What games are everyone looking forward to in 2013?

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Just curious to see what everyone is looking forward to play in 2013! (Any platform)

My number one is definitely Pikmin 3. I've been waiting forever for it, glad that it's finally almost here. 
Beyond that, there isn't really an order these will go in.

Watch_Dogs is also something I'm extremely excited to see more of. I was one of those who was blown away when I saw it at E3 last year. It looks like the story is going to be a highlight. And obviously the graphics are going to absolutely stunning.

Pokemon X & Y joined in on my anticipation for this year. Besides the fact that I'm a huge Pokemon fan, I love the direction the graphics have taken and can't wait to see more. 

Rhythm Hunter: HarmoKnight looks extremely fun to me. I got so excited when I heard it was being localized. I can't wait to get it.

Rayman Legends is probably on the top, or near the top of most Wii U owners. I can't stop playing the demo. I'm addicted to the Castle Rock level. I wish it wasn't delayed, but I'm expecting it to be worth the wait!

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Loved the original, sequel looks just as great.

I'm hoping to see Bravely Default: Flying Fairy and Project X Zone localized too.

I would also say DmC: Devil May Cry.... but that came out today.

Can't wait to see E3 this year! Hopefully Retro Studios new game is shown off. I'm also curious to see if the Xbox 720 (Durango, or whatever you want to call it) and PS4 will be revealed. And what kind of power they will host. 

( Edited 15.01.2013 18:14 by ScreamoPichu )

Good topic.

The Last of Us
Tomb Raider
BioShock Infinite

Yakuza 5 (assuming it gets localised... it has to! And I want Y1 & 2 HD, too)
Watch Dogs (very interested to see how it turns out; really liked the E3 trailer)
Killer is Dead (can safely add this now that we've seen it)

On a possible lesser note, but still want to get my hands on them this year... DmC and Metal Gear Rising Revengeance.

Very curious about Beyond: Two Souls, and I'm interested to see how Remember Me turns out.

Assuming FFX HD comes out maybe at the end of the year, then that, but it's anyone's guess if it will. And despite being disappointed by the look of Lightning Returns, it'll still be one I pick up and look forward to finally wrapping up the story with.

The only other known ones I might throw in would be Tales of Xillia and Ni No Kuni, but I'll have to see how much time I have, and whether they drop low enough in price. I'd really like to keep spends as low as possible this year and sort out the backlog.

( Edited 17.01.2013 20:07 by Azuardo )

Hmm, off the top of my head...

Pokemon X/Y pretty much shot up my list after that trailer, really looking forward to that now. I've wanted 3D battles on the move for as long as I can remember. 

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate will hopefully be a good entry point to the franchise. I debated getting the WiiU version but because it doesn't have off-TV play I'll go with the 3DS one. Sorry guys, no online for me this time around. Smilie

Persona 4 Golden is a tricky one, as I really want it next month but not to the point of buying whole new hardware for it. I'm going to wait about half a year for a hopeful price drop and/or Memory Card deal (seriously, fuck proprietary memory. Why couldn't you just have used SD cards Sony. Smilie ) 
By extension, I still want Persona 4 Arena, but I'll be getting it second-hand. Fuck your region locking bullshit Atlus.

Some may get cheesed off with Nintendo's new policy of only announcing games just before release (and it really seems to have hurt them in regards to the WiiU), but it will definitely keep the year interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing what else pops up. Smilie

The Last of Us-really interesting use of interaction between the two characters, I think that this game might be the one that really pushes video game stories to the next level

Pikmin 3-loved the first 2 games, want to see a more innovative way of using the pad

Luigi's Mansion 2-multiple mansions?! YES!

......honestly, can't think of anything else really at the moment. Waiting for the next huge Wii U announcement...

edit:Ni No Kuni-because every Studio Ghibli movie is awesome haha

( Edited 16.01.2013 02:29 by bornforthis43 )

  • Killer is Dead
  • Kingdom Hearts HD
  • Anarchy Reigns(just ordered)
  • DmC
  • Phoenix Wright Vs Professor Layton
  • Fire Emblem Awakening

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Pikmin 3
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
Pokémon X/Y
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Rayman Legends
Tales of Xillia

Dark Souls 2
Killer is Dead

That's already a decent amount of games but then I'm also going to buy a lot of games I missed, so I'll be quite busy and that's not even counting any games that might be revealed for the second half of the year. If I'd consider games we don't know about yet, then I'd add Bravely Default: Flying Fairy, Project X Zone and Senran Kagura: Burst to that. Not looking very likely for any of them right now, but I'll keep on hoping anyway.

My list isn't very long:

Metal Gear Rising
Yakuza 5
Wonderful 101
Killer is Dead


 Killer is Dead is probably my most anticipated, it seems to have that proper Grasshopper charm. It just disappoints, and baffles, me that there's no Wii U version announced.

Shenmue 1-2 Collection
Killer is Dead
Fantasy Life
Aliens CMTomb Raider
PIKMIN3BioShock Infinite

Linkyshinks said:
Shenmue 1-2 Collection
Gotta keep the faith.

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