's either right or wrong.

No extra points for telling me the name of the song or place it is played in.

Note: I will not accept entries if you list two games in the same answer. e.g. putting "Oracle of Ages/Seasons" or "Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask" is going to be classed as wrong. Likewise, if you put something like "Oracle series," that's also going to be wrong. I need you to decide which game it is you are picking and tell me that. It will be classed as wrong unless you resubmit with a correction!

Remember: in tie situations, whoever PM'd me first is considered the winner, so while you do need to think carefully, try not to consider leaving it too late. As the rules say below, you can resubmit, but the time of your new entry will be taken instead of when you sent your first one.

Leave feedback below, as well as ideas for future Name That Tune editions.



To Enter

All you have to do is listen to the 25 music clips in the above YouTube video, and tell me which game they come from. PM me your entry! Do not post your answers in this thread or anywhere else on the forum. Please title your PM something relevant, like "Contest Entry from (your username)", and if you don't have an answer for a clip, leave it blank.

1. Tetris
2. Super Mario 64
4. Donkey Kong Land


1 point for a correctly guessed game.
Half a point for guessing the correct series. (no half-points in this edition)

So if the game was Super Mario World, but you guessed Super Mario Bros 3, you'd get half a point.

There's no penalty for a wrong answer, so just guess if you don't know! You could get a half point or even better!


Stars are the rewards. Everyone finishing in the top 5 will receive a set amount of stars. Anyone that finishes outside of the top 5 will receive 1 star for participating.

1st place - 20 stars
2nd place - 10 stars
3rd place - 5 stars
4th place - 3 stars
5th place - 2 stars

Closing Date

This coming Sunday. I'll announce in the thread more of an exact time to close it.

Rules, Tips and Notes

1. This edition has a Zelda theme. Every track is from a Zelda game. Some games have more than one track.

2. Again, do not post your answers in this thread or elsewhere on the forum. PM me your answers.

3. No asking for answers or discussing the answers with others on here. That would be completely unfair for those genuinely trying hard. Anyone caught cheating will be disqualified.

4. If you want to submit a correction, you can. Just PM me again with your updated answers.

5. In the events of equal scores, whoever PM'd me first will be taken into consideration as to who wins. Your most recently-submitted entry will be taken if you corrected something, so bear this in mind.

6. If a song has appeared in more than one game, post the instance that this version appears from. If the version is in more than one game, posting any of the games it appears in is acceptable.

7. Don't worry if you think you cannot guess them all. Do your best and take a guess; you could still get a half point or even better! There is no penalty for a wrong answer!

8. No extra credit is given to guessing the name of the song. It would make it more difficult to guess the song name, so just the name of the game only please!

9. Be exact in your answer. If the game is a sequel, include the full title, sequel number or subtitle.

10. I will announce the winners in this thread as soon as I've counted up the scores after the contest ends.


1. The Legend of Zelda
2. Ocarina of Time
3. Twilight Princess
4. A Link to the Past
5. Phantom Hourglass
6. Four Swords
7. Skyward Sword
8. Oracle of Seasons
9. Majora's Mask
10. The Minish Cap
11. Link's Crossbow Training
12. Twilight Princess
13. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
14. The Wind Waker
15. Majora's Mask
16. Link's Awakening
17. Skyward Sword
18. The Minish Cap
19. Oracle of Ages
20. Spirit Tracks
21. Skyward Sword
22. The Wind Waker
23. Link's Awakening
24. Four Swords Adventures
25. Ocarina of Time

#6 - Accepted Four Swords or Four Swords Anniversary Edition.

Didn't accept "Oracle of Seasons/Ages" as one answer, or "Oracle series."


Position & Name | Number of Points | Stars Awarded
1st Rudy | 25 points | 20 stars
2nd SirLink | 23 points | 10 stars
3rd Canyarion | 23 points | 5 stars
4th SuperLink | 20 points | 3 stars
5th jb | 16 points | 2 stars

6th Marzy | 15 points | 1 star
7th LKR000 | 13 points | 1 star
8th Ikana | 11 points | 1 star
9th bornforthis | 10 points | 1 star
10th Flynnie | 6 points | 1 star

Congratulations to Rudy, who got every answer correct!

Canyarion, I will point out that you initially had 24 points in your first entry, which put you in 2nd position, until you changed it. Since SirLink entered before you, he finished above you.

I won't send the stars out right away, just in case people want to recheck their own scores. I'm certain there aren't any mistakes, but please bring it up if you think there is one. I'll send the stars out sometime this evening, if I don't forget.

Oh, and I haven't made the next quiz yet. Not sure if I'll get it done today or tomorrow. I'll see how things go.

( Edited 31.01.2015 17:06 by Azuardo )

Nice! I'm gonna win this shizzle! be fair I haven't played half the non-console Zeldas Smilie


Okay on closer inspection I think I'm going to have me arse caned in this one - lots I had no clue! Had to rely on the midi/chipset to guess lol

( Edited 21.04.2013 13:58 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Just a quick pointer, guys.

I can't accept entries where you put two games for one answer.

e.g. Oracles of Seasons/Ages
Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask

I need you to pick one game.

So atm, anyone that's done that I'll have to class them as wrong unless you resubmit with a correction!


( Edited 21.04.2013 14:18 by Azuardo )

Azuardo said:
Just a quick pointer, guys.

I can't accept entries where you put two games for one answer.

e.g. Oracles of Seasons/Ages
Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask

I need you to pick one game.

So atm, anyone that's done that I'll have to class them as wrong unless you resubmit with a correction!


Oh boy, was that the same for the previous quiz? Cause I know I put on both versions of Mighty Switch Force for one of the answers ^^;

Looking forward to getting stuck into this one!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

No, that was fine. If a track has appeared in more than one game, listing any is fine. But for ones where a track only appears in a specific game, I need you to be specific.

Well, I did better than last time I hope! Still had to guess quite a few though... at least there were some I was sure about. ^_^
Sorry that the formatting of my entries seems to go weird when I post, Az... hope it's not too hard to read!

( Edited 21.04.2013 14:44 by Ikana )

It's fine. PM formatting is all over the place at the moment. And the text boxes on the site are a bit iffy for me anyway :/

May we ask if you only grabbed music from the 'canon' games? Because I know 1 song is from a spin-off. But if that's impossible, I pretty much know what game it must be from instead.

Leaving that up to you to decide Smilie

They're all from Zelda games, and that's all I will say.

Though I suggest you keep your thoughts of what they could be to yourself!

( Edited 21.04.2013 15:03 by Azuardo )

Our member of the week

Better be quick on that one since competition is bound to be fierce, and I'm not too clued up on recent Zeldas, which i haven't played as much as the old ones. Will send my entry right away, and might update later.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I really struggled with that! I literally just plainly guessed about 20 of them, i only knew about 5 of them!

Anything in particular people would like for the next one?

I'm not sure there's anything quite so popular as Zelda, which the majority of people have played a lot of. Well, apart from Mario. After that, though, it gets harder.

So I may do Mario next, but ideas welcome for anything else.

Mario may be good, it could also be very hard due to the sheer number of Mario games, so could be in for a bit of a challenging one. Perhaps Mario could be themed into different contests i.e. one for platformers and one for party or sports games? Maybe one contest dedicated entirely to Mario shootoffs i.e. Yoshi, Wario, Luigi (and Donkey Kong if you want to count that). Up to you though.

I still like the idea of a Sonic one too, or a Pokémon one.
(if you did a Sonic one I might have to not enter to give other members a chance Smilie)

( Edited 23.04.2013 13:36 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Platformers separate could be an idea. Then throw the rest into another one.

Again, I'd love, love, love to do Sonic, but I just wonder how many people here have really played Sonic games like say... you and myself have XD

Pokemon is the same situation, though I guess has a bigger chance of being played by C3 than Sonic has? Though I'm not a Pokemon player so I'd have to be careful about making sure I'm not wrong about which games certain tracks appear in lol.

I'll definitely consider them all, though. Including Sonic, because I want to do it so bad just because lol.

Oh, no, you should enter. After all, some Zelda pros have entered this one. Of course it's fair lol.

Yoshi, Wario and Luigi together is a good idea. Still quite diverse.

Donkey Kong I feel has enough to give him his own quiz.

( Edited 23.04.2013 13:47 by Azuardo )

Not sure about other people on here but the only Sonic game I've played so far is Colours (put away those pitchforks, kayy?). I'd love a Pokémon one, only because it's the only other one except for Zelda where I actually have a realistic chance at winning. Smilie Mario just has so many games and tunes are remixed or used again everywhere that it would be kinda crazy.

I'd love a Final Fantasy one with just the main games without spin-offs but then there's also the question how many people would enter that one and you'd have to include non-Nintendo games, of course.

This ends tomorrow, so anyone else thinking of entering, do so today.

Probably gonna go with Mario in some shape or form for the next quiz, since it's nice 'n easy.

I'll send in mine tonight. I almost forgot about it!


1. The Legend of Zelda
2. Ocarina of Time
3. Twilight Princess
4. A Link to the Past
5. Phantom Hourglass
6. Four Swords
7. Skyward Sword
8. Oracle of Seasons
9. Majora's Mask
10. The Minish Cap
11. Link's Crossbow Training
12. Twilight Princess
13. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
14. The Wind Waker
15. Majora's Mask
16. Link's Awakening
17. Skyward Sword
18. The Minish Cap
19. Oracle of Ages
20. Spirit Tracks
21. Skyward Sword
22. The Wind Waker
23. Link's Awakening
24. Four Swords Adventures
25. Ocarina of Time

#6 - Accepted Four Swords or Four Swords Anniversary Edition.

Didn't accept "Oracle of Seasons/Ages" as one answer, or "Oracle series."


Position & Name | Number of Points | Stars Awarded
1st Rudy | 25 points | 20 stars
2nd SirLink | 23 points | 10 stars
3rd Canyarion | 23 points | 5 stars
4th SuperLink | 20 points | 3 stars
5th jb | 16 points | 2 stars

6th Marzy | 15 points | 1 star
7th LKR000 | 13 points | 1 star
8th Ikana | 11 points | 1 star
9th bornforthis | 10 points | 1 star
10th Flynnie | 6 points | 1 star

Congratulations to Rudy, who got every answer correct!

Canyarion, I will point out that you initially had 24 points in your first entry, which put you in 2nd position, until you changed it. Since SirLink entered before you, he finished above you.

I won't send the stars out right away, just in case people want to recheck their own scores. I'm certain there aren't any mistakes, but please bring it up if you think there is one. I'll send the stars out sometime this evening, if I don't forget.

Oh, and I haven't made the next quiz yet. Not sure if I'll get it done today or tomorrow. I'll see how things go.

Smilie Booo! Hisss! Smilie Nice one Rudy!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I shoulda got the Links crossbow training one xD

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Sad about getting #15 wrong but I don't have Link's Crossbow Training, so I would have lost anyway. Damn it.

Aww, I was hoping to do better, but I did find it hard! Oh wells, I did better than last time at least! Smilie Congrats Rudy!

Haha nice one. Smilie Congrats Rudy and SirLink!

The TWW songs actually had me really puzzled. I now realize I didn't play enough of that game. Or it's too long ago. When I was sure about 22 of the 25 songs, I still had not recognized a single TWW one.
And I couldn't find the last songs in my mp3 library or on Youtube, so I just had to go with my instinct.

All in all I probably spent 4 hours making sure I had those 22 right. I ended up with lots of new Zelda music! (Did you know there is a rip of Four Swords? The music is really good for such a small game!)

( Edited 28.04.2013 21:58 by Canyarion )

Our member of the week

Well well well...

To be fair, about a third of my answers were educated guesses, based on how they sounded.

I never played Link's Crossbow training, not even once, but I guessed, since it couldn't be from any of the zelda games that I played (and I own all those that I played so far), it had to be one of the few remaining ones that I didn't own yet, and it sounded like a recent one, so I thought it had to be a wii one. Turned out I was right. I played almost all zelda games more than once, except for the two DS games, Skyward Sword and the four swords game, so that did help a lot Smilie. Thankfully, those were easily recognizables tunes picked from those games, with the exception of #17 which I had absolutely no memory of. It sounded like it was orchestrated so i thought it had to be Skyward Sword, since it's the only fully orchestrated Zelda... but nearly put Twilight Princess there.

Looking forward to the next one Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Yeah, 17 was really hard. The song is not included on the OST. It didn't sound as 'orchestrated' as the other SS songs, so I figured it could have been TWW or TP.

Other songs that really hurt my brain:
9. I couldn't make up my mind between OoT, MM and TP. I knew it was something farmy... but I couldn't find the song anywhere. Until I downloaded the Japanese MM OST, which has more songs than the NA one.
14: I thought it was either a dance song, or a fire temple one. I went with OoT at the last second.
15: I actually thought it was a TWW tune.

Great contest. :-Smilie But I'm afraid I won't join the next one... Here I mostly liked it because it was Zelda.

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