The $ <-> �£ exchange rate is always a bit odd
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The $ <-> �£ exchange rate is always a bit odd
It's quite funny how WarioWare: Smooth Moves will be �£20 now. It should have been that price from the start.
No smash bros...darn
Pretty good deal, �£129 is decent.
( Edited 04.05.2011 21:45 by jb )
Wheres mario galaxy. I still dont own either. I want them at £20 each. This platinum range is rubbish for my taste. Nintendo always dip their toes into any water they decide to test. Sometimes you should just jump in.
Is it ironic that one of the platinum games use to be free. Is that irony? TO go from free to cheap (possibly overpriced since sport is the poor mans resort.)
( Edited 04.05.2011 22:18 by jb )
I wonder what kind of reasoning they had when they decided to only treat the American market to Twilight Princess for $20. What the hell were they thinking?(
if somebody gets the reference
( Edited 04.05.2011 15:17 by SirLink )
Console price is a decent deal (could still be lower to really push numbers) but those UK games deals are not all that great. Smooth Moves was a launch window game wasn't it? I'd pay no more than �£10 for it new!
i`ve seen it for �£8
SirLink said:
I wonder what kind of reasoning they had when they decided to only treat the American market to Twilight Princess for $20.What the hell were they thinking?(
if somebody gets the reference
Angry Videogame Nerd?
Zelda for $20 is due to this being the 25th anniversary of the series and the 3DS getting Ocarina of Time 3D and the Wii getting Skyward Sword... right? Or will it get delayed and put on Wii and Project Cafe as was the case with Twilight Princess?
Header says $150/£150 but it's £130 in the UK.
The Gamecube launched for
(sorry, comment got trimmed when I fixing £ signs ~ JB)
( Edited 04.05.2011 22:18 by jb )
They have always gone on about external hard disks but they never appeared for the Wii - Nintendo will be keeping base power consumption down, heat down so less fans = less noise.
I'm still expecting this to be a comparable size to the Wii, and lack of internal hard disk will allow this pretty easily yet still allow a suitable spec. to push FullHD - I'd hope to see 1080p but watch Nintendo do 1080i...
Theres no point in 1080i, its not cheaper gpu wise (also I think you posted that win the wrong place)
I wonder what kind of reasoning they had when they decided to only treat the American market to Twilight Princess for $20.
I bet Nintendo-europe chose the titles.
is nintendo going to create a new Wii?
Marzy said:
It's quite funny how WarioWare: Smooth Moves will be �£20 now. It should have been that price from the start.
Take that back Marzy! Smooth Moves was and still is one of the best games on the Wii. It is still played by my family and has been beaten by three of us.
Wii Party, Mario Kart, and NSMBWii are the only games that get more play time.
Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.
Who the hell doesn't have Wii Sports already? Did they release bundles outside of Japan that didn't have Wii Sports?
Basically, wii sports is meant to make more money for nintendo out of new consumers. Someone who wanted a wii to play wii sports but couldnt afford it before now has to purchase it. On the up side they end up with 2 games: mario kart and wii, sports but for £150.
Wii sports although intuitive for its time has aged two fold. Its graphics and tech feel ancient. You dont quite realise how limited the wii remote was. You cant direct shots by swing at all. A game like red steel 1 should have never existed.
( Edited 06.05.2011 07:17 by meeto_0 )
About 'effing time! Although yeh, the exchange rate is terrible.