I was really skeptical at first, but the more I think about it the more I think that it could lead to some really exciting ideas. I just bought a used copy of Pokemon stadium for N64 not too long ago. On that game, your Pokemon's moves are mapped to the C-buttons. So if you memorize them, you can keep them hidden from your opponents. But only if you memorize them. On the WiiU, you would not have to; the moves would be on your controller.
I'm happy to see the graphics will be nice and in HD. I hope the internet support is good. They suggest it is, but did not do much to back it up. Oh, and the 3rd party support seems fantastic for once. 
I'm worried about the price of controllers, though. Also, if some games require standard Wii controllers, along with zappers and nunchuks and what have you, the casual gamer could get confused. What happens if they buy a new game but find out it requires a Wii controller, which they don't have? That will be frustrating.
Also, the name is lame. I'll get past that, though. I think this will be worth it.
PMD said:
To clarify how the thing works, the WiiU console will still be on, but it will stream the signal to the controller rather than to the TV. So I don't think you will be able to use the controller without the new console.
That's how I understood it works.
( Edited 07.06.2011 18:28 by TAG )