£200 in UK with a couple of quality first party launch titles, and I'll probably be on board.
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£200 in UK with a couple of quality first party launch titles, and I'll probably be on board.
If its £180 that would be acceptable. Anything more = You lost my support Nintendo.
I'm quite meh/ unsure what to make.. I want proper hardcore experiences with a standard controller too.
Honestly, I'd pay pretty much anything I could afford. It's just like with the 3DS for me. This the console where the new Nintendo games will be on. That's enough to sell me on almost any new system.
( Edited 08.06.2011 13:12 by SirLink )
its not gonna be £180... thats just the conversion of the japanese estimate, lets not forget the inevitable getting taxxed out the ass. I predict £250 atleast but hell i preordered my 3ds for that much and after finally seeing this thing and what it can do i'd happily pay that, but £180-£200 would actually be a really good price.
I'd be willing to go as high as $299, but I do want a couple of solid launch titles for the system. It has so much potential and Nintendo and the 3rd Parties have a decent amount of time to create (or dare I say alter titles in the works ie Sonic Generations or Street Fighter VS Tekken) games for the launch or launch window of this system. Heck, I'd be cool with a decent variety of apps or mini games, at launch, for this system for the time being, and demos would be great too. Just something to tide me over until the real games come out.
Oh and Miyamoto, push that darn Pikmin Game's production. LAUNCH PLEASE!
For sure, it won't be less than £200. £250 is probably about right. I paid £250 for my PS3 and would happily pay the same for this Nintendo system too.
SirLink said:
Honestly, I'd pay pretty much anything I could afford. It's just like with the 3DS for me. This the console where the new Nintendo games will be on. That's enough to sell me on almost any new system.
I just read this post. I'm not gonna lie. I feel the same way. It maybe foolish, die-hard loyalty, but it will always be Nintendo for me too. And so far the WiiU makes me feel that my patience has finally been rewarded. Please Nintendo, give me something great, yet again.
Glenjamin said:SirLink said:
Honestly, I'd pay pretty much anything I could afford. It's just like with the 3DS for me. This the console where the new Nintendo games will be on. That's enough to sell me on almost any new system.I just read this post. I'm not gonna lie. I feel the same way. It maybe foolish, die-hard loyalty, but it will always be Nintendo for me too. And so far the WiiU makes me feel that my patience has finally been rewarded. Please Nintendo, give me something great, yet again.
I feel the same way too. I'm quite liking the idea, although I'm skeptical about how things will work etc. but I guess all that will be clear in the months leading up to the launch of the system. Hopefully the final version will be great!
To those worrying that the Wii U will be far behind when MS and Sony release their next consoles. I don't think that any huge progression will be made in terms of graphics and we can hopefully see the Wii U keeping up with the competition.
I could be completely and utterly wrong, but hey. Try to have some faith in Nintendo!
The Zelda tech demo they shown yesterday was honestly the most beautiful thing ever for me, as a Nintendo fan. I will be looking forward to Mario, Zelda, Pikmin, Metroid and hopefully Star Fox, F-Zero and other Nintendo franchises.. all in HD! *drools*
Not entirely sure whether I'll buy this on launch though. Only time will tell!
It would be foolish to think that this console would be possible at 250 EUR or $ 250, but I hope it's not above 300.
To be honest, with touchscreen, high performance, HD and streaming of content to the new controller, 300 EUR would be a bargain. I hope it's not that much higher. realistically, even 350 would be possible, but I hope not.
Remember: PS3 and X360 all did cost a lot more when released...!
I'm going to predict a £250 price tag.
I'm thinking £250 as well, hopefully it'll have at least 16GB of flash memory.
I think video games are still fairly cheap, even with the rising console and game prices. I mean, even at the (US) minimum wage, the price of the WiiU is still only a week's worth of work. So unless you were really being squeezed by rent and insurance, it shouldn't be too hard to afford.
Stulaw said:
I'm thinking £250 as well, hopefully it'll have at least 16GB of flash memory.
SirLink said:Stulaw said:
I'm thinking £250 as well, hopefully it'll have at least 16GB of flash memory.
If all else fails, we at least have the option to use external USB HDDs.
Yep, I can get a 1TB one for £40-£45.
Nintendo need to be really careful. With the PSVita being priced at the same amount as a 3DS, they've already lost a big chunk of the handheld marketshare. The WiiU costing much more than the PS3/360 will not go down well considering the tech will be similar minus the controller.
I'm more interested in the price of the tablet.
Ifrit XXII said:
With the PSVita being priced at the same amount as a 3DS, they've already lost a big chunk of the handheld marketshare.
I wouldnt hold my breath about the Vita price, I would estimate £299 at the very least.
Dice, at the moment, they don't have plans to sell the tablet separately. One per console.
Yes , indeed I just read that in the next artical, a disaster
I wonder if it will also sell with a Wii Remote+ and nunchuk too or just come with the Wii U controller.
I'm going to guess that it'll just come with the Wii U controller and leave Wii Remotes to separate purchases (if needed).
Given that it's now been confirmed by IBM to have a Power7 CPU with more than 16Mb eDRAM and (judging by the tech demos) a likely custom AMD Radeon 1Gb GDDR5 GPU it'll be a BEAST!!!
It'll be around 4-5 times more powerful than a PS3 so don't expect it to be less than £300.
The lowest spec Power7 CPU is a quad core running at 3.0GHz with 16Mb eDRAM and IBM have stated that it has 'a lot' of memory. Even if the custom Power7 is running at 3.0GHz it'll probably have a 24 or 32Mb eDRAM which'll make it fly like poo off a shovel. I can't wait to see what this beauty is going to be capable of!
The Wii u controller is a single player contoller to play the story mode and you can play in 5player games without jusing 5splitscreens and mabey later Nintendo Will release a second controller incase it is broken
I bought the wii day one with zelda. Was relatively happy. If it launches with a game like pikmin and the third party support in the works is looking good I will buy day one. I want it for no more then £200. THe tech is going to be considerable to the PS3 bar the controller.
Sonic_13 said:
I wonder if it will also sell with a Wii Remote+ and nunchuk too or just come with the Wii U controller.I'm going to guess that it'll just come with the Wii U controller and leave Wii Remotes to separate purchases (if needed).
I think it should come with one wii remote and nun chuk if not goodbye to another zelda playing like skyward sword or metroid playing with pointer controls. It will be consigned to casual party games.
That would be a tragedy because after six years of wii there will be just one game (zelda) that would have demonstrated how motion could be used in a complex game setting.
I think that the new controller/concept is absolutely brilliant; however, I think that the name is what is going to kill it. The Wii brand does not share the same reputation as Apple's "i" brand.
Parents are not going to understand that this is a different machine, especially if Nintendo is showing off videos of this thing playing with the Wii remotes.