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Cheesy dumb topic title in place of something generic.

What's cracka lackin' C3, my name is Hannah but you can call me Asuna (yes I'm a girl yes I play video games). I joined recently because my friend Josh/SuperLink persuaded me too, also because I got Pokemon BW2 and I'm a little optimistic to discuss it.

I'm mainly into RPGs like the mentioned Pokemon series, SMT, and Final Fantasy, though when it comes to choosing a major gaming company over any others I'd choose Nintendo. My current favorites don't include specific games from them, but I've played a lot of them as a kid and I still enjoy them a lot!

I haven't been playing many games as of late due to being busy with school and other various things, though I'm hoping I can slowly get into some good ones during what free time I have.

I have a backloggery if anyone wants to know what I'm currently playing and what I have played before. Thanks for your time!

Nice to meet you, Asuna. Good taste in games you have! Added to backloggery and will add you on PS3.

Asuna said:
(yes I'm a girl yes I play video games).

Really..................................................................... did you have to-

jokes aside I'm glad you decided to join Smilie maybe some day in the future there will be a "SuperLink forced me to join C3" club or something.
Interact and enjoy! (I finally got to say that before anyone else Smilie)

( Edited 13.10.2012 02:41 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Azuardo said:
Nice to meet you, Asuna. Good taste in games you have! Added to backloggery and will add you on PS3.

Thanks a lot Azurado! I actually thought I'd be one of the only RPG fans on a forum like C3, nice to know there are people here with the same tastes as me.

SuperLink said:
Asuna said:
(yes I'm a girl yes I play video games).

Really..................................................................... did you have to-

jokes aside I'm glad you decided to join Smilie maybe some day in the future there will be a "SuperLink forced me to join C3" club or something.
Interact and enjoy! (I finally got to say that before anyone else Smilie)

I like yes I'm a girl yes I play video game jokes you can't stop me

But thank you Josh~

To be fair, there's a good few RPGers on C3, which is nice. I can name about 6 or 7 from my head, so you won't be alone here. Just a shame it's not the most active forum in the world. Although I do feel forums in general have died a death. Maybe you can help boost activity a little!

Yeah, no one really goes on forums anymore... I haven't joined one since a good three years maybe, even then not a lot I knew were too active. It kind of makes me wonder where gamers go to have actual enlightening discussions about video games nowadays. But yes I plan on becoming an active member even if I may not be on at all times!


Expected reaction from a guy on the internet: OMG A GIRL?!? WHAT IS THIS? I'VE NEVER SEEN ONE OF THOSE BEFORE!!

My actual reaction: Wow, a new member. It's great to have you join Cubed3, Hannah. To be completely honest, we could always do with a few new members, just to liven this place up. It's been the same people for a long time now, so yeah. It's really nice of you to join us.

Like Azuardo said, there's a fair few RPGers in this community. Sadly, I am not one of them. Whilst I do like the genre, it definitely isn't my most favourite. Anyways, hopefully you stick around for good. Be sure to check out the radio and chat, both of which are located on the sidebar at the right!

The chat isn't as active as it used to be, but if you stick in there long enough, you'll probably get to talk to SirLink, Marzy, or myself. Hopefully even more members.


( Edited 13.10.2012 04:12 by Mush )

Welcome t' boards.

Welcome, to Jurassic Park.

Our member of the week

Welcome, got a lot of good things on sale stranger!

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( Edited 13.10.2012 11:03 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Have fun around here. Before you know it, life is over. You don't want to be one of those people wondering 'oh I wish I would have spent more time on the internet' and feel like you have missed out on life. It's the worst - I have seen old people being torn apart from inside, laying awake at night repeatedly thinking 'oh why didn't I? I was such a fool''s not a pleasant sight.
In the end though: it is your choice, it is your life. Choose carefully, live strong, try to live together peacefully. There has been a little too much anger spread around the campus if you will and I don't want anybody to fall into the same trap. Therefore it's fortunate there is this virtual sanity, a beautiful invention a whole new generation can invest in. To catch them all might seems impossible, but you're on the right track, really.
(And just between you and me - I'm not sure if that is our community's goal. But that's a philosophical discussion that we won't be having here, there is a limit and the limit is basic needs)


You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

Welcome to Cubed3! Smilie I'm one of the RPG fans Azuardo mentioned, it's my favourite genre though I play just about everything except survival/horror and maybe puzzle games. I'm also a huge Pokémon fan and will be getting Black 2 in a few days. Would love to talk about it in the C3 Chat.

Perhaps you can do me a favour and take my place as the most recent active C3 member? Smilie It's been two years since I joined and there hasn't been any new members who took that place.

It's also great to see another backloggery user, I couldn't live without that site anymore. So convenient! Smilie Added you on there.

Another RPG nut signing in here! Real life commitments like work and boring stuff get in the way of that mostly though, nobody should have to worry about real life stuff. Smilie

Still, hello from me, have a GIFt. Smilie

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