I'm not going to write a super long post about this, but I think it's stupid that the press are trying to blame video games once again. Sure, he may of played a lot of Call of Duty, but did that lead him to shoot up a school? No, not at all.
It was known that the guy had mental issues anyway. If a better mental health scheme was put in place in the US, I doubt any of this disaster would've happened. People are all the same though, when something goes wrong, they find something to point the blame at. Even if gun licenses were taken away and gun laws were abolished, it wouldn't stop people from murdering other people.
The UK doesn't necessarily have guns readily available, but how often do you hear about someone being stabbed over here? Quite often. Even in some of the more rural areas. Some people just need to man up, accept what's happened and try to do something to prevent that from happening in the future. Sure, America needs to change, but so does the human race as a whole. They need to learn to take the blame, rather than just dish it out all the time and get nothing out of it.
I'm sick and tired of hearing how kids have gone missing, kids have been shot and even older people getting murdered because of stupid reasons. I know the world is full of sick, twisted people, but something needs to be done about it.. and fast.