It's a silly move. People are gonna want to buy PS3 or Xbox360 over Wii U if Nintendo aren't careful.
Most people will look at a Wii U and think "I can get a PS3 or 360 for less money" and "they have similar graphics and act as multi media devices"!
Nintendo needs to start excepting that they can't have a machine focussed on doing just one thing well anymore. Technology has moved on and people expect their technology to do a multitude of things for them now.
The only way they might get away with it is if they have an online media stratergy. Some way of downloading movies. I know it's not what Nintendo are about, but a company has to evolve to survive. It doesn't mean they can't still focus on bringing us inovative games.
People need a reason to say to themselves "I can't do without this in my living room" and games alone sadly aren't the answer.