Assassin's Creed 3DS Cancelled in 2010

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ennan (guest) 21.07.2011#1

Petz and imagine games are NOT what the 3DS needs. I bought the thing for those hardcore titles we were promised and so far the only one we have is zelda and whilst it is a good game it is only a remake of a title I played over a decade ago.
Assasins creed, saints row and mega man - what next?

n00b4t (guest) 21.07.2011#2

sooooooooooooo bad sooooo many games canceled Smilie

Petz for Assassin's creed.
Good trade off. �_�

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

I'm slowly growing to despise Ubisoft with a passion.

That is all. Smilie

Wow, what excellent reasoning you have, Ubisoft. So apparently there can be enough "hardcore" games but there obviously can never be enough shovelware for any videogame system? Way to go, Ubisoft. Smilie

33 (guest) 21.07.2011#6

Why the hell would you cancel this!?!?!?:-x Smilie Smilie

I had read they cancelled it because they basically took everything from this game and used it to build Revelations off of.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

3DS is really turning into a dud rather quickly...

A shame...

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

Square Enix's chocobo racing is next

How was it canceled last year? Just a couple weeks ago they were talking about it.

PMD said:
How was it canceled last year? Just a couple weeks ago they were talking about it.
The decision was made last year; they just didn't say anything about it until a few weeks ago for whatever reason.

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