The Last Story

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User Poll - Will you get The Last Story?

I am definitely buying it!
I will get it eventually, it looks good.
I might get it, depending on reviews.
I probably won't get it.
I have no interest in it at all.

UntoItsDream said:
The Last Story is not included in the Famitsu's Top 50 Nintendo Games of All Time. If a game can't manage to be included in a list , where a mediocre 7.5 game like Skyward can achieve 10th place, then it'S a hopeless game.
LOL. You just called Skyward Sword mediocre. Go back to playing Call of Duty, it seems like it'll be right up your street... oh wait, I've seen those get 85% and below too.

Well, it seems like there are only a few games you WOULD like.

Anyways, back on topic...
@SirLink I reached Chapter 30 a couple of days ago, haven't really played anything since then but I'm sure I will play some more today after I've sorted out things that need to be done.

You're right about not being able to make any direct comparisons, I can't either. They're both great games in their own ways and I just love the combat system in TLS. The game gives you an option of either taking a strategic approach or just going in and kicking ass. I find myself doing both of these, it makes every battle feel different.

I also like how the combat system just keeps evolving how you get further into the game. Like when you first get command mode. The game's like "So, you've fully learnt the combat system now. Here's command mode, so you can command your allies to do what you wish for them to do"

At first, I didn't really warm to the voice acting. Probably because it's British and being British myself, I don't really want to hear that. I'm now getting used to it though and I really like it. Some of the voices fit their characters more than others, but all the voices give more life to the characters.

I especially love Syrenne's voice; a loud Northerner who just absolutely loves getting wasted. I can't think of a better voice/accent for her.

As for the music and the story, I love it all. Some of the most beautifully composed pieces of music in this game and it really helps to aid the story. I like how the main menu theme has a number of variations within the game. Some of the battle music is just fantastic, too.

Overall, I would probably give it a 9. The only true reason I would knock off a point is because of the slowdown, which honestly isn't a huge issue for myself. Smilie

( Edited 08.03.2012 13:32 by Mush123 )

Guest 08.03.2012#77

The world is laughing at Skyward sword, just a quick news for everybody who only lives in their little kiddy console world.

( Edited 08.03.2012 15:50 by UntoItsDream )

I laugh at Game Trailers, Bonus Round's ridiculous nowadays, plus Michael Pachter's a Microsoft Fanboy, not that that has anything to do with his biased Nintendo "predictions" and trolling.

I'm not saying Skyward Sword's the best game ever (it's not even near) but to say that "The World's Laughing" at it, and we live in a "Kiddy console world" is really stupid, I mean, you're just trolling on here, so what's the point of you being here?

Anyway, I'm going to get the last story soonish hopefully, I really wish I had the money though, but job replies are coming in now thankfully.

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NNID: Stulaw
Guest 08.03.2012#79

I pre-ordered that garbage, got to the 'hit 10 birds within 120 seconds' part, and then shelved it. And then GameSpot came with their 7.5, which verified its shityness.

It's better than Skyrim, i'll give you that (which is not a commendable achievement, that game was shit), but that was the last time i won't be paying attention to reviews.

And Jeff Gertsmann gave Ocarina a 10 on GameSpot, so you were pulling the Nintendo bias out of your ass.

( Edited 08.03.2012 15:56 by UntoItsDream )

I said Michael Pachter not Jeff Gertsmann...

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

UntoItsDream said:
I pre-ordered that garbage, got to the 'hit 10 birds within 120 seconds' part, and then shelved it. And then GameSpot came with their 7.5, which verified its shityness.

It's better than Skyrim, i'll give you that (which is not a commendable achievement, that game was shit), but that was the last time i won't be paying attention to reviews.

I'm not even going to attempt starting anything more with you. You're just like Vorash, another member here who does this sort of thing regularly. (No offence Vorash mate.. he's actually a lot worse than you)

Anyways, regarding Skyward Sword. So, you think it's shit and GameSpot think it's shit. There are probably a bunch of other people who think so too.

Me, personally? I loved Skyward Sword. Absolutely loved it. It's definitely in my top 5 Zelda games. Heck, maybe even in my top 3. Though I can't really choose which would go where, so yeah. Just know that it has become one of my favourite Zelda games and I just loved pretty much everything about it.

I wouldn't say I'm generally a person with high expectations, but being a Zelda game.. I expected it to be great. The outcome? It was probably better than I expected it to be. Sure, it may of had it's "flaws" and no.. accidentally falling off a ledge/not quite making a jump is not a flaw, it's the player's fault. I'm pretty sure we've all done it once or twice.

The point I'm trying to get at, is you can have your own opinion as long as I can have my "shit" opinion. Also, don't post anymore "85%.. wait for a price drop" or anything along those lines. One because, nobody really cares. Two because, it really isn't relevant. You can say what scores a game has got, but not say "it isn't worth your money" or "wait for a price drop". Unless of course, it's something like Petz, Hamsterz, Horsez, Alienz, Unicornz, whatever that shitty series Ubisoft has going on can be called.

Even then though, it's still wrong to completely butcher someone else's opinion. By all means agree with it, or even disagree with it. Just know that not only your opinion or one publication's opinion are NOT the only opinions that matter. Everyone's opinion matters.

I'm done, hopefully we can all just get along now. Smilie

( Edited 08.03.2012 16:09 by Mush123 )

Guest 08.03.2012#82

don't post

I post whatever i want , you despicable maggot.

Another review of Zelda from Electronic Gaming Monthly,that highlights its archaic design choice.

( Edited 08.03.2012 17:04 by UntoItsDream )

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So what are your favorite games UntoItsDream? Please bless us with your wisdom.

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Marzy said:
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More seriously folks settle down right now, or some people will get banned.

If you can't get your point across without insulting someone, then most likely your point is not a valid one.

Moreover... This is a "The Last Story" thread, not Skyward Sword. We have a Skyward Sword thread for that game.

( Edited 08.03.2012 17:02 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I'm loving this game and dont want it to ever end - ABOUT 7 HOURS IN AND LOVING EVERY MOMENT!! I wish at times they would have released it on the Wii U - this game needs a HD port so bad!!!


Wii Code: 6399-3866-6269-0745
PSN: SherWiinator Currently playing: LOZ: SS
Wishlist: Last Story, Pandora's tower, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3

CanNOT wait untill JuLYY!! Theatrythm, LS & KHDDD....that's a busy month.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I'm about 4 hours into the game, and I really like it, although I found a glitch in chapter 5 that meant I had to reload the game to fix it.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

Hi guys ! We are proud to present you our documentary dedicated to The Last Story.

The documentary :

The conception of this documentary is a gathering of a whole years of translation which was done for This work was essential to achieve a concise but well documented overview of the game and its development. The main steps of the creation were highlighted as well as its structure and gameplay. The game storyline was deliberately set aside allowing the players to find it out by themselves.

First realization of the team, this documentary illustrates perfectly the approach of focusing on different aspects from game design to the realization and presenting the designers/creators behind the game. We try to offer a more timeless content, result of many reflections and analysis by putting ourselves on the sideline of the actuality. Other documentaries are already planned, and they will be all dubbed in French and English.

I hope you will appreciate it as much as we like The Last Story !

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