Julys Gaming Playlist: Whats on yours?

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A.K.A the monthly What Are You Playing thread. Thought I'd spice it up a bit from the norm with not only what you're currently going through gaming-wise, but what you also expect to be playing later in the month. Smilie

Currently Playing: Okamiden and Skyward Sword.
Despite having owned it for the best part of a year now I still haven't finished Okamiden, which when considering my Okami-fanboyism is quite a problem that I hope to remedy quite soon.
Usually with Zelda games I play them through at least twice, and Hero mode on Skyward Sword has been beckoning the 2nd go for a while now. Jesus Christ does it start off difficult though. :/

Expected to be playing: Theatrhythm Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance on my shiny new 3DS XL.
Theatrhythm comes out next week and it's long been preordered so I'm looking forward to that greatly, more so after the demo. Same with DDD, though that'll be the end of the month, quite close to the XL launch too. Smilie

I'll shamelessly copy your format, if you don't mind. Smilie

Currently Playing: Dark Souls
This game...is the most sadistic game I've ever played. It will punish you with death every time you give it the chance...and then punish you some more. It'll take me a while to get through this one, that's for sure.

Expected to be playing: Diablo 2, Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door and Final Fantasy VI
Quite a list I have here, but I'll need some hefty RPGs to keep me occupied. Smilie Hopefully I'll get either Diablo 2 or ToS tomorrow, I can't possibly play Dark Souls all day without turning insane.

Oh yeah Phoenixus, I'm planning on playing through Skyward Sword a second time later this year when there's some distance between the playthroughs. Only, I'll go for a 6-heart run on Hero Mode. That'll be fun. Smilie

( Edited 01.07.2012 10:07 by SirLink )

Bought Modern Warfare 3 off my mate George for £5. Wasn't going to bother with that one, but I couldn't pass up such a hefty deal. I believe the COD titles hold their value quite well, I could probably sell it on for more than that.

I quite like it so far. Single player is kind of epic, and extremely cheesy. Still, I'm glad to see the Modern Warfare SAS cockneys return. I missed them in Black Ops. I'm not that far in, about 33% according to the main menu.

I've been having a lot of fun with the multiplayer. There's some really nice modes. It can be very, very hectic. At times there's so much going on with a thousand killstreaks in the sky and so forth. It can be a bit much.

On PS3 it runs like silk, which wasn't exactly the case with the PS3 version of Black Ops. The latter they patched up and improved, but Infinity Ward know their engine better than Treyarch do.

I'd be interested in the DLC if it wasn't best part of £12 a piece. Spending £24 on DLC for a £5 game just seems wrong. It seems wrong in any situation to be honest, but yeah.

SirLink said:

Oh yeah Phoenixus, I'm planning on playing through Skyward Sword a second time later this year when there's some distance between the playthroughs. Only, I'll go for a 6-heart run on Hero Mode. That'll be fun. Smilie

That was my intention too, thankfully I'd forgotten enough for it to be fresh. If you're honestly going for a 6-heart Hero Mode run (very good luck with that Smilie), don't be tempted to buy and hold onto the Heart Medal later on. Until you get it the game is a real trial, can't imagine not having it for the whole of Hero mode.

Phoenixus said:

That was my intention too, thankfully I'd forgotten enough for it to be fresh. If you're honestly going for a 6-heart Hero Mode run (very good luck with that Smilie), don't be tempted to buy and hold onto the Heart Medal later on. Until you get it the game is a real trial, can't imagine not having it for the whole of Hero mode.

I actually didn't even know that they remove that limitation from Hero Mode, but yeah, I'll be doing it based on pure skill (and some luck) only. I know people have done it already, so it's definitely possible. I got through OoT MQ on the 3DS with 3 hearts (basically just about everything later on kills you), so that should give me a good idea of what to expect. Relying on potions alone is gonna be hard as hell though. Might take many trips through dungeons to get through them.

Hopefully, Star Wars Battlefront 2.. have it downloading now and haven't played for years!

Apart from that

Battlefield 3
Halo Reach
Skyrim Dawnguard
Mass Effect 3

Flicking through various games to tick me over till my big ones arrive - Just Cause 2 and Heavy Rain mainly, with the odd Uncharted 3 online in between. Trying to finish up a couple of DS games, too.

But then I've got a pretty packed month with Theatrhythm FF arriving and three N64 games I bought off Martin - Banjo Tooie, Conker's BFD and Perfect Dark. Cannot wait to get tucked in to them.

Give PD some love. It got unfair flack for being 'too sluggish' when in reality it's no more sluggish than GoldenEye, yet is more advanced. If you can handle GoldenEye's framerate, there's a lot to love about PD.

Don't delete the save file that's on there. I completed everything and got all the cheats. A few of the cheats are ridiculously difficult to earn. Just start your own save, play through it and then reap the benefits of my one. Maybe see if you can beat my times! Smilie

'Tooie and BFD are sickeningly-cool games. With the former, there's some very off-key humour (and even a hidden ejaculating penis in one of the levels). Jolly Roger is my favourite character. You'll understand when you meet him. His level is probably my favourite, too. The worlds are fantastic. I know I've posted this before, but you have to love the music from 'Tooie.


Also, in 'Tooie there's a new feature whereby notes and all other collectibles are 'remembered', which is to say that unlike the original game, you don't need to collect everything on a world in one go. Take some notes or whatever and they'll always not be there next time you enter the world. This feature was integrated into BK XBLA, but is only on the second game on the N64.

I almost hate to say it, but I've been having way too much fun with MW3. I know it's fashionable to hate on COD, but whatever. Best £5 game I've bought in a long time. I have a golden M4A1 Smilie

I recently started playing Red Steel 2. It's not bad. The style and vibe of the game is very cool. It's this strange mish-mash of Spaghetti Westerns and Japanese ninja/samurai movies (no relation to the first game other than it has guns and swords). My biggest gripe is that it feels like they planned for the game to be a small sandbox, but it wound up being very linear. Fighting is a lot of fun, though.

I've slowly been playing through Braid. I'm halfway through World 6, which looks like the last world (or maybe next to last?). Really clever puzzles and the art and music is great. The nods to Mario are nice, too. I've really enjoyed it so far.

I've also been playing Sin and Punishment: Star Successor. It's so hard at times, though! Luckily, the game is generous with continues. You just go back to last checkpoint when you die. I would have given up long ago otherwise.

The next games I'll play will probably be Super Mario RPG and Amnesia. I should be getting a $25 Gamestop gift card in the mail, so I'm hoping to get Xenoblade Chronicles in the next week or two if I can find it.

( Edited 01.07.2012 22:13 by TAG )

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Tales of Graces f- 4 player co-op, I'm glad they give you the hardest difficulty on your first play through.
Kid Icarus: Uprising - I've done all the chapters on intensity 9, now I just need to find all the treasures on each level.
Xenoblade - Still haven't completed this bastard.

Theatrythm FF, The Last Story & Kingdom Hearts DDD Cup (sorry couldn't resist XD) are on my list for July.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Wrapping up Final fantasy XIII and gearing up for Final Fantasy XIII-2! Soundtrack is awesome! Smilie

Anybody still playing the multiplayer of Uncharted 3 Around here? I've been Drakin' around with a couple friends lately (Playing lab mostly just for kicks) if anybody else is ever on they are welcome to join!

( Edited 03.07.2012 06:24 by Duggler657 )

Duggler657 said:
Anybody still playing the multiplayer of Uncharted 3 Around here? I've been Drakin' around with a couple friends lately (Playing lab mostly just for kicks) if anybody else is ever on they are welcome to join!

Erm, yeah. I mentioned I still play. I don't normally get on till weekends, though, if at all. If you see me on, though, give us a shout.

Azuardo said: Flicking through various games to tick me over till my big ones arrive - Just Cause 2 and Heavy Rain mainly, with the odd Uncharted 3 online in between.

How did I miss that!? Smilie Sorry Azuardo. If I ever see you you online I'll shoot you an invite. Man... my bad.

L said:
Xenoblade - Still haven't completed this bastard.

How is it so far? Amazing I hope. My Gamestop card came in the mail today. I'm going to try beat a game or two in the next few days, then hopefully pick up Xenoblade Chronicles (finances willing).

SirLink said:
Expected to be playing: Diablo 2, Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door and Final Fantasy VI

Paper Mario and Final Fantasy VI are so good! I was kind of surprised at how much I liked the world of Paper Mario: TYD. From what I remember, the world felt pretty lively and was interesting to explore.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

TAG said:
How is it so far? Amazing I hope. My Gamestop card came in the mail today. I'm going to try beat a game or two in the next few days, then hopefully pick up Xenoblade Chronicles (finances willing).

It's amazing. One of the best games I've played in the past 6 years and probably ever. The best thing about the game is that it never gets boring which is something a lot of other RPG's suffer from mid way through the game.

Silhouette Mirage, Astra Supertars, and Castlevania Gameboy.




( Edited 10.07.2012 13:41 by Linkyshinks )

Been playing a lot of the RE6 demo for the past week and a bit. It's extremely fun and feels like it's gonna be a vast improvement over RE5.
Been playing a lot of Tony hawk games as well, mainly pro skater 3 and underground 2.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Ok let's see:

Rayman Origins
Still haven't finished it, didn't even see the end yet. I plan on getting all the Electoons eventually.

Starcraft II
Just not as much as earlier... I'm now in Master league, I have little left to prove.

Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike
Got this for €12 or so, should be decent fun (at least the flying levels).

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