Marzy said:
One of the reasons I'm not even getting my hopes up for Wii U's online. I'll believe it when I see it with Nintendo.
I'm not even happy they're going up, it's actually just made me more depressed, because it's another reminder of how awful Nintendo are at online functionality.
My thoughts exactly, though I'm still slightly glad to be able to finally see in 3D what I saw in 2D... almost a month ago...
... Why Nintendo... Why ?
EDIT : And they're still nowhere to be seen for me... Nintendo, you're losing all credibility once again. Now you fragment even the European Market on your eShop ? When will you learn, seriously ?
EDIT 2 : Finally got them at the end of the afternoon.
( Edited 01.07.2011 18:11 by Kafei2006 )