E311 | Eguchi Positive for Metroid Wii U

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Didn't want the new console until now. Fuck.

New Metroid FPS trilogy please.

The scanning would work well with the U pad. Almost as if the thing was made with this game in mind! Would be useful having the enemy info there in your hands but wouldn't you have to pause to read it anyway? No different from pausing midgame and reading it on screen...

Either way, imagining a new FPS Metroid on Wii U is mouth watering. Want badly. Bring back Crocomire and Kraid too!

( Edited 15.06.2011 01:17 by Azuardo )

... imagine a Metroid FPS/adventure with the Zelda tech demo quality visuals Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Azuardo said:
New Metroid FPS trilogy please.

The scanning would work well with the U pad. Almost as if the thing was made with this game in mind! Would be useful having the enemy info there in your hands but wouldn't you have to pause to read it anyway? No different from pausing midgame and reading it on screen...

Either way, imagining a new FPS Metroid on Wii U is mouth watering. Want badly.

This. The scanning system could work perfectly though if you think about it without breaking flow of gameplay. Scan enemy, and it remembers this, so whenever you come up against an enemy the bottom screen automatically changes. The best bit though, new system, the screen highlights enemies weak points so you can literally glance at it as well as the best beam/weapon to use Smilie

And, if you where to scan items that were out of reach it would place it on the screen map so next time you are passing through you can grab it when you have the right equipment!

( Edited 15.06.2011 01:20 by Echoes221 )


I think more than any other game mentioned so far, Metroid is a perfect fit for the Wii U.

I saw a picture where the controller would be used as a visor (like the x-ray visor). That would be awesome!

PMD said:
I saw a picture where the controller would be used as a visor (like the x-ray visor). That would be awesome!

Where did you see that picture?

I dont see how this will be better;
*Far worse controlls compared to trillogy.
*Pads scan image wont align to the screen, as it (currently at least), has no backfacing camera or method to track your TV - theres no real alignment better then two. - gyros just give you the angle remember.
* Whats wrong with onscreen highlighting? Surely seeing things to hit in context like with Prime's is more intuative then having to look down at a seperate enemy diagram:?

Of course, can still be a great game even with worse controls mind. And a metroid at some point is a no-brainer.
I'm just not "getting" how this is better just merely because we are splitting information between screens.

( Edited 15.06.2011 10:44 by Darkflame )

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Darkflame said:
I dont see how this will be better;
*Far worse controlls compared to trillogy.
*Pads scan image wont align to the screen, as it (currently at least), has no backfacing camera or method to track your TV - theres no real alignment better then two. - gyros just give you the angle remember.
* Whats wrong with onscreen highlighting? Surely seeing things to hit in context like with Prime's is more intuative then having to look down at a seperate enemy diagram:?

Of course, can still be a great game even with worse controls mind. And a metroid at some point is a no-brainer.
I'm just not "getting" how this is better just merely because we are splitting information between screens.

Haven't stated it would be better, just simple stating of how the controller can be used to give players information. There are also two analogue sticks so I can imagine a control scheme that is similar to the GC's just with dual sticks. And if you're really picky, just use the wiimote+nunchuck combo = trilogy controls.

Do you guys actually think that developers (especially for FPS's) will support BOTH new/traditional controls with the Upad and the Wiimote+Nunchuck combo? Kinda doubting that tbh. Maybe Nintendo will, but what about 3rd parties?

Then again, it all depends on whether one Wiimote+Nunchuck will be included into the package. Controllers without a huge install base because they don't come with the console itself tend to never get much support, if any at all.

After playing the Metroid Prime Trilogy, I can't possibly imagine going back to dual analog for first-person games. It just feels so more natural and it was the first time I actually greatly enjoyed a game in a first-person perspective.

That aside, scanning could be amazing with the Upad. All depends on how well it's executed.

SirLink said:
Then again, it all depends on whether one Wiimote+Nunchuck will be included into the package. Controllers without a huge install base because they don't come with the console itself tend to never get much support, if any at all.
I don't think that it depends on that at all. There are already hundreds of millions of Wii Remotes out there in people's homes.

After playing the Metroid Prime Trilogy, I can't possibly imagine going back to dual analog for first-person games. It just feels so more natural and it was the first time I actually greatly enjoyed a game in a first-person perspective.

For metroid games the Wii remote works perfectly and I think it would be a lot less innacurate with analogue. However, for other FPS no. The reason why metroid works so well on the Wii is due to the lock on feature. Regular shooters lack the accuracy as well as weapon and gun movement looking just plain weird. Dual analogue in those situations.


Tired of Metroid...
Give me a new F-Zero already...

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

This is incredibly useless news. Of course there is going to be a Metroid on the console.

And I really really hope Nintendo will always keep supporting Wiimote's IR aiming... I can't imagine playing a FPS with just the thumb pads.

Dr Shrapnel (guest) 15.06.2011#15

Of course there's going to be a Metroid game for U. Was there ever any doubt?

Darkflame said:

*Pads scan image wont align to the screen, as it (currently at least), has no backfacing camera or method to track your TV - theres no real alignment better then two. - gyros just give you the angle remember.

Think I heard something about a sensor for the Upad also... But I could be wrong.

Anyway. Metroid is coming, we know that. As Zelda and Mario also...

But why is everyone saying it's an FPS? What about 3rd person shooter?

If it is an fps I would not mind the game haveing Wiimote controls like some other have mentioned. But the pad could be usefull too... So let's just take a wait and see aproach shall we, since we know NOTHING about the game? Smilie

nry (guest) 15.06.2011#17

Darkflame said:
I dont see how this will be better;
*Far worse controlls compared to trillogy.
*Pads scan image wont align to the screen, as it (currently at least), has no backfacing camera or method to track your TV - theres no real alignment better then two. - gyros just give you the angle remember.
* Whats wrong with onscreen highlighting? Surely seeing things to hit in context like with Prime's is more intuative then having to look down at a seperate enemy diagram:?

Of course, can still be a great game even with worse controls mind. And a metroid at some point is a no-brainer.
I'm just not "getting" how this is better just merely because we are splitting information between screens.

The U controller can see the WiiU sensor bar - hence it knows the position of the TV screen position. The tech demo's already proved the ability to hold the controller in front of the TV for a zoom-in style function etc. so it is more than possible Smilie

EvonM said:
Darkflame said:

*Pads scan image wont align to the screen, as it (currently at least), has no backfacing camera or method to track your TV - theres no real alignment better then two. - gyros just give you the angle remember.

Think I heard something about a sensor for the Upad also... But I could be wrong.

Anyway. Metroid is coming, we know that. As Zelda and Mario also...

But why is everyone saying it's an FPS? What about 3rd person shooter?

If it is an fps I would not mind the game haveing Wiimote controls like some other have mentioned. But the pad could be usefull too... So let's just take a wait and see aproach shall we, since we know NOTHING about the game? Smilie

Its the logical conclusion from having a console that's that powerful as well as Retro's 100% ending for Prime 3 suggesting a continuation. Though if they made a HD 2.5D sidescroller (thats not Other M) I would be in bounty hunter heaven.

I saw a Mass Effect mod of Samus floating around that looked sweet.

Metroid is one of the few series where it can work in a variety of genres. A third person Metroid would be awesome, but I still want a true 2D sequel, another FPS one, and perhaps even another Other M-type game.

Echoes221 said:
EvonM said:
Darkflame said:

*Pads scan image wont align to the screen, as it (currently at least), has no backfacing camera or method to track your TV - theres no real alignment better then two. - gyros just give you the angle remember.

Think I heard something about a sensor for the Upad also... But I could be wrong.

Anyway. Metroid is coming, we know that. As Zelda and Mario also...

But why is everyone saying it's an FPS? What about 3rd person shooter?

If it is an fps I would not mind the game haveing Wiimote controls like some other have mentioned. But the pad could be usefull too... So let's just take a wait and see aproach shall we, since we know NOTHING about the game? Smilie

Its the logical conclusion from having a console that's that powerful as well as Retro's 100% ending for Prime 3 suggesting a continuation. Though if they made a HD 2.5D sidescroller (thats not Other M) I would be in bounty hunter heaven.

Well. I could see an FPS on Wii U and a 2.5 on 3DS...

Scanning items by holding up the New Controller and get extra info on the screen? Very interesting idea! Now, the controls would feel weird for me since after playing all 3 MP games with Wii+Nunchuck (I also own the first two on GC) and then going back to dual analog is not something enticing...

If it's a prime like first person game, wouldn't it just use one analogue stick with the aim button/lock on?

"scan your enemy and find where its weakspot is" by glancing through the touchscreen as a scanner window in itself.

That's exactly what I thought - scanning would be a great opportunity. You see, I am a big fan of the Metroid-Prime-branch of the franchise.
But aside from that, a multiplayer would be possible in the style of the one used in the Wii-U reel, where one player is samus, sees everything through the controller, even from above, and the other (bountyhunters?) have to chase her.

Aside from that, it would be a shame to lose the Wii-steering of the last Prime-game. You can not use Wiimote and the new controller at the same time, as ist would be impossible to switch fast enough between the two.
But I liked the gamecube-steering better then the Wiimote, since I played the game on my beloved Cube first. That would be possible to adapt to the new controller.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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