A.K.A the monthly What Are You Playing thread. Thought I'd spice it up a bit from the norm with not only what you're currently going through gaming-wise, but what you also expect to be playing later in the month.
Currently Playing: Okamiden and Skyward Sword.
Despite having owned it for the best part of a year now I still haven't finished Okamiden, which when considering my Okami-fanboyism is quite a problem that I hope to remedy quite soon.
Usually with Zelda games I play them through at least twice, and Hero mode on Skyward Sword has been beckoning the 2nd go for a while now. Jesus Christ does it start off difficult though. :/
Expected to be playing: Theatrhythm Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance on my shiny new 3DS XL.
Theatrhythm comes out next week and it's long been preordered so I'm looking forward to that greatly, more so after the demo. Same with DDD, though that'll be the end of the month, quite close to the XL launch too.