Favorite Brews!

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So I'm getting ready to go visit a brewery near my home in Atlanta, and I got to thinking "I wonder if any of the C3 guys have a favorite brew?".

In here you can discuss your favorite brews, but you don't have to limit it to beer! Have a favorite wine? Tell us about! Have a particularly good cigar? Let us know!

My all time favorite is a beer called Fat Tire. It's a Belgian type beer that was named after a biking trip through Europe

I'm interested in trying some new brews, so have at it! Smilie

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Irn-Bru. Smilie

Marzy said:
Irn-Bru. Smilie

Scotlands other national drink, eh? Smilie

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

My favourite lager/beer so far is Desperado's, it has a shot of tequila in each bottle(they have many different flavours) and usually comes with a lime when you have it in a pub. It's funny because I'm not a big fan of beer/lager.

My favourite cider is Kopparberg mixed fruit since for some reason, I've slowly started to not like Apple Cider, and I used to love Strongbow, and now I just can't stand it.

I'm going to Ireland next month. Any tips beside Guinness?

As for my own tips... I like special beers but I don't drink enough to have a favorite, or even remember them.

Stulaw said:
My favourite lager/beer so far is Desperado's, it has a shot of tequila in each bottle(they have many different flavours) and usually comes with a lime when you have it in a pub. It's funny because I'm not a big fan of beer/lager.

My favourite cider is Kopparberg mixed fruit since for some reason, I've slowly started to not like Apple Cider, and I used to love Strongbow, and now I just can't stand it.

Desperado's sounds kind of strange. I'm not sure I would like Tequila and beer together, but I guess you never know until you try.

In the states we have an apple cider called woodchuck's that is really good. They sell different kinds made from different apples, so some are sour and some are sweet. I don't think it is sold in Europe, but if you ever come across it you should give it a try.

Also, I was in the Netherlands last month and I was kind of surprised at how much the people really do like Heineken. It's sold as an import in the states as a semi-cheap pilsener beer, but I never would have imagined how popular it actually is there.

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Kopparberg I would suggest every single time. Most fruity ciders do me nicely, tbh. I drink mostly the known brands in terms of beer, though, (Carlsberg, Carling, Bud, etc) and dabble in the odd local ale in the pubs. Usually have Welsh beers by Brains on ale night in my local.

Think I first properly had Heineken in the US, too, and quite enjoyed it.

I liked Desperado when I had it, but I was hammered when it came to trying it for my first time and don't think I managed most of it. Need to try it again.

( Edited 25.05.2012 19:54 by Azuardo )

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Easily the best cider, followed by Scrumpy Jack. I find Kopperberg to be too "mainstream" - really chemically, sickly sweet stuff. Rekorderlig, found only in a few supermarkets and bars, is so soo good! Don't mind a Strongbow, or fruity cocktail. All three major wine types. Really not into beer though!

As for Coffee and Tea brew - HAS to be Douwe Egberts for coffee and PG Tips for tea. Sorted!

( Edited 26.05.2012 01:14 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I agree with jb. Rekorderlig is so good! Perfect for the summer too.

jb said:Don't mind a Strongbow
Brrr, isn't that one of those new supermarket ciders? That and... Jizzle or something?
When you look at the ingredients, it's only part cider. The rest is just... sugar water with alcohol I guess.

10 years ago at the wedding of my French cousin, I got a drink and thought "wow, that's really nice cider!"... and it turned out to be champagne. Smilie

Strongbow? What? No. It's been going for decades and popular the world over.

I saw Strongbow in the store a couple days ago. I might have to try it out.

I also had a really good local brew while I was at the brewery yesterday. It was called the SweetWater Exodus Porter.

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Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Root Beer is the ultimate...

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Our member of the week

Our local brew, "Trappiste de Rochefort".

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Brewed by the monks. The 6� one is for wussies. The 10� one is for real mean only. The 8� is the most common, strong but bearable for the average Joe, just don't drink more than two. Distributed worldwide, perhaps you can find some in Atlanta.

If you can find any, though I'm not sure it's distributed worldwide, the Straffe Hendriks, another strong one.

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Excellent head that one, the bubbles are so thin you could lay a spoon on it and it won't sink

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Not a drinker; don't plan on it.

Lol love your description RudyC3, everything sounds more badass when you say Monks have made it. But I gotta agree with ^, I don't drink either which is why I said Root Beer is the Ultimate...& Grape Sody. ;P

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

So I had a really good beer that a friend got me for my birthday a couple weeks back. It was a Samuel Smith Imperial Stout. Some of you may have heard of it. I've recently developed a taste for dark beers, and this is definitely one of the best I've had, by far! It's like drinking a chocolate covered coffee bean! Smilie

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If you are a fan of dark beers at all, don't pass this up!

( Edited 12.06.2012 05:46 by Hawk )

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Black Sheep, Old Tom, Tetley's Bitter.

I've all of a sudden gone back to liking Apple Cider and therefore Strongbow again, must've just been a weird month or something. Still, I hate Magners although that's always been the case. Love Bulmers though, got 4 different types in my fridge.

I've never tried stout, I always see one person in the pub drinking Guinness, but it's never been something I've had on my to drink list.

Well, ales come in all kinds of varieties (as do lagers). An interesting fact about Guinness specifically is that if you go out on the lash, and stick to drinking Guinness all night, you will have a black shit the next morning. I mean black. Darker than dark. I guess that's why it's an awesome ale - it gives you black shits.


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( Edited 12.06.2012 17:50 by Linkyshinks )

Stulaw said:
I've never tried stout, I always see one person in the pub drinking Guinness, but it's never been something I've had on my to drink list.

I was always the same way, until just recently. I guess my taste buds changed. What used to taste like oil now magically tastes like chocolaty coffee drinks. It's strange! Smilie

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.
Our member of the week

Hoegaarden feels very light, you almost can't feel the alcohol in itn which makes it easy to drink.

They didn't serve yours in a true Hoegaarden glass though Smilie.

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A lot of pubs here store these glasses in the refrigerator, so that it real icy when the customer drinks it Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Yea, It's crisp clean taste is perfect on a hot sunny day. A slice of lemon brings out the subtle floral notes. I had a couple of those large glasses, once upon a time, I guess somebody must have nicked them.

Yeah, Hoegarden is a lovely beer. And yes, people probably stole the glasses from your local. I know I always do. I even have a full set of Cafe Nero stuff!

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