For anyone who missed details on the second hand issue:
Suffice to say, the PR spin is that this is just like how you might normally lend your game to someone. The reality is, if you lend your game to someone for any prolonged period of time, they will be required to stay logged in to your account on their Xbox the entire time they have it, or you will have to give your account details. It isn't just a pain in the ass, it enourages people to jeapordise the security of their accounts to be able to do something as simple as play a friends or relatives copy of a game.
Microsoft is likely to be trying to do several things, mostly based around getting more money out of users by doing the following:
- Pushing publishers to tie games to online services ("the cloud" stuff they've been pushing) that will no doubt require an annual subscription to access at all, or to get the most out of their already $60/£50 games. Even better is you get planned obsolescence for free - just turn off the servers after 2 years and get people to buy this years version of X game series.
- "Regulate" the second hand market. Based on the details we have, the price of second hand games becomes controlled, whilst also requiring MIcrosoft and the publisher to get a cut. This also allows them to maintain first hand retail prices for much longer should they want to, if they'd need to reduce them at all.
- Introduce Sim City-like bs where claims of heavy computation being done via MS's cloud service are used to justify always online requirements for games that don't actually need it. No doubt the cloud stuff will largely turn out to be red herrings just as it did with Sim City.
- Bring user monitoring via Kinect to help with all this. See Microsof'ts patent for detecting whether there are too many people watching a film, though whether they'll have the balls to actually follow through will be interesting.
- Generally erode personal property and privacy rights, like routing around the right of first sale, because copyright is the most important thing in the universe. If I say the magic word "license", then fuck you, buddy.
It's like someone sat down, granted every wish of the major publishers and the entertainment industry, whilst being insane enough to think someone would want a console designed around nothing more than being a DRM box. That's all this console is - something to monitor your use of every peice of entertainment you own for the sake of extracting more money out of you.
( Edited 26.05.2013 23:31 by Modplan Man )