Originally posted in my blog....
I never really was a Zelda fan, even though I had a Nintendo 64, I never really thought I would like them. I was more into Goldeneye, and games like Mario and Banjo.When the GC came around I did grab Wind Waker and I played it and enjoyed it very much...So all these years on and Zelda OOT is on the 3DS. Now I could trade in my DS XLi and get some cash off a 3DS and get one for around £150. But is it worth it?
I mean apart from the Nintendo games which were annouced at the E3 conference, I don't see any other big games that would get me riled for it.
Thoughts or opinions would be appreciated.
So looking into this further
So thats 65 quid for the DSi XL trade in. which makes it the above price.
Another £20 off as its on offer drops it to £135
I can then use the vouchers to get a couple of games.
Plus I get another 10% off for working for the company. So that will be 125ish.
Is there any other games out that could be worth recommending?
Thoughts people? I could do with as many opinions as possible. Thanks
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