One of the best reviews I've read in a while, Adam.
Skyward Sword was a completely fresh experience for me. Blacked out on the game and knew next to nothing about it, and never played a Motion Plus game before that either. Whilst we likely all experienced some frustrating moments with the sword not going where you want every time, overall the motion controls are such a joy to play with. To actually sit there and move the remote around in all sorts of directions and see Link doing the exact same thing on screen makes you realise how much of a step up in gaming we've come to. I would sometimes purposely hold the remote and nunchuk in a way that I would like to hold a sword and shield in real life, watching Link copy me and feeling even more in his shoes.
I was initially sceptical of the motion control thing. I've not been a massive fan of them at all in games, much preferring to play with a traditional controller. Most games seem to have them tacked on. But as proven with a Motion Plus game like Skyward Sword, they have completely changed my opinion on them. Perhaps it's because it's now 1:1 control and that I'm finally playing what I thought the Wii would be capable of from the start that I have become a fan of them. But just seeing how accurate and smooth it is to swing your sword in any direction and fire arrows with precision makes me crave more. I never thought it would suit a Zelda game, but it's clear that the guys at Nintendo spent a lot of time in getting it right.
I enjoyed the game so much. I love having a story in the Zelda games, even if Nintendo do find it hard to think of how to fit the games together, but SS didn't disappoint me on the plot side of things. There is a lot to ponder on how this game ties in to the rest of the series, but I shan't be discussing that here, to save from spoiling people.
Dungeons and puzzles were great. One dungeon in particular really stood out to me, as well as one of the bosses. It didn't feel so much that this game remedied an awful lot from previous Zeldas, unlike Twilight Princess, which I thought was a great game, but reused too many things.
On the point you brought up about TP, it sounds like you don't agree with the 10/10 score Mr. T gave it. Some magazines/sites update scores with new reviews after time/newer games come out; opinions change. So why not keep the original review in tact, but perhaps write a revised review as well, to go as the official new score? I see no harm in that at all.
Back on SS, I was a little underwhelmed by the soundtrack. It was beautiful and the ambient themes fitted perfectly with each place, but there weren't so many memorable themes as compared to previous Zeldas, which is a bit of a surprise. I am sure it was stated that they would be remixing quite a few old songs in this game, but I don't recall many at all, save for one or two. The Ballad of the Goddess song is one of my new favourite themes in games right now though, and the credits theme is a god send.
Definitely the game of the year for me, and probably my favourite game on the Wii. Cannot wait for the Wii U's Zelda now!