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To this day I still hate saying Wii, its just a bad name for a console. I want a name change but I dont see Nintendo coming back from the name Wii, I liked Revolution better but I guess Revolution did suit the console at the time of the launch. What name would you have instead of Wii U? Name has to have a 3 letter/number acronym which will make it easy to refer to the console, pretty hard to come up with a name isnt it? lol
Definitely. Especially if they want to escape the issues that they have with the DS branding.
They should call it the Nintendo Wii 2... or the Puu!
Why do people keep jumping to Wii 2 when this is not Nintendo second console ever... Xbox 360 is called so because Xbox 2 sounds inferior to PS3, so, why not, "Nintendo 7" as a big F YOU to everyone else
They should call it the Souped-up Wii (with) Awesome Games. SWAG. Lol, jk. xD
Honestly, I don't give a damn about the name of a console; it's all about the games for me. That doesn't say that I wouldn't appreciate a new name for the Wii U though, especially if it's one that's easier to say and has a good acronym.
Calling it the Mega Nintendo Entertainment System (MNES) or something like that would be pretty cool. I'd love to refer to their next console just as the "Nintendo" though.
I don't mind the name, though I think there could be potential confusion by the uneducated consumer about whether Wii U is an entirely new console or not.
Though the Wii U name goes better with the fact that Wii Remotes (and other Wii accessories) are standard controllers in addition to the Wii U controller.
Ifry said:
To this day I still hate saying Wii, its just a bad name for a console.
SirLink said:
Calling it the Mega Nintendo Entertainment System (MNES) or something like that would be pretty cool. I'd love to refer to their next console just as the "Nintendo" though.
Oh, and Nintendo, absolutely stop ripping off Apple with names, so the "Nintendo Wii Pad" is out the door.
Lol they should call it U. Then the next one U2... Oh the hilarity!
I'd call it the Wii T ('witty', with the T referring to the Tablet.
Why not Wii 2?
I'd just name it the U, I'll probably end up calling it that if the console keeps its name, it's not too important, unless people get it mixed up with the Wii (which the 3DS is partly sales and retailers fault for not setting a distinction), my cousins even call the 3DS a 3D DS even though it clearly states everywhere on it that it's called the 3DS.
Just glad it's not called the Wii HD.
( Edited 27.01.2012 12:00 by Stulaw )
"Nintendo 6"
Or, rather, Nintendo VI!
This is probably what many of us thought when first hearing the name "Wii U" at E3 2011.
This is the first thing I thought of lol.
But yea, it's a bad name, reason being because the consumers won't know the difference between the Wii and WiiU. I always thought Revolution was a sick name though.
Call it "Yuu". Easy and simple. Everybody will think of the Wii when they see it, yet they also understand this is something totally new.
Stulaw said:my cousins even call the 3DS a 3D DSCould do worse: today I heard a girl call it the DS 3.
Get rid of Wii entirely. I liked the name for the current Wii but the WiiU is just lazy. Nintendo need to completely redesign the WiiU and branding. Something fresh and different to gain more interest. Right now, it's mights as well be called WiiHD.
Ok here is what i think Nintendo should rename their upcoming gaming console they should call it the Nintendo Phantom!!!PS please comment and let me know if you like the name i came up with.
Phantom was a name of a console that never came out.
Canyarion said:
Call it "Yuu". Easy and simple. Everybody will think of the Wii when they see it, yet they also understand this is something totally new.
But Yuu doesnt mean anything :-/
Hence Vi which is close to Wii but also means their 6th console.
( Edited 27.01.2012 21:06 by Darkflame )
Yuu sounds like You. It's perfect. I wish I registered www.yuu.com.
Absolutely I'd rename it!! What was wrong with Revolution from the start? Sure it may be hard to pronounce in some countries but so it playstation!!
It will be called Nintendo_RS
Revolutionary System
i think it's best idea of the decade. Wii is probably going to stay, i am afraid, but that "U" is just f..ing ridiculous. Why not call system SNES 2? That was biggest ever name of the Nintendo hardware, why not call this one similar? "Wii" is a name for a toy console, not some new HD beast... Well, whatever ninty is going to come up with, it should be better than "Wii U" anyway.