It's interesting i don't think i have ever paid out my arse for a rare retro game, i would like to say a fair few of my games have appreciated in value since owning and could imagine a fair few Wii ones could appreciate as well.
Here is my collection of games that i think "could" be worth something to some lonely geek in 50 years time, have in mind that while some of these games are common i have boxes (Good/mint) and instructions aside for the ones *'ed;
Mario Kart 64
No Mercy
Conkers Bad Fur Day
Majoras Mask
Perfect Dark
Mario Tennis*
Soul Calibur
Crazy Taxi 2
Dead or Alive 2
Metroid 2*
Fire Emblem Sacred Stones
Fire Emblem
Metroid Fusion
Metroid Zero Mission
Sonic Advance 2
Sonic Advance 3
Mario Kart Super Circuit
Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventures
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
Game boy player
Tatsunoko VS Capcom
Sin and Punishment
Metroid Prime Trilogy (Sealed)
Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
Granted i know some of these won't fetch more than the going RRP of time of release, and some of them are definitely more common but given time i think some of these games would be worth a buck or two. I think all Official Nintendo games go for a good quid or two somewhere down the road.
I think that now in the world of downloads (Virtual Console,arcade etc) that some games would depreciate, but it wouldn't stop those collectors!
As for that Video Game Values site i would like to say that is a great site, problem with me is that its for the NTSC market so PAL copies could be more/less depending.
If you were going to get a game right now that could be worth something i would say it would be xenoblade chronicles, if you see it cheap i would pick it up for the sake of it!
( Edited 13.03.2012 22:41 by Flynnie )