Super Smash Bros. Melee Review

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Developer: HAL Laboratories
Publisher: Nintendo
Players: 1-4
Origin: Japan
Genre: Fighting
ESRB: Teen

Have you ever got that urge? You know, that one you get after failing for the umpteenth time on Super Mario Sunshine or The Wind Waker. That sudden insatiable urge to maul Mario, punch Pikachu, and kick Kirby right between his tubby, pink legs. We’ve all experienced it, you’re sick of Nintendo’s seemingly childish nature and you want to get your own back on their most loved possessions – their characters. Unfortunately, in the past we didn’t have an outlet for such anger. Well, in a bizarre twist of fate, now we can…

I never thought I’d see the day when the usually timid Nintendo would condone the prospect of all it’s most memorable and treasured characters beating the living daylights out of each other. Well, they did, and when the original Smash Bros. was released back in Christmas 1999, fans didn’t know what to make of it. Some threw their arms up in the air shouting, “You can’t put Mario in a beat-em up,” as if it were blasphemous. The wise ones, mind, welcomed it with open arms, as, thankfully, Smash Bros. was great, in fact it was the N64 best beat-em up. Even though it featured certain amounts of violence (albeit in a cartoony manner with not a drop of blood or a life threatening injury in sight), despite it’s content, it played like a typical Nintendo game.

The same is true of the sequel, Super Smash Bros. Melee. Although many have shoehorned it into the beat-em up category, it is as far removed from, say, Tekken and Street Fighter as you could possibly get. No mind shatteringly difficult combos to remember, no complex button presses and no high kicking, fireball throwing Japanese schoolgirls.

You see, while Smash Bros. Melee is still a beat-em up at heart, it’s frantic and somewhat simple nature means it can often feel like a kind of ‘party’ game. What it really is, is the beat-em up stripped to it’s bare bones. The aim of the “normal” game (there are many deviations from this) is to have the most points at the end of a bout. You earn a point by knocking your rivals out of the arena and you lose a point by getting knocked out yourself.

It dispenses with such necessities (well, for your normal fighter) such as the traditional HP bar instead opting for a percentage system. As you administer more and more beatings to your opponents these percentages go up. The higher this is, the easier it is to send them soaring through the air. This being a Nintendo game instead of suffering a tragic early death, characters that get knocked out miraculously appear for more pain. And so it continues, until a set time elapses and the scores are totted up. The one with the highest score receives glory and praise, the losers, bucket loads of abuse and crude chanting from the modest winner.

It’s because of this simple formula that Smash Bros. feels so refreshing and different. All of your attacks are orchestrated through the control stick and a combination of either the A or B. It’s so simple you can pick it all up in minutes and jump in straight at the deep end. This is part of the series novelty almost everyone can play it and enjoy it.

This doesn’t mean the usual tactics are absent, mind. The shoulder buttons allow you to roll and dodge incoming attacks (a new edition to the series), however, perfect timing can be needed to pull it off and it takes a few hours before you really get the hang of it. Once you have, the game steps up a notch, where it’s now not only about planning your attacks but avoiding what your opponent(s) throw at you as well.

Also, there’s still the old dilemma of choosing a favourite character, one to suit your playing style, as ones like Bowser and tremendously powerful but also depressingly slow whereas characters like Fox are frighteningly fast but are a bit on the weak side when it comes to dishing out punishment. It’s all very well balanced, with players having to develop different ways of playing for different characters.

Thankfully after the short-but-brilliant Luigi’s Mansion and Pikmin, Nintendo have released a game stuffed with options. Almost every aspect of the game, no matter how small can be customised to satisfy even the most picky gamer. The single player is more than enough to occupy anyone’s time with secret modes and characters to unlock as well as hundreds of trophies of some of the more obscure characters and games from Nintendo’s rich tapestry of history.

But it’s the multiplayer were Smash Bros. really shines. Getting four mates huddled round a TV ensures countless hours of fun as you try and outwit you opponents. Like real fights these often degenerate into petty arguments with people shouting ‘Have that you little…’ and other obscenities, but that’s why playing against human opponents is so much better than when it’s simply you and the soulless CPU, which is the same every time. It’s obvious to see that Smash Bros. was designed to be a fast, furious multiplayer game and because of this, it’s here where you will spend most of your time.

Faults? Well, some may argue that it’s a bit too fast, as fights can often seem chaotic and out of control. Fans of the beat-em up will no doubt dismiss it as too simplistic, not realising that this is all part of the game’s charm. Also, if you’re doomed to a life of solitude and will never play the multiplayer, then knock a couple of marks off the score, as you probably won’t spend as much time with it as I have. The bonus characters aren’t as good as they could have been as, due to lazy development and time restrictions, many are simply carbon copies of the originals with different clothes or one extra move. But I’m simply nit picking now.

All in all it’s probably one of the most rounded, complete games on the Gamecube and, arguably, one of it’s finest. If you’re into serious fighters with booming commentators screaming, ‘’Round One. FIGHT!’’ then you’ll be more at home with something like Soul Calibur 2. If you fancy something a little bit different, something over the top and most important of all, something that’s great fun, then check this out.

Final Rating - 9

[ Edited by Parksey on 2004/5/18 19:25 ]

Nice review there mate! Perhaps when I have some more time I will go into more detail as to how you could perhaps improve or what have you, but for now, I say good work Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Along those lines,
I'd like to say that i'm just about the baddest son of a bitch alive when it comes to SSBM...
if only it were online... then i could show the world...

not when im around Smilie and especially not when sheiks around...but anyway we will never know whos the best untill we have a tournament how about tommorrow evening at my house?? no seriously though i did try and arrange a UK tournament but no one seemed too happy with this idea

A Member of the Reggie-Lution Fan Club
Established by tempo88

see, I'm pretty sure the game just tricks people into thinking they are good with the game. Becuse everyone says they are the best, but hardly any games get this reaction... damn Nintendo tricksters...

*Stamps foot* But I am the best! Me and my brother have been playing SSBM since day one, and there ain't no way, no how anybody bar the makers could take us on in a team battle Smilie

Fox and Falco ladies and gents...that's the only way Smilie

This game keeps coming up...know why? Because it's GOOD Smilie

"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

right then i cant be having this *people are better then me at smash* talk so i have come up with another cunning plan...on the days of ECTS and EIGF we allocate a smahs tournament for all of those people who are going. For example the bunch going to ECTS can have a smash tournament at my house as i live in london after the show...i know i keep nagging on about a group ECTS and a smash tournament but i think it would be very good fun

[ Edited by sonario on 2004/5/18 22:10 ]

A Member of the Reggie-Lution Fan Club
Established by tempo88

People over the internet may not be who they say they are.
You think you are meeting a friend when in fact you could be meeting your murderer.
Paedophiles use the internet.
Never give out your personal details to anyone, regardless of who you think they are.
Im sorry what's everyone talking about.
Oooooooooo smash bros torni, im in Smilie

Oppps spraying off topic here.
Parksey, enjoyed the review mate, two thumbs up Smilie


Straying off topic...not 'spraying'!! Smilie

Anyway, excellent to see reader's contributing work to C3!

Nice job Smilie

EDIT: Way to make a point, Raz Smilie , by spelling your own words wrong!


[ Edited by jesusraz on 2004/5/18 23:57 ]

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Strying off topic...not 'spraying'!!

Yeeea well I er wanted to be erm
*runs off* :embarrased2:

*runs back*

EDIT: Way to make a point, Raz , by spelling your own words wrong!

Ahh Haa! Dignity restored Smilie


[ Edited by Tr!5t@n on 2004/5/18 23:03 ]

Nice reveiw mate Smilie Agree with most of the stuff! I would write more if i wasnt so god damn tired.... oftufccsvdeskut Sorry, dosed off on the keyboard there... Smilie

Nah frazzle, Me and my brother'll take you... Link and Zelda...
A couple of things, though... the game does make you think your really good, just because at such a fast pace, everything you do looks cool... I'll dual anyone with Marth Smilie

It's such a classic, I play it with my brother still or with friends, even I play one player sometemes Smilie but if it could be online...

Edit: by the way, is it possible that Nintendo would do a half assed GC online using the DS?

[ Edited by TheDuffman on 2004/5/19 10:56 ]

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duffman ~~~~~~~~~
"If you make yourself really small, you can externalize virtually everything", Daniel Dennett

If I'm Samus I am undefeatable, seriosuly no one can beat me around here...but then again very few of them have a GC, still I rule. And good review mate, I would of scored it around the same! I love SSBM!

Obviously, this forum ain't big enough for all of us Smilie

Everyone's good in their own way, certain characters are their speciality, etc, but I second that tournament notion anyway Smilie

Yeah, Duffman, I agree, Nintendo should at least let this game go online.

"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

We're in such similar situations, but I guess that's just the illusion of the game anyway.

We're all the best in our areas, we all wan't more asses to kick, and we all think we're the best in the world Smilie

And there's no way to measure it. Smilie

There is officially no such thing as too much time spent talking Smash Bros.Smilie

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duffman ~~~~~~~~~
"If you make yourself really small, you can externalize virtually everything", Daniel Dennett

I am the true master of SSBM... Simply gimme Samus, and you're DEAD MEAT!!! Smilie

No no no, I am the master, I can almost play as two characters, and with practice I'll be able to beat the 'very easy' setting soon... bow before me, puny mortals!!!

SSBM is a classic game! Nice review, good words and structure there mate.

Tournament? Lol, I'm not in - gives me bad vibes (*remembers being cocky and doing 2 vs 1 and losing*)


Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Nice review there Parksey, I totally agree with you.

I'm not saying I'm the best in the world at SSBM, but hell do I kick butt with Shiek! I remember having 2 of my friends over and my brother and they were all against me, I whooped them good!! Smilie

Games that I own. Metroid Prime
Star Wars Rebel Strike
Star Wars Jedi Outcast
Burnout 2
Zelda: The Wind Waker
Action Replay (not a real game)
Fifa World cup 2002

Rekujot wrote:
Nice review there Parksey, I totally agree with you.

I'm not saying I'm the best in the world at SSBM, but hell do I kick butt with Shiek! I remember having 2 of my friends over and my brother and they were all against me, I whooped them good!! Smilie

SHIEK!!!!...thank you...somebody recognizes the powers of one and only threatSmilie

A Member of the Reggie-Lution Fan Club
Established by tempo88

No way... Zelda beats basically everyone (including sheik)... the defensive strategy is a bit cheap, but in a duel, it always wins Smilie

Edit: It looks like there's only one way to sort this out! If all of you just come to Australia Smilie
Edit: and nothing will eat youSmilie

[ Edited by TheDuffman on 2004/5/22 23:43 ]

[ Edited by TheDuffman on 2004/5/22 23:44 ]

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duffman ~~~~~~~~~
"If you make yourself really small, you can externalize virtually everything", Daniel Dennett

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