Really haven't been feeling the love from Nintendo of America lately, but this helps make up for it a lot. Glad they got this going.
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Really haven't been feeling the love from Nintendo of America lately, but this helps make up for it a lot. Glad they got this going.
Probably better than the god awful Nintendo Video the europeans got. Is it me or am I not seeing the 3D effects?
This is probably just you Irfy, I can see the 3D effect just fine. Remember that being pre-rendered 3D content, you can't adjust the depth of the 3D effect, pushing up the depth-slider only turns on the 3D effect.
( Edited 15.07.2011 13:38 by Kafei2006 )
I did that many times, with the 3D just turned off the picture looked just clearer.
It says in the article videos are only 2d at the moment.
Irfy was talking about the videos on the Nintendo Video app that we Europeans got, not the Netflix ones.
Wow, it only took a day for NoA to give Americans something 500000000x times better than the poor crappy service we got.
Nintendo Video isn't a replacement for Netflix. Nintendo Video will be arriving in the US soon.
Rumours suggest Netflix are readying a European service, in the meantime we can enjoy Sky 3D content, and possibly 3D content from the BBC for those in the UK, using a new iPlayer app with 3D content.