3DS - Too buy or not to buy.... :S

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Originally posted in my blog....

I never really was a Zelda fan, even though I had a Nintendo 64, I never really thought I would like them. I was more into Goldeneye, and games like Mario and Banjo.

When the GC came around I did grab Wind Waker and I played it and enjoyed it very much...So all these years on and Zelda OOT is on the 3DS. Now I could trade in my DS XLi and get some cash off a 3DS and get one for around £150. But is it worth it?

I mean apart from the Nintendo games which were annouced at the E3 conference, I don't see any other big games that would get me riled for it.

Thoughts or opinions would be appreciated.

So looking into this further


Image for

So thats 65 quid for the DSi XL trade in. which makes it the above price.

Another £20 off as its on offer drops it to £135

I can then use the vouchers to get a couple of games.

Plus I get another 10% off for working for the company. So that will be 125ish.

Is there any other games out that could be worth recommending?

Thoughts people? I could do with as many opinions as possible. Thanks Smilie

[:: Lee Sanders :: Cubed-3 :: News Reporter :: Writer :: Head Of Secret Operations:: Resisdentual Slacker ::] On Twitter = LeeTSanders I have a Cubed3 limited Edition mug!
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I'd definitely get it at that price. There's Ocarina of Time and the DS back-catalogue to play for now, with Kid Icarus, StarFox, Paper Mario, Luigi's Mansion 2, Mario Kart, Resident Evil and Professor Layton X Phoenix Wright to look forward to. At least. Smilie

( Edited 22.06.2011 23:50 by Ikana )

I've voted 'buy' because I love the system in General. The games worth picking up are Nintendogs (though only if you haven't played the original), Samurai Warriors, Super Street Fighter IV, Dead or Alive and Ocarina of Times are easily some of the best. Others to consider would be Pilotwings and Steel Diver. It's still very early into the systems life (not even half a year yet) but there is a very promising look for the second half. Resident Evil mercenaries next month, then starfox in sep and I'm guessing Mario Kart and Super Mario 3D in the latter half of the year with Luigi's mansion following in jan. There is a lot to look forward to, but very little third party support noted for this year so far. Only time will tell.

I'd say go for it, unless you are concerned about the next console, as it stands, the 3DS can only get bigger, not smaller as it is on par with the DSlite, only improvements in this size may be updated 3D screens and a better battery life and a slight re-design, otherwise its a brilliant system and I'm glad I brought one at launch as regardless of whether I play it or not I tend to take it everywhere with me.

I voted not buy.
Personally I find the 3DS build quality appalling, it feels like a prototype. I bought a DS Phat on day 1 and I regret it now because the build quality was so poor. I feel like I'm now in the exact same position with the 3DS. So that's why I will be waiting until the next model comes out.

Agree with Birdo.

Rule #1 with nintendo handhelds. Never buy the 1st model. Second's always better. DS-lite, GBA-SP Smilie

Nintendo always comes out with superior redesigns if you think about it.

But will we really see a redesign? I mean its very simular to the DSLite. Are we all saying that isn't up to standard?

[:: Lee Sanders :: Cubed-3 :: News Reporter :: Writer :: Head Of Secret Operations:: Resisdentual Slacker ::] On Twitter = LeeTSanders I have a Cubed3 limited Edition mug!
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Birdo Is A Tranny said:

Personally I find the 3DS build quality appalling, it feels like a prototype.

O_o Really? I think it's really nice. The only issue I had with it was the placement of the stylus holder, and I got used to that fairly quickly. What don't you like about it?

Ikana said:
Birdo Is A Tranny said:

Personally I find the 3DS build quality appalling, it feels like a prototype.

O_o Really? I think it's really nice. The only issue I had with it was the placement of the stylus holder, and I got used to that fairly quickly. What don't you like about it?

First of all, the plastic shell itself feels and looks cheap. If I personally was designing the 3DS I would have went with a design more similar to a DS Lite than a DS Phat (Reduce edges, smooth corners and curves). Who ever thought using 2 different shades of the same colour on one handheld was a good idea, definitely must have been smoking some crazy shit. It's hideous looking, the colours are awful, the 3DS looks like a child toy.

LeeTSanders said:
But will we really see a redesign? I mean its very simular to the DSLite. Are we all saying that isn't up to standard?

I wouldn't class the 3DS as on par with the DS Lite build wise. The DS Lite is over 5 years old, it obvious that the 3DS was rushed into production.

( Edited 24.06.2011 14:23 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

I would reccomand buying a 3ds for three good reasons. The first reason there are alot of good games coming out for the 3ds like example super mario 3d, luigi's Mansion 2,Paper mario 3d,mario kart 3d, and tales of the abyss. The second reason you get to play your favorite gameboy, gameboy color, nes, snes, game gear and turbografx16 games. The final reason they are alot of fun.

The second reason you get to play your favorite gameboy, gameboy color, nes, snes, game gear and turbografx16 games.

I can play them all for free on a PC

The final reason they are alot of fun.

I'm sure once the initial gimmick of 3D wears off it starts to get stale fast.

Yeah one thing I'm going to add is nintendo is going to remake the snes and nes games in 3d.

So, I am leaning towards getting one. Next question, if you were to buy 2 games what would you reccommend?

Obviously Zelda must be one.

I understand that you all have different opinions and I thank you all for the feedback.

Lastly, how does the DS games look on it? Mainly Pokemon White

[:: Lee Sanders :: Cubed-3 :: News Reporter :: Writer :: Head Of Secret Operations:: Resisdentual Slacker ::] On Twitter = LeeTSanders I have a Cubed3 limited Edition mug!
DO YOU! So Cute - bit.ly/yIEgXv

I would reccomand you get the Ocarina of time and super mario 3d. But since christmas is coming around the corner I reccomand the ocarina of time and mario kart 3d.

Leaning towards getting one? Didn't you vote 'buy' when you made this topic though? You already seem set on it. Really don't see the point in buying it personally. Only good game atm is a remake of an N64 game. I say wait till the end of the year when there's more to choose from. Your choice.

It's better to wait for more games. I personally think the colour scheme and build are amazing. I love the sharp edges and 3-tier colour scheme. Such a fresh look after the DS went with a standard plain look that just screams "I'm modern and boring". Smilie

If anyone remembers my comments from before the 3DS launch, I had said that I hated the look but seeing it in person really changed my opinion.

The only thing I don't like is the stylus placement. It's very awkward to take out. Also, the lack of a 2nd slide pad means that some left handed gamers are gonna have an awkward time playing certain games. Smilie

( Edited 24.06.2011 21:41 by Ifrit XXII )

Ifrit XXII said:

If anyone remembers my comments from before the 3DS launch, I had said that I hated the look but seeing it in person really changed my opinion.

I'm the exact opposite, when I first saw the system on the web I said to myself day one purchase. When I got to experience it in person I was so disappointed, this is the first Nintendo console I haven't bought in the launch window.

Azuardo said:
Leaning towards getting one? Didn't you vote 'buy' when you made this topic though? You already seem set on it. Really don't see the point in buying it personally. Only good game atm is a remake of an N64 game. I say wait till the end of the year when there's more to choose from. Your choice.

This. Smilie

Azuardo said:
Leaning towards getting one? Didn't you vote 'buy' when you made this topic though? You already seem set on it. Really don't see the point in buying it personally. Only good game atm is a remake of an N64 game. I say wait till the end of the year when there's more to choose from. Your choice.

Yeah I was testing the vote. NEver posted one before. Thanks for pointing out my noob mistake.

And no I am still 50-50, I go to say I will buy it and then I change my mind. Very undecided.
It may be the best game, but its one that I have never played, so its a brand new game for me.

And to others, I want 2 games to get with it if I get it. So thoughts on the other titles.

Mario 3d is a given in the future. I am talking now.

( Edited 24.06.2011 22:53 by LeeTSanders )

[:: Lee Sanders :: Cubed-3 :: News Reporter :: Writer :: Head Of Secret Operations:: Resisdentual Slacker ::] On Twitter = LeeTSanders I have a Cubed3 limited Edition mug!
DO YOU! So Cute - bit.ly/yIEgXv

3D is always worthy to buy in my opinion

I have to agree with Birdo, wait a while for a redesign and some more games to come out. I've had the console since launched and only mucked around with it for about 2 hours and that was with Jump Ultimate Stars. Played OoT till the end of the Deku Tree and haven't looked back since. Star Fox and Luigi's Mansion are increasing my interest in the future of the console howevere

Don't buy it. Wait until the 3DS Lite. It's be cheaper, better hardware. There'll be lots more games by then, and the current stuff will be very cheap.

Hitlers Mum (guest) 24.07.2011#21

I hope there is a red version for Mario Kart. Cause thats when i'll be getting one.

My opinion is that the best time to buy the 3DS is around November. A load of good games are coming out around then, towards the run up to Christmas. You'll also be able to get great, older launch window games (like Streetfighter, Dead or Alive & Resi The Mercs) at lower prices. Some of them are already down to £20 each already.

The original DS was a dud during it's first year. Hopefully the 3DS has the same boost once Nintendo release the big names.

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