What are you playing in cold February?

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It's fricking freezing, so we all have a good excuse to be inside playing games this month. What games are keeping your hands warm?

Final Fantasy XIII-2
Seems like yesterday when I saw this announced, but my beautiful Crystal Edition is here. Definitely going to be on this all weekend, and can't wait for the DLC coming out.

FFCC Ring of Fates
In the final part of the game. Didn't quite get the chance to finish it off before FFXIII-2 arrived, so this'll have to wait a bit longer.

Rayman Origins
Tried to fly through as much as poss before XIII-2 came, and quite enjoyed it. Lots of secrets to find, and looks gorgeous in HD.

Mostly still playing Raid Mode in Resident Evil Revelations, but will be getting into Ghost Trick on my iPhone soon enough. Smilie

FFVII on PS3. Just got done with some boss in an ice cave. It had a fire head and an ice head, so required some slightly-careful use of magic and what have you. To begin with I was healing it a lot! I'm not far into disc two.

Resident Evil: Revalations - Great game.
Kid Icarus 3D - Just completed it, good game.
Skyrim - I've kinda got bored of it, not sure if I want to go back to it.

I'm also gonna start Skyward Sword this month and maybe The Last Story.

Not as much as I should be playing considering I have a break from courses, that's for sure.
And yep it's bloody freezing, hard to play games when your fingers feel like they'll fall off. Then again, so is typing and yet I persevere at pressing f5 every few seconds.

Soulcalibur V
If you told a modern gamer that Soulcalibur used to be a really wonderful fighting game series with decent character development tons of unlockables and extensive single/multiplayer modes they'd probably laugh at you.

Tales of the Abyss
I adore the Tales series but I'm making slow progress- guess I'm not in the mood for RPGs.

I heard Re:R was brilliant but I've never been a huge RE fan. Maybe I'll get round to it sometime.

I plan on resuming P3P soon too.

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One Piece Unlimited Cruise SP 3D
Crush 3D
Warhammer 40k Space Marine
Battlefield 3

Halo Reach

Sonic Generations: I plan on actually going back and completing this, I got part way through and then my computer froze during a level thanks to a Steam message. Found it rather easy so far.

Skyward Sword: Got to the 6th dungeon and then Uni work started to get in the way, I should complete it during the month.

Final Fantasy IV DS: Got to the moon years ago, stopped playing it for some reason and now finally getting back into it.

( Edited 04.02.2012 22:38 by Stulaw )

Kirby's Epic Yarn: First impressions was that it was a game made for 4 year olds, but I'm glad to say I'ce changed my mind. It's full of charm, and the only downer so far is that it's far too easy. Smilie

Pokemon 1st gen (online battling): I think I mention this every month now, but it's such a good game with such depth and yet a reasonable level of simplicity. I love it.

Final Fantasy XIII
Decided to wait an extra week for it to arrive to make it the first PS3 game I play and it was well worth it. The Paradigm system in particular is something I really, really like. I'm only 14 hours into it so far but I wouldn't be surprised if it finds its way on at least my Top 5 JRPG list.

Rune Factory Frontier
Never thought that maintaining a farm, crafting, simple dungeon-crawling and socializing all at once could be so addicting, but it is. Played about 42 hours already and I didn't even tackle much if anything of the story yet because there's just so much stuff I want to do first. I'll definitely be playing this for quite a while alongside other games.

HAH I live in Phoenix Arizona so it's not really cold out (I walk around in shorts during mid day & am not cold till the sun sets at 7PM) but I WILL be getting Resident Evil Revilations this month so wait for me on Raid Mode guys!! And I'll be picking up Tekken 3D Prime Edition as well as a Vita along with Uncharted Golden Abyss & Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Resident Evil Revelations, just completed it last night but I won't go into much details *spoilers*. All I can say, I feel as if I was playing a console game. Playing with circle pad pro really makes a difference and Nintendo would be stupid if they dont include it with the next 3DS when ever that happens. It just showcased that third person and first person games are possible on the handheld and my god the graphics are incredible, I expect more developers now pushing more big titles into this handheld. Can't wait to play MGS 3D Snake Eater.

Just started Uncharted 3 yesterday.

It's a great game, but it's not had the same impact on me as the second, most likely because that one improved greatly on the first. It has all the usually greatness you'd expect from an Uncharted game, great characters, voice acting, story and visuals.

I got up to Chapter 11 and got stuck on a puzzle. Even with the game solving it for me, I still couldn't find the right hole to put it in. Going to have to use a guide, unfortunately.

Agree about Uncharted 3. Uncharted 2 was something I never expected, so it was always gonna be hard for it to have the same impact as that one. But without a doubt, it's still a brilliant game and has everything you would expect.

Which puzzle was this btw? Can you spoiler it for me? Just curious.

( Edited 06.02.2012 18:18 by Marzy )

( Edited 06.02.2012 18:19 by Azuardo )

( Edited 06.02.2012 18:32 by Marzy )

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