Couldn't disagree with you more about FFVI being the Pinaccle.
FFVII brought with it a new cinematic feel, with a story that wasn't afraid to cast you the heroes as terrorists. Putting you in a very morally grey area. The backdrops even today look fantastic. The soundtrack is arguably Nobuo Uematsu finest work, its a toss up between that and FFIX. Limit Breaks were introduced, the materia system was also a breath of fresh air and the difficulty was ramped up compared to VI with a much welcome decrease in the number of random battles to boot. The mini games were excellent and the character's story arcs were intertwined in a much more enjoyable and natural way. The Villain was also much more interesting than the two dimensional Kefka.
FFVIII was a step down, the battle system was poor and the draw/junction system ruined the game. The villain went back to being 2 dimensional, evil for evils sake. Plus every time you introduce time travel, you leave plot holes everywhere. I still like FFVIII but it has more flaws than a lot of the other games. I rate it on about the same level as FFVI.
FFIX is great, probably just edges VII when it comes to the soundtrack. The art style is amazing, when i first saw the backdrops in battle in the town, I thought this looks a bit odd. Then it hit me that they'd designed it to look like a stage production. The whole game looks like watching Final Fantasy IV played out on stage, it fills you with so much nostalgia. The battle system while better than FFVIII(not difficult) didn't get limit breaks right, it kinda just felt like an improved FFVI. Except you learn abilities from weapons not Espers.
FFX nailed the battle system, and FFX-2 pretty much perfected it. The story was also pretty entertaining, if they cut one scene out it would go from pretty to very entertaining(That god awful whistling scene). it also proved linear is fine as long the story and gameplay are fun.
FFXI was awful. It should have just been called FF online.
FFXII was only a little bit of an improvement, the battle system is better than FFXI (but that's kinda like saying drinking Urine is better than diarrhea). The main character is the second worst character in RPG history(emil from ToS being the worst), an interesting political drama is ruined by the worst pacing I've ever seen in an RPG, and bland environments ruin the memory of FFtactics advance.
FFXIII, the linearity isn't the problem its the battle system. Its just really, really bad. Like impossibly bad. I thought FFXI was atrocious but this battle system really ruined the series for me and nailed the coffin shut.
( Edited 12.01.2013 04:27 by JayUK )