Just curious to see what everyone is looking forward to play in 2013! (Any platform)
My number one is definitely Pikmin 3. I've been waiting forever for it, glad that it's finally almost here.
Beyond that, there isn't really an order these will go in.
Watch_Dogs is also something I'm extremely excited to see more of. I was one of those who was blown away when I saw it at E3 last year. It looks like the story is going to be a highlight. And obviously the graphics are going to absolutely stunning.
Pokemon X & Y joined in on my anticipation for this year. Besides the fact that I'm a huge Pokemon fan, I love the direction the graphics have taken and can't wait to see more.
Rhythm Hunter: HarmoKnight looks extremely fun to me. I got so excited when I heard it was being localized. I can't wait to get it.
Rayman Legends is probably on the top, or near the top of most Wii U owners. I can't stop playing the demo. I'm addicted to the Castle Rock level. I wish it wasn't delayed, but I'm expecting it to be worth the wait!
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Loved the original, sequel looks just as great.
I'm hoping to see Bravely Default: Flying Fairy and Project X Zone localized too.
I would also say DmC: Devil May Cry.... but that came out today.
Can't wait to see E3 this year! Hopefully Retro Studios new game is shown off. I'm also curious to see if the Xbox 720 (Durango, or whatever you want to call it) and PS4 will be revealed. And what kind of power they will host.
( Edited 15.01.2013 18:14 by ScreamoPichu )