Resident Evil Revelations to Sell for $50

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Capcom is by far the most greedy Japanese publisher, and are more blatant about it than Activision or EA. We already know that this game will be released on the PSP Vita and then the PS3/360 as a "HD remake", so I'm not surprised they are selling it for the price of a PC or Wii game. I'll still get it when it goes below $20 though.

I think all 3DS games cost €50 here in the Netherlands. That's a lot more than $50...

Our member of the week

Depending on what store I buy from, most 3DS games cost 38€ at the least, with the average price sitting somewhere between 40 and 44€.

I'd never buy a 3DS game more expensive than that though, unless it's just that game in particular that costs more for technical reasons. I always go with where I can get the games for the cheapest price anyway.

But this is hardly anything new. SNES games that used special chips costed more. The 512Mbit/64MBytes N64 games costed MUCH more than the regular ones (I paid Conker's Bad Fur Day the equivalent of 84€ on the day of its release). Even DS games that used a larger capacity cartridge costed more (Namely the 4Gbit/512MBytes games like Love Plus and Ninokuni).

( Edited 07.11.2011 23:03 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Not sure how all the money you guys are talking about converts, but in the US, no 3DS game costs $50. And really, games don't tend to cost more. On the DS, some of the less popular games cost $30 instead of $35, but I don't recall any games being priced higher without some reason for it (like Pokemon being $35 but coming with a pokewalker and figurine).

Capcom just said they were done with shenanigans for their games. Now they're jacking up the price by $10. For a 4GB cart? I thought DS carts held up to 8 GB and I thought 3DS carts also held up to 8 GB, so I'm not sure why they're hiking the price to deliver half of what the cart they're using is capable of.

I'll need to see a lot more before I decide whether this is a dealbreaker. 20 hours sounds promising; RE5 was a measly 5.5 hours so if Revelations really does clock in at 20, that might be worth it. It would also smooth things out if they promised some free DLC for Mercs or Revelations. Especially with all of this "true console experience on a handheld" talk.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Well, let's just say that €40 is about $55 and then €50, which an average 3DS game costs for Canyarion is almost $70.

Here in the UK most 3DS games are £30 online, but if you go into a store, they'll more than likely be £40 or so. So we pay something between $48 - $65.

I don't see how Capcom is greedy, as far as I am aware this is the first 3DS cartridge that has a 4GB capacity, I'm pretty sure that the highest capacity cartridge that has been used for the DS is somewhere between 512MB-1GB. Maybe 2GB.

The standard 3DS cart is 2GB in size, so of course having a cartridge double the size of that is going to cost more. As Kafei previously stated, we have seen this with SNES games, N64 games and quite a few DS games. Whilst the DS games are Japanese exclusives for the most part, they still cost more because the cartridge they are stored on has a higher capacity than any other DS game out there.

As Kafei also said, he paid the equivelent to €84 for Conker's Bad Fur Day when it released. That is around $115 which is pretty ridiculous for a game, but hey. Smilie

I'm not gonna complain about the price of games, I'm also not gonna complain about certain games costing more than others, because it's nothing new. Also, although this may have a RRP of $50. I'm sure some places will sell it for $45 or something.

( Edited 08.11.2011 05:31 by Mush123 )

darkflame (guest) 08.11.2011#6

how comes:
a) gba/ds games came in all sorts of sizes yet stayed the same costs
b) you can get the highest speed consumer end 4GB SDHC cards for 5GBP or less now? surely for nintendo/capcom prices will be fraction of that.

I understand extra dev costs - honestly fixed game pricing is daft. But carts this small still shouldnt be a signifacant price difference :?

Our member of the week

darkflame (guest) said:
you can get the highest speed consumer end 4GB SDHC cards for 5GBP or less now? surely for nintendo/capcom prices will be fraction of that.

From what I understand, speed for original cartridges on consoles is heaps and bounds beyond that of SDHC cards. Games require faster transfer rates after all. Maybe not so much on DS, so I don't completely get it either (SD cards used in flashcarts don't slow down DS games).

However, here's the price I found for the fastest SDHC 4GB card I could found :

( Edited 08.11.2011 18:37 by Azuardo )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

It's always going to cost them a little more to use a bigger card. You've got to take into account that because it's a bigger game than most, it will invariably have higher production costs too. I wouldn't say Capcom are being greedy.

You've also got to remember that the 3DS is a console that's still trying to prove itself and in early life, so bringing out such a big title on that system is a bit of a gamble on their part. They are bound to be less prepare for a lower price point when they are taking a gamble.

The most I've ever payed for a game was £65. It was also for a game (made by Capcom) that was on a bigger cartridge than other games, Streetfighter 2 for the SNES. Take into account that, that was nineteen years ago too so with inflation would work out a lot more today. It always annoys me a little when Americans complain about the price of games. They obviously don't realise how good they've got it. �_�

justonesp00lturn said:
Capcom just said they were done with shenanigans for their games. Now they're jacking up the price by $10. For a 4GB cart? I thought DS carts held up to 8 GB and I thought 3DS carts also held up to 8 GB, so I'm not sure why they're hiking the price to deliver half of what the cart they're using is capable of.
Don't you mean Gb instead of GB? I don't know why they do it, but a Gbit is 8x smaller than a Gbyte.

Makes sense. Carts are still expensive. I already went through this on the SNES when I bought FF III (VI) and Chrono Trigger so no problem for me. I'll just add an extra $10 to my budget and enjoy the game.

@Canyarion: Nope, justonesp00lturn is right. 3DS carts can hold up to 8 GB (capital B) but they're still too expensive at the moment. By year 3 we will see bigger games on the 8 GB carts for $40-50 instead of the $60+ they would have to charge right now.

Anyone remember Virtua Racing or Phantasy Star IV being $99.99?

Darkflame (guest) 08.11.2011#12

Kafei2006 said:
darkflame (guest) said:
you can get the highest speed consumer end 4GB SDHC cards for 5GBP or less now? surely for nintendo/capcom prices will be fraction of that.

From what I understand, speed for original cartridges on consoles is heaps and bounds beyond that of SDHC cards. Games require faster transfer rates after all. Maybe not so much on DS, so I don't completely get it either (SD cards used in flashcarts don't slow down DS games).

However, here's the price I found for the fastest SDHC 4GB card I could found :

link doesnt work for me :-/
I was looking at ones on - 5.50 for4GB, 11 GBP for 8.

I still dont quite understand the cost really - the basic storage on the chip is the same, the difference has to be the interface between that and the system.

Incidently the original GB had the biggest game size jump comparatively; 0.25Mb upto 8Mb (bit in both cases)

( Edited 08.11.2011 18:38 by Azuardo )

^ Link should work now. Was a full-stop in Kafei's link.

Yeah, I guess I assumed 8GB was standard 3DS cart capacity, not a possible maximum, so the highger price makes sense.

Comparing SD cards to 3DS carts is apples and oranges. SD cards are used in many things and are mass marketed, thus the technology is more developed and cheaper.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I'm definitely getting it. 20 hours worth of gameplay for the single player campaign, an additional mode for co-op play and a return to the franchise's survival-horror roots makes this a Day One purchase for me regardless of the price lol

I would also like there to be a $70 CE (so we can prove that portable games deserve one as well) with an artbook and soundtrack. I was stupid enough as to not get the japanese RE4 Artbook+soundtrack at SDCC 4 years ago (it was only $40!) and missed out on a very awesome piece of RE history.

They're explanation doesn't justify the price hike. This is absurd. Smilie

Mush123 said:
As Kafei also said, he paid the equivelent to €84 for Conker's Bad Fur Day when it released. That is around $115 which is pretty ridiculous for a game, but hey. Smilie

What the... ?! Smilie I bought Conker's Bad Fur Day on launch day for the standard price of $49.99 here in the US.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

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