If this means Nintendo will start listening a bit more to its customers' cries, then it's not a bad thing, but we can't be sure of that. That's Nintendo for you...
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If this means Nintendo will start listening a bit more to its customers' cries, then it's not a bad thing, but we can't be sure of that. That's Nintendo for you...
I'm curious, who buys a videogame system at launch or a bit after launch even though he/she is going to be disappointed by the game line-up and then going to get angry over an inevitable price drop? That's just utterly stupid. There should have been a follow-up question like "Why did you buy one then?".
Honestly, every early adopter should have come in expecting a price drop at some point or at least much better offers and bundles around Christmas.
Watch the media take this and run with it. Basically, 2,200 people regret it, that's all.
Oh and I'm sure Nintendo will be SO gutted to lose 3,000 sales of Mario Kart and Land.
SirLink said:
I'm curious, who buys a videogame system at launch or a bit after launch even though he/she is going to be disappointed by the game line-up and then going to get angry over an inevitable price drop? That's just utterly stupid. There should have been a follow-up question like "Why did you buy one then?".
Honestly, every early adopter should have come in expecting a price drop at some point or at least much better offers and bundles around Christmas.
If you bought a console then only 6months on everyone else can get it for a third cheaper your would be fuming. Why they bought it when there were no games is one thing. I never had any intention of buying one mostly because the games are shite. But thats a different story.
10 free old games is not equal to a money refund
And to gray69 surveys cant question the entire poulation that bought one but a sample survey can be indicative of the general feeling of all those concerned. Like when a tv viewer complains to watchdog, thats the equivalent of one billion viewers only the others were too lazy to complain.
( Edited 05.08.2011 10:17 by meeto_0 )
meeto_0 said:SirLink said:
I'm curious, who buys a videogame system at launch or a bit after launch even though he/she is going to be disappointed by the game line-up and then going to get angry over an inevitable price drop? That's just utterly stupid. There should have been a follow-up question like "Why did you buy one then?".
Honestly, every early adopter should have come in expecting a price drop at some point or at least much better offers and bundles around Christmas.If you bought a console then only 6months on everyone else can get it for a third cheaper your would be fuming. Why they bought it when there were no games is one thing. I never had any intention of buying one mostly because the games are shite. But thats a different story.
10 free old games is not equal to a money refund
And to gray69 surveys cant question the entire poulation that bought one but a sample survey can be indicative of the general feeling of all those concerned. Like when a tv viewer complains to watchdog, thats the equivalent of one billion viewers only the others were too lazy to complain.
I bought a 3DS at launch and I honestly couldn't care less about the price drop.
I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of my 3DS and it's helped me entertain myself when I otherwive would've probably sat around browsing the WWW or eating myself silly .
Also, the 20 downloadable games we're getting indeed don't equal a refund, but their value is pretty up there and they're some pretty quality games. I'm actually quite happy with the offer.
I can see why people can get ticked off, but come on?
If you bought one early it probably means you had come to terms with spending that money anyway.
Faust D. Strooijer said:
Also, the 20 downloadable games we're getting indeed don't equal a refund, but their value is pretty up there and they're some pretty quality games. I'm actually quite happy with the offer.
I'm not complaining about the system here, I'm happy withit too (OoT 3D alone, albeit a remake, is a superb game). But it seems like you won't even get to choose those 20 games and be forced to take those that Nintendo sees fit to offer you, regardless if you already own them like 5 times on different re-releases and/or compilations. Seriously, who here doesn't already own Super Mario Bros at least twice by now ? I'd rather have the amount of money refunded on my eShop account and be left to choose how I spend that money on the eShop. That's Nintendo acting in the most stupid of ways once again.
I'd rather have the amount of money refunded on my eShop account and be left to choose how I spend that money on the eShop.
Would much prefer this actually.
This isn't anything new either. Many consoles have received price cuts not too long after release, so why are people acting like it's the end of the world now? Did people receive stuff as well back when the Xbox or the Gamecube got price cuts not long after their release?
Is it just me, or does it seem like it's only the videogame industry where people are bitching over things like this? If people buy a new TV that just came out and it receives a €100 price cut half a year after that, are they all mad as well and want a money refund from the manufacturer too?
( Edited 05.08.2011 11:24 by SirLink )
SirLink said:
This isn't anything new either. Many consoles have received price cuts not too long after release, so why are people acting like it's the end of the world now? Did people receive stuff as well back when the Xbox or the Gamecube got price cuts not long after their release?Is it just me, or does it seem like it's only the videogame industry where people are bitching over things like this? If people buy a new TV that just came out and it receives a €100 price cut half a year after that, are they all mad as well and want a money refund from the manufacturer too?
At the end of the day, we were the ones that decided we wanted a 3DS at launch. Nintendo isn't to blame, the price isn't to blame, the lack of good games isn't either. The early adoptors should've knew this was coming, I did, SirLink did and I'm pretty sure a few others did.
I'm happy with my 3DS, I've played it quite a lot. To me it was worth what I paid for it and the 20 games are more than enough to compensate me. I will continue to support Nintendo, I just hope they continue to support their customers.
Sure but when that something that Nintendo gives early adopters is something that you already own (for the most part), then that something becomes close to nothing.
Sure we don't know that for sure yet, but if no one complains, Nintendo isn't likely to change its ways if their plan is indeed to make everyone get the same games regardless of whether they already own them or not. If that's the case, some gamers are bound to feel ripped off compared to others. It's only natural that we want to make sure that we're not disappointed if we can help it, and complaining on the Internet is pretty much the only way we have to achieve that.
Hmm, 1 in 3 regret their purchase, and yet 5.4% of these people say they werent intending to buy one. That makes sense.
^ Yes but that was only a small portioned surveyed. A 1/3 is a significant amount of people. Imagine if a larger chunk had been surveyed, the % could be even greater. Likewise it could be smaller, but I am positive it's cause for concern for Nintendo - hence the unconventional "free games" being offered up...
What this means is that the Wii U will be launched at $299 as Nintendo will take a loss to get all the sales it can get. If I was in charge of Nintendo I'd release the Wii U on october 2012 at $399, get holiday sales at that price (3-4 units) and then do a price cut 6-7 months later if sales drop too much.
47% are unsure of Mario Kart or Mario Land? Me thinks Japanese players have got a few screws loose.
Ifrit XXII said:Me thinks so too.
47% are unsure of Mario Kart or Mario Land? Me thinks Japanese players have got a few screws loose.
Dude you miss the point, if a certain percent of people dont intend to purchase a 3DS, how can they regret that purchase?
( Edited 06.08.2011 00:03 by Uzi Suicide )
Uzi Suicide said:
Dude you miss the point, if a certain percent of people dont intend to purchase a 3DS, how can they regret that purchase?
My 3ds friend code is 0602-6416-8713 plz add me
Well hopefully this is a lesson learned for Nintendo that will help make the Wii U launch more successfull, key thing here.....MAKE SURE YOUR SYSTEM IS DIFFERENT TO EVERYONE & MAKE SURE THERE ARE 10 KILLER APP GAMES FOR IT AT LAUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I own just about nothing of what's being offered. I had once owned Fusion, and completed it twice even, but most of the rest that's being offered is new to me.
Didn't have a lot of money available to buy all those games, and I got 'round to gaming a bit late for me to own a NES+any NES games, so that's mostly why.
And believe me I'm not going to be the only one in that situation.
Sure, money back to spend yourself would be better, but I don't have anything to complain about with what I'm getting instead. I have to admit my first thought when I read that they give you a selection of THEIR choosing was pretty much "Well, fuck that shit" but after seeing the list, I'm quite pleased.
Just chill down I guess? You want to achieve something with Nintendo, but you're not quite going to get there if it's just you here on C3. You're mostly probably just going to frustrate a bunch of dudes who disagree with you
This gets more ridiculous as i reflect, 15.3% of people that would never buy one out of the 5% of people that regret their purchase, even if that made sense to Steven Hawkins, i hope this survey realises that, that is around 50 people out of 6500. A good problem to have.. If they wasnt plucking numbers outta thin air that is.
Vorash Kadan said:Rant
Nintendo will probably release Pikmin 3 along with the Wii U, and if there are some actual new games from third parties by then, I'm sure they'll be decent.
Faust D. Strooijer said:
Just chill down I guess? You want to achieve something with Nintendo, but you're not quite going to get there if it's just you here on C3. You're mostly probably just going to frustrate a bunch of dudes who disagree with you
At least you addressed that money to spend at your leisure would be better, that's what I hoped to see .
( Edited 06.08.2011 18:00 by Kafei2006 )
Guys, they surveyed 6500 PEOPLE, not 6500 3DS owners. 5.4% of people surveyed said they don't plan to ever buy a 3DS, not 5.4% of people who already have bought one don't plan to buy one. Read the link: "Of those who had no intention of buying a 3DS, 42.1 per cent blamed the poor selection of games currently available, and 15.3 per cent revealed that they will never buy one."
Someone should do a demotivational poster for the 3DS. Maybe call it the "3DMess".