E311 | Friend Codes Get The Boot On Wii U

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Can I get an Amen?!?!

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

a step in the right direction! alls thats left is actual communication between friends, same with the 3ds. It isnt enough just knowing a friend is online and playing a game, we still need to be able to message them asking them if they wanna play.

I was under the impression that he was talking about Ghost Recon Online here, and not the U system as a whole.

I'm not convinced that this is implying he's talking about system-wide online accounts here.

It's most likely Nintendo will indeed have system-wide online IDs in place, but I'm not 100% sure this is referring to the U at the moment, rather just Ubi's game.

I really hope I'm wrong.

( Edited 09.06.2011 16:31 by Azuardo )

Azuardo said:
I was under the impression that he was talking about Ghost Recon Online here, and not the U system as a whole.

I'm not convinced that this is implying he's talking about system-wide online accounts here.

It's most likely Nintendo will indeed have system-wide online IDs in place, but I'm not 100% sure this is referring to the U at the moment, rather just Ubi's game.

I really hope I'm wrong.

I was about to post the exact same thing. Ubisoft clearly stated last night that they could not comment about Wii U as a wole and that it would be up to Nintendo to reveal online details.

While one can probably assume, it is not a guarantee.

I think there's no need to be sceptical here. After all, why would 3rd party developers (of online games) be excited if Wii U didn't have a proper account based system?

( Edited 09.06.2011 16:48 by SirLink )

I have adjusted this news story slightly, as it's not confirmed either way whether Ubisoft were applying this statement to Wii U as a whole or just Ghost Recon Online.

I think it should be more like with steam, were you add people with their log-in name, and you have a seperate screen-name that can be anything. And you have a seperate icon that helps tell duplicates apart.

E-Dracon said:
I think it should be more like with steam, were you add people with their log-in name, and you have a seperate screen-name that can be anything. And you have a seperate icon that helps tell duplicates apart.
That would be awesome, actually. It would be the best of both worlds.

Will the new system be worth my buy may be I should just wait awhile before rushing out to buying it.

E-Dracon said:
I think it should be more like with steam, were you add people with their log-in name, and you have a seperate screen-name that can be anything. And you have a seperate icon that helps tell duplicates apart.

This, otherwise it will be a username race.


If it does have usernames, I would like the ability to rename then when adding them to my friend roster (i.e. rename "gamer2917" to "Joe Smith") so I can keep track better. You can do this with the Wii address book. I don't know if you can on Xbox/PS3.

FINALLy!!! I hope this idea of online is true about the Nintendo Wii U system itself because I'm so sick of writing and memorizing numbers just to get one freaken friend as a friend on a game and then decide to be friends on the address book. I've had the Wii for awhile and honestly i cant imagine games like Animal Crossing, which I have grown very fond of, not having friend codes because of the online format it has but im sure it will work out with out #'s

Mamoon Hindi
Will Be
jim (guest) 10.06.2011#13

Ill belive it when i see it. The only thing ghostvrecon confirmed is support for downloading large game sine the gamr will be a digital release

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