C3 Stars League Week Ending 02/10/11

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Welcome to the Cubed3 Stars system. This is an automatic post by C3's resident bot with this week's Cubed3 Star results... prepare yourself!

If there are any issues with your stars or the system, please contact jb.

Top 10 - Week ending 02/10/11

These are the rankings for stars during the last week for the current sseason.

Top 10 - Overall Ranking

These are the rankings for all users since the stars system begun:

Top Cubed3 User: Azuardo

This current top user is Azuardo

For more information on how the Cubed3 Stars system works, please view our Stars FAQ

C3 Bot

Used to process things automatically on Cubed3!!
Please contact jb if there are any problems with C3Bot!

Many thanks to L, Soundworks, Marzy x3, Kafei and SirLink this week.

Also want to take this time to thank everyone for the well-wishes concerning the new job. Starting tomorrow. Nervous, but hoping it will go alright.


Thanks to Jacob4000, Phoenixus and Kafei! Smilie

Our member of the week

Sinking in the depth of the rankings for the current season, but... oh well... Smilie.

Thanks to Marzy (x2) and Soundworks !

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Thanks to SuperLink, Kafei and Marzy for my stars this week.

( Edited 02.10.2011 11:45 by Stulaw )

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

Thanks go out to... Phoenixus. Cheers for the one star mate. Smilie

Two stars, not posted that much this week I guess.
ty to Kafei and Soundworks! xoxoxo

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Many thanks to Echoes!

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 

1) Wake Up
2) "Today's star day! Yay!" Smilie
3) Go on laptop
4) (1) pms
5) "Two pity stars! Yay!" Smilie

Cheers to Mush and Azuardo. Smilie
(Also just noticed how I've now snuck into the top 10 overall ranking. I'm not sure when that happened but cheers guys!)

Many thanks to Azuardo, Stulaw, Martin and SirLink.

Much appreciated. Smilie

It must have taken about 2 years now for someone to finally catch up to Raff, and it's not like he's been posting much.

Thanks keith and kafei2006. I think I'm gonna start getting into the habit of giving out stars, especially considering I've been here for a little while now, and I feel bad that I haven't even given one out.

A mighty thank you to the marvelous masters and moderators, Azuardo, Kafei2006, and Marzy for my three thrilling stars this week! Smilie

Many thanks to Soundworks, Kafei2006 and SirLink(x2).

( Edited 03.10.2011 05:27 by L )

Thanks Marzy for starring my first post in 1.5 years.


Thanks to Saunders, Marzy, Azuardo, Soundworks, Kafei for the most stars I've had in a week for a long, long time. You guys are AWESOME!

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