I love crossover games like this. This would be a definite purchase for me if it came to NA.
NNID: FlyingKickPunch
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I love crossover games like this. This would be a definite purchase for me if it came to NA.
Hopefully these are only the press released characters & not the full roster since I can name at least 20 more characters that should make the cut (No Ryo from Shenmue!??? T_T)
The battle damage numbers remind me of Super Robot Taisen OG Saga so I think this'll follow the same formula which is awesome, especially for people who love over the top animeish style fighting like myself! Hopefully it'll have good to DECENT voice acting or NO voice acting at all...NOTHING kills an RPG for me like shoddy voice work with Cross Edge on ps3 & Baten Kaitos on Cube for examples. Hopefully this comes state side.
Good shout on Ryo, Vorash. If he makes it in then my interest would increase tenfold. List isn't final, no. There will be unlockable characters.
Even though they'd seem out of place next to the humanoid cast I'd say Sonic & perhaps even Knuckles deserve to represent SEGA in here...even as cameo NPCs.