That's part of Viridi's theme, do you like the melody itself or just the way it's played there particularly?
It's mainly the melody itself.
It's fantastic in the version you've posted too.
( Edited 10.05.2012 14:24 by Marzy )
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That's part of Viridi's theme, do you like the melody itself or just the way it's played there particularly?
It's mainly the melody itself.
It's fantastic in the version you've posted too.
( Edited 10.05.2012 14:24 by Marzy )
Marzy said:
I love the melody itself.It's fantastic in the version you've posted too.
Chapter 18/19 Spoilers:
Just started this one and HOLY COW what a high production value this one has! The controls are kinda awkward but for a game that's begging to be played I gotta cut it some slack.
I've played a online match and wow it was insane. I didn't know what was even going on half the time! lol Maybe I could add some of you folks and you could teach me a thing or two
IkeFE said:
I've played a online match and wow it was insane. I didn't know what was even going on half the time! lol Maybe I could add some of you folks and you could teach me a thing or two
Glad you're enjoying it IkeFE, its a shame so many were put off initially by the controls as there is one of Nintendo's best games in years waiting right beneath them. ^^
I never really play the game online on account of getting my butt kicked every single time but I shall add your code, and you might wanna check this thread out;
To find mine and add your own to the rest of C3's.
We should do some C3 matches, I'm sure there's more than 6 people on C3 with the game now.
L said:I've been saying this for weeks now but haven't seen much interest from others so far.
We should do some C3 matches, I'm sure there's more than 6 people on C3 with the game now.
I wouldn't mind that at all, it'd be awkward in my case though with Night shifts and everything. :/
SirLink said:
I've been saying this for weeks now but haven't seen much interest from others so far.
I'm always up for some games online.
( Edited 20.05.2012 14:38 by Marzy )
Btw, if any of you guys are ever up for some online matches, join the C3 chat!!! Contrary to popular belief, it's not quite dead yet!
( Edited 21.05.2012 18:54 by SirLink )
Bumping for a random thought and maybe general discussion.
Just now I was thinking about how before Kid Icarus: Uprising was confirmed, there were very persistent rumours of a new Kid Icarus game for some time! It's bizarre that despite the franchise being dead for many years, the rumours popped up only half a decade before the game was shown for real. I wonder if that means the rumours actually had some truth to them? I mean especially considering that Kid Icarus Uprising had been in development or at least planning since way before Brawl even came out.
It's just very strange that we really did get a new Kid Icarus game when I don't even know why people were expecting one in the first place. Bizarre! And interesting.
I remember hating a bunch of those rumours, I think the final product is something that many of us are really happy with though
That's interesting. What were the rumors? I find it strange that the game started on PC and moved to Wii. It just seems like a strange idea to move it to a handheld after that. I wonder how Kid Icarus rumors could arrive from a PC prototype?
I also remember reading somewhere that the game wasn't even a Kid Icarus game at first. I can't remember where I heard that, though. (Or if my memory is just playing tricks on me. :roller
I think yeah it was originally a StarFox game or something but I'm not sure if that's true or not, it probably started on PC because the hardware they wanted Sakurai to use (the 3DS) wasn't ready yet, the PC is pretty open-source so I think it's usually easy to port work from a PC to another system.
Too lazy to find any sources atm
I got this game last summer and I like it but I get find anymore cards dose anyone know where can get some more trading cards.